Saturday, April 13, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #2

April 5, 2019

The foreign born former A list syndicated actress turned reality star turned celebrity so far has been fending off the appeals for her to come to London in person. She knows there could be some type of kidnapping or murder in the next couple of days and wants to be nowhere close.

Pamela Anderson


  1. She should send Lindsay Lohan in her place. She likes being a spy, and Assange would like her technique.

  2. These days Pam looks messy and like she's smelling of old silicone. Which I imagine must smell like dirty old tires. Yuck!

  3. I can't imagine he was wanting rode hard and put away wet Pammy for sex, as by several accounts he likes checking out 14 year old girls. He's a disgusting, slimey run of the mill ugly nerd who has enjoyed his 15 minutes of fame (as any fugly person does) who used ol' Pammy for a little more media coverage. Maybe at the beginning, he had a point and was actually trying to do something, but then the years of being fugly came out and took over.

  4. piss off E , what are you on about fuckwit. She has been a loyal advocate , but there's only so much she could do? Not sure why she's put in that situation ...

    Murder is a bit dramatic. Ecuador no longer was willing to grant asylum. Assange should've gone to Sweden long ago , he's a moron ... since when does Sweden kow-tow to the U.S.?

  5. I assume the US or UK will freeze what is left of his assets. He won't be able to pay their fees or buy gifts or whatever they call it in the yachtaverse

  6. Hopefully Hillary "excuses" Clinton won't get her withered warty claws on Assange.

  7. And it's true the once shockingly-beautiful Anderson is beat now.

  8. HushHush-- LOL! Love thinking of Linds as a spy!😂

    1. A Pam Anderson and LiLo buddy-spy B-comedy would actually be gold.

      The mystery would be is Lindsay acting or "improvising" thinking its real? 🤔Cocaine is one helluva drug, so I hear...

  9. @Vita One of the funniest stories, let alone a blind, that I've ever read. Did they ever reveal it I wonder?

  10. J ..You nailed it. Clintons like to kill off any political enemies. All of DC is afraid of them. One wonders who backs them that they have that much power? Have read hillary's father was mafia. Assange cost hillary the election by publishing the damning Podesta of them referring to Seth Rich, (who leaded her emails), "Should we make an example out of him?" Guess the answer was yes as he was murdered too.

  11. I just read the article on Ken Starr talking about Hilary’s humiliation of Vince Foster that led to his “suicide. Assange and pammie better have bodyguards they trust.

  12. Assange is in jail, his bodyguards can be crips, bloods or MS13 convicts. Looking at how he looked when they dragged him out, why the hell would Pammie want to be involved with that filthy pig at all?

  13. Assange has a ton of bitcoin. Assuming he's stashed the private key in a safe place, he will do fine.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Not all people are shallow. Intelligence & truth telling can be much more of a turn on. I hope he is extradited & his testimony re leaks ect will fuck all the Democrats

  16. Hillary lost because she's an unlikable old witch. And she got lazy, thinking she had the elections in the bag. Nothing to do with the Podesta emails which very few people knew about. It's not as if they got big MSM coverage.

  17. Still love that Assange wiped his poop on the walls before being turned into estofado.

  18. Sweden is a bitch to the US just like every other western govt. The original(female) prosecutor interviewed the accusers, saw the 'evidence' and wanted to drop the case as there was none. Pressure form the UK ensured it continued. Assange got knifed in the back by the very newspaper he gave the scoop to/won a pulitzer for his info, the Guardian. Who then threw their source under the bus.

  19. +1 Longtime
    Free Assange!

  20. Anyone calling assange a pig, traitor,rapist or anything else is media brainwashed. So sad to be living in a society where we are not arresting the war criminals but arresting the men and women who expose the war crimes.

    While you mock assange, with his arrest is in jeopardy freedom of the press. Imagine enty with all the pedo blinds and reveals to be caught. If you're not scared you should
