Thursday, April 25, 2019

Blind Item #6

How come no one calls out the foreign born former A+ list tweener for what it really is? Meth face. 


  1. Replies
    1. Zayn just screams heroin to me. I don't see any signs of meth amphets, but I don't really follow these kids too closely, so IDK what his behavior is like.

  2. Poor Justin. He does have a meth look

  3. The new heroin chic

    “I did not realize it was going to be that bad,” Stewart said on the show before ripping into Bieber’s facial appearance. “He definitely looks like he put an Oxy pad on that forehead, but I don’t care. That is f—ed up!”

  4. @Rosie, I am cluelsss. What is the "meth look"?

    1. People who use meth are often very skinny, have bad teeth, and acne from the chemicals used to make the drug. Along with that, hygeine goes out the door and Bieber has been looking homeless lately.

  5. But Justin said pimples are cool now.

  6. His response was kinda great though: "...rather than being positive you belittle people. Think about how awesome it felt for me to be on that stage after being away for so long the excitement and joy it gave me doing the thing i love the most... And rather than try and make people feel accepted and loved you find things to pick apart like the world isn’t full of that already."

    Good on him for calling that out and basically saying "if I have issues, maybe assholes like you who have found joy in tearing me down caused some of them". I hope he can get his shit together, meth is the worst- no one, no matter how immature and shitty they were in the past, deserves what meth does. He's young, he has time to turn around.

  7. Pretty sure we all called this 10 years ago and said he'd be on drugs by 30.

  8. Cody Simpson. Dude looks ooooooold!

  9. Meth heads also tend to have bad skin because they obsessively pick at it.

    1. Meth heads tend to have SORES, where they've obsessively picked them. Daily large doses of Adderall does the same thing. It also causes you to not eat, drink tons of sugary drinks to overcome the cottonmouth, also wrecking your teeth. At one point, when I was taking 60mgs a day, I would go 48-72 hrs w/o sleeping & I thought I had to remove the scar tissue from under an old car accident scar. I now have a huge trench where the scar used to be, because I dug all the way down to the bone. Things that your doc doesn't tell you to expect.
      Bieber's acne does look like a drug related issue, but Im not ready to call him a true meth head yet, a LOT of scripts can f you up, as well.

  10. Are we super sure it's not prescribed meds, hormones, hair products and sweat?
    Maybe body detoxing previous contaminants? Ok, that was me giving him benefit of the doubt. If true, the honeymoon just keeps getting better.😒

  11. Yeah I'm not watching any of those losers...get a life handsolojob

  12. @Roque, so now its acceptable for these multi millionaire music stars to cheat people who have paid to see them live, and when they are being called out on it they hide behind a tweet drafted by their PR team? Dude, you lip synched horribly and rather than accepting responsibility you are playing the victim?

    1. He had 10 minutes notice that he was going onstage. He did what every performer in that situation would do.

  13. I felt no sympathy for him, idk why

  14. Anonymous1:00 PM

    I saw a picture of Justin yesterday and my first thought was "meth face". Sad.

  15. Meth detoxes through the skin. Gives you big skin problems. Nasty. Tell tale sign of a meth user is random scabs all over the body.

  16. Krissie is correct, that's methface 101.

    In addition, something unique about meth leads to facial wasting, similar the the facial wasting of HIV and longterm cancer patients - meth users seem to lose a type of fat in the face that other people don't, it begins to cause a drawn, pulled look.

    This is why Chris Brown is rocking those cheek implants. YES I SAID CHEEK IMPLANTS (okay it's injections) it was obvious on the DListed post about touring with Minaj. What the AF!? THAT is meth face.

    Also see the EPITOME of meth face, Taryn Manning. In addition to actually being a meth user, she also got a solid serving of genetic Trailer Park Face with a rising meth sign. Google image her in her best roles and that's meth face. Well that's her whole life actually. Chicken? Egg? Meth? Genetics?

    1. 100% agree. Brown & Manning both have meth face. Bieber kinda looks more like a messed up combo of psychotropic meds, IMO.
      His behavior of wild mood swings, depression, crying, impulsivity all make a better case for scripts vs meth, as well.

  17. I want to know what he did to make Selena’s family insist that she get a restraining order against him?

  18. Oh my god
    That's no bueno

    Fergie is always my go to for describing the facial aftermath of meth

  19. Yeah Zayn has the heroin chic thing going. At one point he weighed like 80 pounds it looked like. Definitely from heroin most likely. Justin said his mom used to give him Adderall to focus so maybe that's where his addiction began but I think he's on uppers and downers which obviously account for the mood swings.

    Not all meth heads have sores they pick at. I had a meth head friend and didn't know until he lit up in front of me. And knew a few other users who seemed normal. Just all on the "thin side". lol.

  20. Meth face has a gray cast to it and its not noticeable in every light but it's a haze across the complexion. Meth is toxic and our skin is an organ that pushes toxins out which results in long-lasting cystic boils which get lanced and picked at.



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