Thursday, April 04, 2019

Blind Item #7

The boyfriend of the drug addicted celebrity offspring is hooking up with his ex and a friend of his ex. Apparently one of them had a pregnancy scare. Our offspring of the A++ lister does not want any confrontations, so just keeps her pain inside.


  1. Replies
    1. And that dude is GROSS.
      The Allman Brothers called and want their wardrobe back dude
      And I ❤️70s fashion but cmon now

    2. I love 70s fashion too but to look good in it you have to be CLEAN! A good rule of thumb to follow anyways

    3. Yes. I love vintage (still find some great pieces occasionally ), but ya gotta pair it with -well hygiene,really lol

  2. Was think Hailey Baldwin until Enty threw in the A+++ so I’m going with Paris. poor girl.

  3. Never date a guy with better hair than you.

    She could always, say, dump him?

  4. Another publicity stunt?

    1. I don’t think. She seems generally lost. What a sad thing to be so young and have such -distress

  5. Tricia: you didn't live in the 70s, did you? People weren't as obsessed with being totally odor-free as they are now. They don't look dirty. McCauley Culkin looks dirty. Kristen Stewart looks dirty, but Paris just looks like a young person.

  6. Poor Paris. Somebody needs to help that girl before she becomes Bobbi Kristina 2.0.

  7. She's a lost cause, trying to be a star and she's done NOTHING to earn it..
    Must be hard riding the coattail of your dead daddy..

  8. When does the boyfriend even have time to be with her? Ridiculous... to the curb with him! I saw a brief clip of them performing together (very laidback coffeehouse,two Coachella hippies on stools vibe), I hope she's not sticking with him just bc of that. She triggers the Aunt in me, big time. Just wish her the best.

  9. Her boyfriend is cute and I like boho-chic style. Floral flowing frocks, fringes, tassels, ankle boots, headwraps, layered jewelry - just love the vibe it gives.

  10. I saw a pic and think her BF is really cute. :)

  11. Girrrrrrrrrrrl, you have at the world in the palm of your hand. Don't F it up.

  12. I feel so bad for Paris. She had a bizarre upbringing and when her father died she was left in that nest of vipers, and now she's just being used by various greedy people. She's so beautiful, I wish she had someone decent in her life to rely on and be protected by until she pulls her head out of her ass. Such a shame...

  13. @Troy Hailey isn't Justin's girlfriend, they're married.

    I get big Bobbi Kristina (sp?) vibes for Paris's future, I'm sure I'm not the only one

  14. Last time I checked here, Paris was a full-blown lesbian. What gives? If you do enough drugs you don't care who or what you go to bed to? Is that how it works?
