Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Blind Item #9

This foreign born permanent A list singer who has multiple lucrative side businesses is spending a great deal of time smoking pot and eating junk food. She says she loves it. Her people want her to do some music and go on tour. 


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  2. Replies
    1. Agree Rihanna.. I hate her nickname.. her name is too pretty to be shortened to “rih rih”... 😑

  3. Anonymous10:47 AM

    rih rih

  4. That's what I do daily. Where can I find this person and friend them?

  5. Sounds like Adele more than Riri although I can see her too.

  6. +100000000 Rih Rih
    Yep totally forgot about Fenty Beauty

  7. Anonymous10:49 AM

    dont forget about savage. what does adele have? rihanna loves pot and junk food and isnt afraid to tell you lol

  8. the main reason i won't/don't smoke is the munchies (weight gain). although the sativa strains don't make you as mellow and lethargic. i gain weight easy enough. don't need additional help.

  9. Rihanna also has some perfume , and a stylist /photography agency, and fenty x puma

  10. As if it news like Adele likes junk food? ( If it is adele)

  11. Absolutely Rih Rih. Love her Fenty foundation. Living the good life, and I love it.

  12. It certainly sounds like she needs less people telling her what to do, she is the one paying them, right?

  13. This is Rihanna. Adele likes her wine.

  14. This is definitely Rihanna

  15. Solid plan. I like it.

  16. I never binge out when I smoke. Ha, its like the only time that I DON'T want to binge out...

  17. Rhi rhi has the fenty line and all her acting side crap...

    1. And people bitched cuz she started eating again and gained weight

  18. It's also not like she's being lazy, she has a film. Rhi rhi has been up on stage selling her a$$ since, well, according to blinds, far too young, she can chill if she wants.


  19. Rihanna -- one thing to like about both Adele and Rihanna is that they each seem to do it on their own terms, and anyone who doesn't like it can stuff it. Her people want her out there touring, bc that's where most of THEIR money gets made.

  20. When you some a little you gain weight. When you smoke a lot, you lose weight, as your metabolism speeds up. But for that to happen, you need to smoke all day, every day, and since most people aren't functioning stoners, it becomes a waste of time.

  21. Uh oh, better get the fatso jeans ready.

  22. What's the problem here lol

  23. A while back,Enty had a blind most believed was Rihanna,that she was depressed and had a serious drug addiction. She was touring non stop and others were controlling her. Maybe she needs this type of break. Is she still with the rich guy?

  24. Perhaps I am senile, totally plausible, but when was the last time Rihanna toured let alone non-stop? If you can afford to eat well, smoke good weed and enjoy the sunshine on your own dime why not? No kids, no husband she can do as she pleases on her dime. Those that want to make a buck should be looking for someone else to hustle cause this girl is doing shit her way.

  25. Smoking weed does NOT speed your metabolism up. You just end up smoking so much you lose your appetite an don't eat. Source firsthand and secondhand experience aplenty

  26. Well, unlike Adele, Rihanna openly mocks fans who want new music. Plus she does everything but, so I can see her team pushing her towards the studio. After all, demand is here.

  27. MTO says Rhiann weighs 200 pounds. I attributed the weight gain to fancy Dinners with rich BF.

  28. Saw the Ri post on MTO. Damn she is the only woman I've ever seen look bangin at 200lbs. That must be some makeup line. Her face doesn't get all bloated like most people. TBH though at 5'8 I'd put her at about 170 maybe?

  29. She is fat now. Huge legs.
