Friday, April 26, 2019

Blind Item #9

Do you suppose that the foreign born former boy bander will come clean with the world that the elderly person he helped is actually a hired actor? Lots of casting calls out there featuring him. Do you suppose he will come clean and tell the world it was just actually a promotion for his new single? 



  2. I dont think he will come clean. It seems to be some kind of new trend where they dont wash or shower for days, so whatever else he does, he MOST CERTAINLY wont come clean!

  3. that no wash or shower thing has been going on for years. it's usually a result of sexual abuse.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. So his former bandmate gets his sister hooked on drugs, after his mom dies. Then the sister dies. And he has young siblings who need an adult in their lives, not some random hire. He should be focused on his family like Shania was after her parents died.

  6. Ugh! Everything has become so manipulated, it's just gross. Now he better back off whatever this was going to be connected to, or he's going to look like a real jackass for not admitting it from start.

    We're nearing the point that only things NOT caught by video or reported on SM will be believed.

  7. +1 AkhaldanSolo - I thought so at the time.

  8. This blind is so dumb it makes my head hurt. They put out a advertisement for someone to share their story and asked if they would like to do a bucket list. The guy may have been a actor but his story was real and saying its faked is disgusting considering he talked about losing his wife to Alzheimer's. the video was originally supposed to be aired on tv as part as fundraising for children in need but obviously had to be delayed because of the tragic death of his sister. Blinds like this are stupid especially when someones trying to put out stuff that may help others.

  9. oh and whoever sent this in must be one of those crazy harry fans on twitter this is word for word exactly what some of them said on twitter. They try and find ways to put the other members of 1d down. Sad and pathetic.

  10. Agreeing with nkendn, dke. Y’all are messed up to find a scheme in a lovely thing Louis did. He is kind and the world doesn’t deserve him. Now go call or spend time with an 80 something year old and get back to me about what it made you feel.

  11. The video says Richard was an actor and we know they put out a call for this role. Having said that the facts of the situation are true and loss is loss even if you are an actor/singer. Richard lost his wife of 60+ years during the same time Louis Tomlinson lost his mother. Nothing confusing or dishonest.

  12. I agree with Anya.

    Half the video is about the fact the old guy is a retired performer, and he sings passably well to an arena audience at the end.

    Does it really make a difference whether Tomlinson met him down the pub or at a casting call?

    He's still old, he's still a lonely widower, and it's still a good video.

    This blind's a fail, Enty.

  13. it seems that in this site they have something against louis and zayn they always write so ridiculous blinds about them, besides of course there was a casting and in the video they say that richard is an actor, and it is also real that he lost his wife, probably it was the story that louis liked best and that's why he chose it

  14. If your entire performing life is a manipulation of reality in order to make money then i can see how this can happen. Cowell must have really screwed with his ethics, he thinks in p.r. only because that is all he knows.

  15. Ok, if he disclosed that they solicited for the story, and the guy found just happened to be a past performer, that makes me feel better. I had interpreted it as they hired an elderly actor, then made up the rest of the story.

  16. actors are real people too. Being an actor does not mean he is a widower with a bucket list.



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