Saturday, April 20, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #1

April 17, 2019

Those two singing movie franchise co-stars who ended up marrying are now splitting.

Anna Camp/Skylar Astin (and two days after the blind, they announced their split)


  1. Can't stop crying.

  2. I remember many on here implying it shouldn't happen from the start. This didn't last long

  3. Adelle has announced that she is splitting up with her husband btw.

  4. Sadi- Sad, but credit to Enty on that one...he had blinds about his shenanigans.

  5. Aren't they both gay? I thought this one would last, just for the convenience of it, if nothing else.

  6. I'm not looking this up, but I happened to see a video of these two kids, they had to be underage, saying that they didn't marry and it was all a joke/hoax. Are we talking about these two? If we are this is such a none issue. These are stupid YouTube kids we're talking about.

  7. @Bliss No, these are actual actors. Pitch Perfect franchise.

  8. Wow Enty, you had a blind about them breaking up two days before they announced? God you love patting yourself on the back. Problem is anyone that was remotely familiar with these two have been talking about them breaking up since January. Not sure what number Enty we're on now, but it's pretty damn clear this Enty doesn't have the same quality of Hollywood insiders that older Enty's have had.

  9. Anna Camp is pretty hot, she'll have no problems being back on the market.

  10. Does anyone have any info as to why they broke up?
