Saturday, April 13, 2019

Blind Item #5

This foreign born slightly more than a one hit wonder was trolling for rich boyfriends who wanted to spend some time with her at an event last night. It was embarrassing. 


  1. Agree, that is usually the description for Iggy.

  2. Pass the island recently, Tricia? Any flags?

  3. Vita no-haven’t travelled out that way:( But I think it’s safe to assume if he’s not being spotted on stateside soil he’s hiding there? Another good Good Kenny Chesney sighting though. Nicest guy and the locals always say they can see him coming for miles-(same hat and dirty Tshirt lol). Far less exciting I know)

  4. Hey, I feel more comfortable with the Kenny sightings! Funny that he really goes into relaxed, one-of-the-locals mode when he's there. Great to hear Kenny is a nice guy!

  5. Poor Izzy somebody help her

  6. Izzy needs a job so bad! A job besides courtsean

  7. She should go back to Australia and work as a waitress or hair stylist. They pay very high wages down under. Way more than what she'd be paid for yachting here 5 years down the road as she morphes into a toothless crack whore.
