Monday, April 22, 2019

Blind Item #6

Apparently the source for a lot of anti brother and sister in law gossip is coming straight from the alliterate former actress. The tips have really ramped up since getting a social media account again.


  1. does megan know about that whole princess dianna thing? shes way too far out in front she needs to dial it back because i think shes going to end up embarrassing tf out of the royal family.

    1. Narcissists like her are the worst

  2. I’m surprised kneepads is taking MM’s side you’d think they wouldn’t want to piss off Will and Kate

    1. Narcissists like her are the worst

  3. She's already done that, to be fair.

  4. This whole thing is going to backfire in a huge way for Princess Pushy. She doesn't have the love of the public like her dead mother in law had. She's really only got the race card to play Nd

    1. Stupid pop up's. Anyway she isn't near as smart as she thinks she is. Tick tock Rachel.

  5. I hope Botswana is true.

  6. Funny that Enty would write this, since this month he eagerly jumped on a rather stupid tip that Kate was cheating on William.

    The woman has three kids under six and has been either pregnant or breastfeeding pretty much nonstop since 2012. Probably the only thing she fantasizes about is a long afternoon nap.

    So where didja get that tip from, Enty? Is Meg calling you too?

  7. Herbert -- going to? I think you're being kind! She's pretty far down the path, which is why William is spending his free time spinning the globe, fantasizing about all of the locations for exile, er, relocation.

  8. The most interesting thing about the "African banishment" rumors of the past 24 hours is that it is William who took action, not Charles.

    William is pushing his feckless, ineffectual father out of the way and sending his brother into exile.

    (I write about this more in my latest blog post, available via my profile)

    Anyway, Charles is reportedly up in a castle in Scotland and didn't appear for his mother's 93rd birthday/Easter Service yesterday. Hiding?

    1. William cares about his family and his duties. Thank god he was born first and actualy smart

  9. Spot on, Nutty, I bet Smegs through out the £5 million voiceover tip, too, she has to get it out somewhere. She is constantly trying to force the royal hand.

  10. Lol at the quarter-brained half-prince and his strumpet.

  11. As has been rumored, Meghan was searching for a hig profile/rich husband for some times before she managed to lure Harry in. She is playing this all wrong as the royal family is still beloved by many. She needs to get a new stylist and listen to her handlers, which I do not believe she is doing. They stole the instagram name @sussexroyal and you can bet she is mouthing off behind the scenes. Exile is probably best, remove them from the area. Although the queen could live to 100 and she is never stepping down. Imagine if Charles died before her>? That would make William King. MM has manage to sour a world of love for a happy ending to watching her crash and burn and be happy about it.

  12. Notice there are no UK press articles on Charles's absence. Unless I've not looked hard enough. He's more than likely to have had a hand in that.

  13. Very strange about Charles being a no show, maybe William will be King sooner than expected. Probably more intrigue behind the scenes than Game of Thrones.@Nutty_Flavor,plenty of M&M fans here to see in fake blinds,no need to do the work herself.

  14. I suppose it’s a good idea not to have the entire Royal Family in one public place for security reasons.

    In addition to Charles, Eugenie and Jack were also not there yesterday, and neither were the Cambridge kids.

    Meghan was also not in attendance, but Harry was.

  15. vita-exile makes sense. publicly it will be played as the dream location picked by the deeply in love couple then comes along the tragic accident and the return of harry to the homeland. im not sure how much embarrassment meggy has caused so far but dianna was pregnant by an arab? talk about the last straw. di entered into it pretty innocently but this trash came with the stench. i cant believe they even allowed him to marry her.

    1. the royals "allowed" harry to marry mm because charles is not harry's biological father. that honour goes to james hewitt. all dna tests (yeah, they've had dna tests to be sure) prove that hewitt is harry's biological dad. that is why the queen let harry marry mixed-breed mm. the only way that harry could have married mm was with the queen's approval.
      if charles was harry's biological father, there is no way queen liz would have allowed harry to marry a woman who's mother is black.

  16. Working yachts is not good for one's mental hygiene.

  17. In her quest for a rich hubby, Meghan doesn't seem to understand the differences between old and new money.

  18. Giles Coren has referenced his friend Meghan in articles published in the Times last fall. UK press failed to notice the connection

  19. Oh, that’s right, Jen. And then Giles was the one to Tweet out the rumor that William was bonking his neighbor. People believed it because he worked for a big newspaper, even though he was a food critic, not a reporter.

    1. The tweet got attention because of who he writes for. But in some of his food/lifestyle articles last fall he mentions being friends with Meghan. Is that friendship the reason for his flash and gone tweet?

  20. I think Giles used his tweet to stir up the Sun story that was going nowhere. That he calls himself a friend of Meghan is an interesting connection

  21. Giles Coren lives in the Cotswolds. Soho Farmhouse / Great Tew / Chipping Norton set. MILES away from the Norfolk set. He spoke of his Cotswolds neighbours once in an interview, claiming they all took drugs and shagged eachother's spouses. Nice. He's a vapid drunk, online, and during interview.

    1. He has also claimed in articles published in The Times to be a friend of Meghans. Didnt Meghan until recently rent in that area of the Cotswolds?

    2. Right, he was neighbors with the sussexs last summer than? Which points to where the rumor probably the Cotswolds

  22. My point is perhaps loser food critic was actress's leaky faucet?

  23. The flash and gone Tweet is an interesting media instrument.

    Maybe someone who knows the real story behind Meghan's pregnancy (or "pregnancy") should try one.

  24. Apparently, Frogmore Cottage wasn’t enough of a wake up call for Meg.
    Tick Tock Meghan, didn’t anyone ever tell you?
    You don’t mess with the Queen or her heirs, you did this and now you will reap what you have sown.
    Smearing Duchess Kate and Prince William wasn’t very smart, but you’ve never really been an intellectual have you?

  25. Well, she's been found to have multiple SM accounts. Glad Enty caught up with her grifter smoke and mirrors campaign. And that rumour about the $10mil LA house hunt? That's like the third time she's pulled that one out of her scruffy head. When she is facing banishment, she likes to make it look like she has options. She's in a corner over this fake pregnancy and desperate to find a way out.

  26. Leaking lies to damage the in laws would be a high crime for which exile is the only remedy. Has to be far enough away to put her out of loop

  27. @Lulu: yes, it goes back and forth between a condo in NY & a house in LA.

  28. It's too bad the real reason for removal to another continent is being acknowledged by bp

  29. I wonder how much longer Harry is going to keep putting up with her behavior? Spreading fake rumors about his brother and sister in law and demanding a $10m house is just obscene.

  30. He looked embarrassed yesterday. Unhappy, tired, and with his tail between his legs

  31. I'm not a passionate fan of any of these people, I dont know them. But Meghan has put herself out there with the public speaking hobby. She comes across as a really messy personality

  32. MM is nuts. Does she really think that the royals won't kick her to the curb? Harry will end up with custody of the baby. By the time the royals are done with her, she might be wishing for room and board at The Tower of London.

  33. Anonymous11:03 AM

    I'm wondering if Charles absence wasn't medical. He was so swollen during his trip to Cuba that people were commenting on his swollen hands and feet. Charles had no planned vacations and Camilla was absent as well from the Easter church walk. My money is on Charles somewhere under medical care. Even healthy Charles isn't competent to lead the royal family, so William needs to fast track the leadership path.

    I think the thick prince chickened out and rejoined the royal family fold to save his own hide. I hope Torontopaper has the inside track and Meghan has been sidelined.

  34. Perhaps HRH MM the Dtchss of Ssx is a surrogate for an Obama clone via North Korean laboratory. The Dk & Dchss of Cmbrdg along with their issue are simply a tragic incident away from the Dk of Ssx ascending the throne.

  35. she's a sociopath and harry a moron

  36. There was some twitter account that deals with all things MM and Harry that dropped something the other day that Meghan is actually living at Frogmore while Harry is living at Kensington. I'd have to go back and look to see what account it was, but it was an interesting item.

    1. The twitter account is @YankeeWally I feel like if they were separated Harry would have interacted with Will and you wouldn’t have seen the tension at the Easter service that was obvious in the pictures

  37. Charles and Camilla always spend Easter in Scotland, which is where they were yesterday as well. They don't attend services with the rest of the RF.
    It's likely Wills and Kate left their tots at home with nanny so they (and everyone else) could enjoy the service in peace and quiet.

  38. "I'm wondering if Charles absence wasn't medical. He was so swollen during his trip to Cuba that people were commenting on his swollen hands and feet."

    YES. I saw that photo of him the other day and his fingers looked like sausages. They were so swollen it couldn't possibly be just from excess weight. I wonderwhat is going on with him.

    1. Sausage fingers are the norm for HRH Prnc Chrls, the Dk of Crnwll.
      Have a LQQK at the photos of the civil ceremony to the Dchss of Crnwll

  39. Sorry, Mischi is the one that referenced the twitter account, yesterday, re: separate references for MM and Harry. @YankeeWally is the account.

  40. Yacht girls yacht girls watcha gonna do, watcha gonna do when the royal family comes for you...

  41. I love the Royal Family blinds. The Brits come out in force!!

  42. OMG @Unknown, your comment is pure fiction. Just go and look at photos of Harry, Charles and Philip will you before making stupid comments. Harry's hairline is another tell tale sign he is a Windsor? he is nothing of Hewitt!

  43. @ Mrs Libnish Lol! We love a bloody good vent!

  44. That meghan chick is an idiot. Playing games with future monarchs and bashing theur family?? Her arrogance is disturbing

  45. Oh ha ha, that old chestnut of Prince Harry not being a Windsor

    As if Diana would ever have been that stupid, she definitely knew

    Easy to see that Harry is Charles's son, educate yourself and google a young Prince Phillip and Prince Harry, he is the spitting image of his Paternal Grandfather

  46. Lets not forget, Kate and her mother made sure to change Kate's college and uni classes so that she could be closer to William before they started dating. I'm not sure the cheating thing would work when she put so much effort into bagging a prince in the first place.

  47. She is an a**hole.

    I wanted to give her the benefit of doubt, give her a chance but she never fails to be a total sneaky a**hole every chance she gets.

    1. Completely agree. I was ambivalent towards her but I turned after she had her mom go to the wedding alone. You invite Oprah, priyanka and the Clooneys over your own family. Famewhore

    2. In the lockdown facility you're in, do they watch so you don't cheek your meds?

  48. Kate-- so beautifully, succinctly stated! Just the absolute truth! Wrong, self-serving decisions at almost every turn. Change of address to Frogmore notifications hadnt had a chance to get activated, and she's already being kicked out of the country. Embarrassing, but she just doesn't get it.

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  51. Anonymous4:35 PM

    Adorable Mum? Her mother went to prison for drug trafficking and child abandonment. That's not adorable nor a Mum. The parent who actually raised Meghan was her father. The very parent she Meghan Markled.

  52. she went to prison for child abandonment? or did that happen because she got sent to jail for drug dealing?

  53. Anonymous5:08 PM

    One of the charges against Doria was child endangerment. Sorry I typed abandonment previously. My brain to finger route is not flowing smoothly today.

  54. @Gen-z Hi Megs!

  55. We need the Duke of Gloucester to have a heart to heart with Preghan, help her understand the way things are going to be.

  56. This old Harry chestnut again, the only reason it gets traction is because of his red hair......Diana's side of the family have red hair, both her sisters are full on red heads and Diana's natural hair colour was light reddish brown not blond.

    There is quite a lot of evidence that says Diana was the changeling not Harry.

  57. Gen z99: Hi Meghan! No, you plotted to get Harry before you met him. Kate and William married for love, duty, and country. You married because you thought you'd get extremely wealthy and famous. Nope. Ain't gonna happen. You will be famous for being infamous, that is, famous for things people hold their noses for, and pick up with a roll of paper towels, and deposit in the trash.

  58. Sparkle's adorable mother didn't even go to her only child's, only grandbaby's baby shower!! Super adorable.

  59. Does anyone believe that Doria is actually in London? Lots of reports, but the only photos shown are with MM & Doria right before the wedding and MM & Doria at the book launch. But no new photos make me doubt that she’s there. I think it’s a bs story to continue the Maybe/Baby story. Grandma can’t wait to be there! I doubt it.

  60. The hate for ol' mega on here is absolutely insane lol. Like Kate wasn't famewhoring from the jump? No, she was surely super in love with balding, buck-toothed, inbred looking William I'm sure lol. Mego should go live in Africa just to get the fuck out of the way of this crazy train. Again, not sure why the furor doesn't go towards spending your tax money on any of this bullshit to begin with.

  61. @Kate, Vita, MD +1. Tried to like her... just can't look past the shenanigans. @ Lady Constance.. completely agree. PH is the spit of a young PP, and LD would never have been so stupid as to get pregnant by Hewitt. She knew which side of the bread was buttered, and she knew what her royal "duty" that she signed on for was.. to produce an heir and a spare (legitimate ones). She once joked about the things she's done for England.. IMO she was talking about having to sleep with PC to have PW and PH..

  62. Lol y'all really give a newlywed 9 mos pregnant who is also royal with a lot of work to do, way too much credit. This girl barely has time for herself.



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