Monday, April 01, 2019

Blind Item #6

This permanent A list singer was at a big event this weekend and was telling a story about the time she used one of her awards as a sex toy. She didn't say which award though.


  1. Madonna @GLAAD awards

  2. Anonymous8:03 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Gaga had her big b'day bash last weekend.

  4. To get between those thighs the award must have been a jaws-of-life.

  5. Thank about the shapes of those awards... an Oscar or Golden Globe are the only viable choices. That should narrow it down.

  6. Someone who won an Oscar.

    Just because I know what an Emmy looks like and that thing looks extra ouchy.

    Don’t know what I Golden Globe looks like (probably golden).

    Oscar’s the one that looks most dildo-ish IMO.

    1. Also probably not a Grammy. It looks like a paper weight and super girthy. (My first album was a Grammy compilation.)

  7. A golden globe would be ideal for those who like "fisting." It was probably Stefani GERManotta - bragging about f-g herself with her Oscar or GG.

  8. Madonna wasn’t at the Glaad awards but Bey was

  9. I dont know which is funnier, the analysis of the viability of each award for the task or the fact that we've got so many ladies considered

  10. Ive held an Oscar and that would make the more sensible one

  11. Golden Globes look better suited for butt plugs. The Emmy could act as a substitute for a 'pear' in a pinch.

  12. What's with the Beyonce fat jokes around here?
    You all DO realize that you'd either love to fuck her or look like her, right?
    She's smoking hot and I, for one, would LOVE to see what kind of pussy you can pull, J.

    spoiler: none pussy

    1. I agree and that strong southern accent ..amazing eyes..and her ass isn't girl crush here...must be Becky with the good hair on the DL

  13. Sounds like someone needs vajayjay tightening.

  14. Anyway, came here to say this blind is hot

  15. Stevie nicks, if you are famous for popularising blowing coke up your bum then using an award as a sex toy is small beer.

  16. rosie, you slob, I wouldn't say anything about Beyonce's sequoia thighs if she hadn't brought attention to them by photoshopping them smaller so many times.

    As for my love life, it's just fine. Single guy, decent education, bills paid, good career, lovely house with an ocean view... and a lively sense of humor. When I was an ungainly and lonely kid I never imagined things would turn out so well.

    And the best part, rosie, is I don't have to drug my dates. When I hear about you doing that I'm pretty disgusted.

    1. Oh please. Do you have *ANY* more material? Or is it all regurgitated?
      If you're so disgusted and appalled by sex crimes DO SOMETHING.
      But you won't.
      Just like every other nobody here, who clutches their pearls and tsk tsks all day long here in anonymous world-
      You LOVE to pretend you're important but in reality youre just a small little nobody, doing absolutely nothing for the world. Least of all sexual assault victims, of which you mock.

      But I digress- please, go back and mock a POC that wouldn't give you the time of day IRL.

  17. I just hope it wasn't with an Emmy

  18. After all, this is the most exciting aspect of winning an award.

    1. +1 Huckleberry

      Nicole Kidman once said something like when you win an Oscar, “you just feel nothing/empty” afterwards (not verbatim). Like not ecstatic or anything. I believe her.

  19. Imagine if their was a cosmic rule that we all had to fuck ourselves with the last trophy we won?

    With my luck I would have just won the Stanley Cup.

  20. @J ... sequin sequoia, thank you

  21. I hear she was shopping at a "trunk show."

  22. She most likely just stuck an Oscar's head in her butthole, big whoop.

  23. We have an Emmy at home (it’s my husband’s) and there’s no way it can be used as a sex toy. It would send the singer to the hospital! I can’t see a Grammy being used as one either. An Oscar sounds more like it.

  24. Nice race card rosie.

  25. Hey Rosie... how you doin'? ;-)

  26. Some funny comments here. Sorry I laughed at 'jaws of life'. and I'm no stick figure!


  27. so Gaga stuck an oscar up her ass

  28. Concise deduction there, Brad!

    It makes me laugh bc I remember Tom Hanks telling a story about how he had to go thru this big process to get one (or both?) Of his Oscars refinished bc the oils from people's hands had damaged it...Gaga's going to have some splainin' to do!😳

  29. Replies
    1. Well, Meryl Streep is a multiple Golden Dildo® Winner/Nominee, but the description clearly says “singer”, so unfortunately not her, Stupidpervs.

      I can see teh appeal,tho. If I had access to an Oscar (like maybe if I had husband who has one like Waterlily’s husband has an Emmy) I’d do it with Oscar the Dildo®.

      It’s not about the shape of the thing, but the idea that it’s such a coveted accolade (it’s teh thought that matters).

      I’d do it as a big 🖕🏼 fuck you 🖕🏼 (no pun intended) so all the thirsty famehoes with all their sickening “For Your Cosideration” campaigning and all the sympathy vote maneuvering during awards season. I’m teh Grinch who stole awards season. 💚

  30. Somewhere back in this thread Flashy V pondered the possibility that all award winners would be required to have sex with their award to solidify the victory. Well, leave it to us Irish to have taken that notion and run off the side of the Earth with it: Waaaay back in the day, a claimant to the Irish throne would have to validate his claim by fucking his horse and then eating it. The advantage is that there would be so few claimants under those requirements that war could be averted for the most part. Éirinn go Brácaaaappphhhlllppppttt....urp...



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