Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Blind Item #8

This studio is set to replace an A list mostly movie actor from this franchise. This time it is because of his own doing and no big voice behind the scenes is going to be able to save him no matter how hard they crush on the actor.


  1. Anonymous8:48 AM

    please please please please be johnny depp

  2. Anonymous8:49 AM

    tricia, dont you dare say chris evans. lol

  3. Depp, but who cares? the new potter movies suck ass.

  4. @kfitz lol... he was replaced already I think?
    Hope not Keanu/John Wick.. he just gave interview saying he wants to keep going with it

  5. Johnny Depp and the Fantastic Beasts movies.

  6. I'm sure Depp can still get work in the Yoga Hosers franchise.

  7. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6918181/Warner-Bros-freaking-Amber-Heard-lawsuit-claiming-Johnny-Depp-beat-harm-films.html

  8. Anonymous8:57 AM

    yeah avengers is his last time playing cap but he hasnt technically been replaced lol

  9. Depp and Rowling, she's bought so much of his shit so it would "have a good home" she's been vocal about getting him the job and not caring what anyone thinks. In normal life having someone who sticks by you is rare. I can't imagine mega-fame being any different when it comes to having friends.

  10. +1 Tricia. I am so disappointed that JK Rowling keeps backing Depp. He blames Amber for getting his getting fired from the Pirates movies, but the studio lost entire days of production because Depp was too wasted or hung over to work.

  11. Chris Evans seems too integral and don't hear rumblings. The troublemakers are Depp who is replaceable in JK Rowlings' project anyway. Tom Holland is supposed to have caused a stir with his comments on not getting the script and I don't think Keanu is anything but bankable and easy to work with.

  12. Poor old JKR, I don't think she's Depp's type. He likes the more svelte type doesn't he? And with Ms Rowling's (admittedly magnificent) ample decollatage unable to turn his head, I think she's barking up the wrong tree. His long term French wife looked like an emaciated ugly ten year old boy.

    Mind you if the stories of his money woes are true, I suppose he could force himself to motorboat the socialist billionaire plagiaris... I mean... writer's wonderful jubblies a few times for the sake of a nice 'thank you' letter from the IRS and his other creditors.

    Otherwise she may forget her dreams diddywanking Depp's Johnson and concentrate on her current revising of her pitiful two dimensional kiddy book characters to please the Huff Po thought po-po.

  13. +1 Johnny Depo and fantastic beasts franchise
    JK Rowling for the one who has a crush on him

  14. Any of you long-time Amber haters ready to walk back your nasty, misogynist comments?

  15. WOw FlashyVIC that was some tight shit. lol I actually think writers like her and Anne Rice were chosen to advance certain concepts. But hey I am crazy so don't mind me.

  16. Rowling should just give Depp a rimjob and get it out of her system. Just toss all that salad J.K. and stop inflicting Depp on the public. I liked Fantastic Beasts until he showed up, completely stopped with the franchise after that. Colin Farrell never looked better than when compared to the wreck that Depp is.

  17. Not watching Jk crap anyway 10 years from now she will tell us there were illegal immigrants fighting for equality and freedom in Harry Potter..she lives in her own universe and I think shes a little to into kids

  18. LOL at the Chris Evans guess- I guess RDJ doesn't keep his crush very secret, huh? ;)

  19. I cannot imagine how anyone, anywhere could get hot over 21st century Johnny Depp.

  20. How exactly does a person "walk back" a comment, @Kate K and why would our opinions change? What EVIDENCE has Amber supplied to prove her accusations against Depp are true? Absolutely none. It's curious how you believe every word she says, without a shred of evidence, yet routinely ignore her history of domestic violence and extensive criminal record..

    Again, for the umpteenth time, no one has denied Depp's issues with drink and drugs or that he is ultimately responsible for his substance issues which have hampered his career, but I don't believe he's a wife beating monster as I've yet to see any evidence proving him as such and her behaviour doesn't fit with that of a genuine DV victim.

    Also, for those criticising JKR (and other celebrities) for standing by him. Have you considered that they may have been privy to information that hasn't been made public? JKR couldn't have made it any more obvious in her statement..

  21. Oh Vic, my dear. You've given me a dose of the much needed 'minority report'.
    Momo,VikingSong- gosh if I wasn't so envious of this author who came from food stamps to millionaire, I'd agree to some bias. I do think Johnny's talent and charm is enough to earn him each role he's been given.


  22. i always reckoned Depp friends were a who's who of abusers addicts and scum

    polanski , brando, shane mcgowan, etc etc

  23. Nobody has lost respect faster than JK Rowling. Twitter really shows you how stupid your idols are.

  24. @Brad Pitt don’t forget about Marilyn Manson. Freak.

  25. Or buddy Hunter Thompson.
