Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Blind Item #5

Being a former girlfriend of this A+ list mostly movie actor only gets you an increase in modeling and yachting races as long as people associate you with him. Once too much time and too many people are pushing you down the line in a list, the rates drop. This ex never thought they would and is paying for it now. Luckily yachting season is upon us and she can try and get back to where she was.


  1. Erin Heatherton and Leonardo DiCaprio

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. She just filed for bankruptcy

  4. His one ex Erin Heatherton is broke and his other Toni Garnn looks like she’s pay for play again

  5. i honestly don't see how he gets these models all the time. i just don't find him attractive at all. never did. he's a GREAT actor, don't get me wrong. just not attracted to him.

  6. I agree he's not attractive. He's more like the local insurance agent from the '60s.

  7. His eyes are too far apart. Gilbert Grape still with him. I like his movies but he seems a blank slate.

  8. I agree -he does nothing for me.

  9. Of all the gross actors that get laid Leo is hardly one to pile on to. I don't dig white guys, but he is not Javier Bardem ugly

  10. Wealth and fame are very attractive indeed.

  11. I think he looks so much like Jack Nicholson!!!!

  12. lol @ Village Guru!!

  13. The models still think they can be the next Giselle. And maybe they hook up with Leo because they don't have to do much. Of course, the deal is you get with his friends.

  14. @raven, They get with Leo to boost their resume and increase their rates.
    She's actually not supermodel hot herself, nor notable, I could see why there's declining demand. I hadn't even heard of her before today.

  15. Leo is such a pumpkinhead.

  16. Leo’s just creeepy now. The new 21 year old gf of his clearly seems like she’s up for hire.

  17. According to Twitter Beard, they're paid beards.

  18. Look at Leo's father and tell me that caveman sired this potato head. Leo looks like Jack because, like Jack, he's an illegitimate whelp of the same peerage Duke or Baron. That is, they are half brothers once or twice removed or however that works. Nobody gets a career unless they are blood related to the peerage, especially if they are illegitimate. That's what these bastards are for. To crowd actual talent off the stage so the cultural agenda can be controlled completely. Take off the blinders.

  19. A long time ago we learned here that the modeling agencies pay Leo to date their models. He makes money and appears straight while the model gets publicity.

  20. @Substance D, Oh tell us more about the peerage, that sounds interesting. There is a physical resemblance between him and Jack.

  21. She quit being a victoria's secret angel claiming that it was too difficult to stay slim and then publicly bashed VS. If she stayed she would have earn't a lot more money. I guess she learn't her lesson.

  22. DiCaprio has aged so poorly.

    He's the exception that proves the rule that "men age with dignity, while women just get older."

    Julia Roberts looks fabulous, and Leo looks beat.

  23. Oh, so now they're suddenly 'former girlfriends', as opposed to 'former beards'? What happened to the 'Leo is closeted' narrative?

    And have you noticed how there hasn't been a single blind about Leo himself in months? Neither here on CDAN nor on blindgossip. And both sites used to run A LOT of (mostly negative) blinds about him.

    I'm starting to find this silence a bit suspicious.

  24. Men that age well are the exception, not the rule. There are few good-looking middle-aged or older men, and those usually weren't particularly attractive in their youth.

    Leo used to have a kind of delicate beauty that sadly doesn't translate well into mature adulthood.

  25. Leo is so gross. He rarely does movies. Just parties. I hope he and Jared Leto go down one of these days. Old men that prey on young girls.

  26. Leo is Toothy Tile. He has been from the beginning. His girlfriend is a beard.

  27. @Michelle Thought JakeG was ToothyTile. Can long-time CDANers help with this one?

  28. Someone posted a list with all the names those blinds and their real-life counterparts. Jake Gyllenhaal was ToothyTile, and Leo was 'King Schlong' if I remember correctly. But I'm not sure if it was an actual reveal from the guy who wrote those blinds, or just a compliation of what people thought were the right answers. I don't remember where I read it. Not here on CDAN I think.

  29. Oh, and 'King Schlong' was usually depicted as a pussyhound if I remember correctly, but at some point it was mentioned that he had bisexual tendencies. A bisexual guy wouldn't need a beard though, would he? Especially if he's leaning towards straight.

    Idk what to think about Leo. Several people have hinted at him being gay (see, for example, this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DMSN829k0f8&feature=youtu.be)

    But there's no photo/video evidence, and no guy has ever claimed to have slept with him. Maybe it's really just gossip. But there's definetely something off about him. He tries so overly hard to come across as masculine. And then there was that woman a few years back who claimed she slept with him and he was wearing headphones. Headphones! Wtf?! That sounds like he's forcing himself to sleep with women, but has to think about someone/something else to get off.

    Maybe he's not just in the closet, but deeply in denial about himself. Sadly he's probably also a sexual abuse victim, which might complicate matters further. Maybe not even Leo himself knows what he's really into.

  30. Matt Damon is the most connected by blood to aristocrats here and in Britain. He's the key to all of this. The Departed should be seen as the crossover from Jack to Leo and his cousin, Damon. Damon is the name of this "batch". A mold from which all of the important to fringe players of this generation derive. Tom Brady is part of this batch, too, in case you ever wondered why that shlub never gets blitzed. These are crypto-blue bloods who represent the agenda of the mind benders that feed us this crap culture. The two most important peerage houses are the Stanleys and the Stuarts. Follow the bread crumbs and you will find all of the famous and influential people ultimately lead back to those two closely inbred trees. Oh, and the Stanleys are Jews from Scotland. Yes, that's right. The peerage has very little foreskin. L'Chaim!

  31. Never stop coming back Substance D.

  32. See what I mean. https://www.yahoo.com/sports/watch-tom-brady-throw-football-154609115.html



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