Sunday, April 28, 2019

Blind Item #4

After much fanfare last year, we learned that this A list rapper with the reality star girlfriend was applying to an Ivy League school. Apparently the announcement was just for show because it has been crickets since.


  1. I have no idea who it is, but I think every "out of the blue" continuing ed celeb experience at a known school is getting a knew level of skepticism thanks to the varsity blues crowd

  2. This is exactly why I think Kim's "studying for the bar" is bullshit.

  3. Did travis get the same pose in a hoodie offer that blac chyna was sent?

  4. These trashy folks again. How sad do you have to be to fake this sh!+.

  5. Travis tried it first and Harvard kids let it slide.
    Blac Chyna tried it and Harvard publicly denied her entrance.

  6. Apparently the rowing team was full.

  7. Sooooo was this BEFORE Kimmie supposedly got a 100% on her law exam and is now going to go to law school? Maybe Travis just needs the right parents to cut a deal. It's weird that suddenly, focus on ivy league colleges, law school, etc., is now the THING... PS Courntey K was on Ellen trying to plug her poosh and not make it sound exactly like everything else that everyone else is doing or was doing. Ellen obliged, as she's trying to tap into their fandom. She is, afterall, a leech. Look for her full on lifestyle brand next.
