Thursday, April 11, 2019

Blind Item #5

Now that she won't be killed in the streets, look for the foreign born former A list syndicated actress to visit the foreign born A list celebrity. 


  1. Yep lol. Killed in the streets :(((

  2. Pam Anderson, Julian Assange. Has he ever aged.
    Brexit delayed, now no formal Royal announcement of baby Sussex. Strange days indeed, most peculiar momma.

    1. Well, nobody told me there'd be days like these....

  3. She already made some kind of public statement complaining that "Britain is America's bitch." Let me tell you, when I'm looking for political insight, the first person I turn to is Pamela Anderson.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Their relationship is the type of thing that would be called unrealistic if it were in a tv show or movie. One of those truth being stranger than fiction things.

  6. Splain it Enty
    Why would Pammy be safer now that Julian has been arrested and is out of embassy?
    Who was gonna off her? and why won't they do it now?
    If she is supposedly Soros errand girl - should have been safe before
    you are saying US was gonna do it - and then why?
    maybe it's true what they say...this is just clickbait

    funny you should say he hasn't aged
    a lot of people on the chans is saying he looks so dog$hit and are suspicious that it is a body double
    I think he looks just like a 47 year old white-blond guy who has been inside, under stress for 7 years should look

  7. @MeliticusBee

    Hush was saying he has aged a lot.

  8. @MeliticusBee Maybe I should be the one writing confusing blinds. I mean't that he has aged- greatly. Like old man winter, like Leo in The Revenant. I'm sure he's slightly mad from self imprisonment for, what, 8-9 years. Probably wants immunity for his cat. Since he was after Hillary and the DNC, I hope Trump grants him immunity. For that reason, Britain will try to hold him for a year on the avoiding arrest charge, than have him go free in the US. The Brits tried to help the DNC (Obama/Hillary) with the Steele file.

  9. Anyone cheering Assange getting arrested licks jackboots. A hateful event.

  10. Anonymous8:27 AM

    I see it as Pam wants to be seen more than just Baywatch/ sex tape with Tommy Lee bimbo now that her kids are grown and she wanted to be seen as "serious" and well....she saw him on tv when he was making headlines about politics and reached out to him....and well...he just really wanted to bang Pamela Anderson because he was alone with his hand for 7 years. lol

  11. LOL. Best comment yet CCgirl.

  12. I think Pam didn't want to get caught in the crossfire in case the arrest went sideways.

  13. Most peculiar mama, Whoa!

    Bayareagirl-- ot, but is kimk doing her legal internship with anyone you know?

  14. looks like pammy's aged more than him

  15. I love how Trump now claims that he has no idea what Wikileaks is... he had a freaking Assange poster in his campaign war room. Hahahahahaha!

  16. Did Pam do something other than just bring Assange take out meals? Why would she be murdered in the street?

  17. @Vita - LOL. but no. I'm not sure if it's KimK's distorted vanity talking or if it's just a PR thing. I don't even know how she's going to pass the baby bar, let alone the real bar exam. Does she know how hard the CA Bar Exam is? I know people who went to Stanford and Cornell that couldn't pass. I guess she'll Rick Singer to take the tests for her!

  18. hushHush- didnt mean to repeat your line,but guest777 triggered it and I couldn't help myself!🎶

    Julian seems to be a walking testimony to the significance of adequate vitamin D levels...

    BayAreaGirl--rick singer, lol! Seriously, how can she be a true apprentice to a SF law firm as the mother of three (soon four) in LA? Genuine respect to anyone furthering their education, but the press acts like she's going to pop out of this internship with Bar exam passed and heading straight to the courtroom. It's the overhyped non-sense of everything that family does that irks the tar out of me.

  19. Because now they don't need Pam to get to him.

  20. I wanted to know what happens to the cat. CNN's website claims that the embassy had given it to a shelter "ages" ago. People's website claims it is being cared for by friends. Fox news claims that Assange let him out to run wild to escape his "unbearable isolation." USA today reports people are wondering about the cat but giving no answers. Business Insider claims the cat was given away five months ago. Wonder if enty has any answers for this crazy cat lady....

  21. Killed in the streets ... but cray-cray in the sheets?

  22. Maybe Kim K wants to run for office like Kamala Harris. They have tried that on KUWTK yet.

  23. Sadly I would probably vote for KK bf KH. I abhor politics now

  24. Hahaha i love the questions about where the cat at??!
    Had the same with the subway food at the time with Smollet.....
