Tuesday, April 09, 2019

Blind Item #3

She couldn't just say she was late, so this former B list celebrity most of you know because of who she was married to, made up an involved tale of why she was late that sounded good but isn't what happens when you deal with this government agency.


  1. Shanna Moakler no idea

  2. Brooke Mueller being searched by T SA for an hour.

  3. Anonymous7:13 AM

    +1 brooke mueller.

  4. Anonymous7:28 AM

    Brooke Mueller. I hate the TSA though.I will never forget I have had my breasts literally felt up in the name of a "search" and it was not just a quick feel either. It has not happen to me again in 8 years but I definitely thought there was more going on with that "search." >:l

  5. CC girl. I would have knee’d him in the balls. On “accident”.

    1. Or she could just get over it.

  6. Anonymous7:48 AM

    Trust me. I wanted to. And, did/ still do in my mind..If looks could kill.....still makes me angry to this day. I am sure I am not the only one this ever happened to. I was also 21 and was not use to traveling much at the time...I think the guy knew and took advantage...grrr

  7. @Tricia 13 would Moakler really be "married to someone we all know"? Travis Barker was famous but not on par with Charlie Sheen, Ben Affleck etc. I love your guesses but has she been married to someone even more famous I am blanking on and not willing to google this early in the morning lol!?

  8. Kiki71-- too distracted to search if married or just dated, but Shanna had a daughter with Oscar de la Hoya.

    I think Brooke Mueller is a great guess for the woman, but im not understanding an appt for TSA? If Brooke, could be child services or something to do with custody/supervision of boys?

  9. https://pagesix.com/2019/04/08/brooke-mueller-calls-tsas-hour-long-airport-search-borderline-abusive/

  10. Hope the TSA agents are ok after being exposed to Brooke. After Charlie, she's gotta be a petri dish.

  11. TSA does not have male agents search female passengers, *ever*. It is *always* opposite gender physical searches. If you ever have a problem, you need to ask for a supervisor or a law enforcement officer immediately.

    The procedure for patting down a female over the chest is with the back of the hand and in between with the side. People can and do sneak things in, and in the most intimate places, for an actual example, a female DHS agent that tested the screeners by wearing a tight pencil skirt with a gun holstered at the very top of her inner thigh, smack up against her crotch. A screener that is too polite to search thoroughly can get fired if they fail a test like that, or worse, allow a weapon on board.

    That said, there are boats, trains, and buses, planes are not the only travel option.

  12. To the poster who mentioned being felt up by TSA: that's f-d up, and if you'd had time, you could have made a complaint. I'm sorry that happened. It was experiences like your experience, and improper vetting of Agents that led to stricter regulations. It's still a mess, though.

  13. You can make a complaint before or after your flight. A serious breach is a serious breach.

  14. Daily Mail...

    Charlie Sheen's ex Brooke Mueller says she was patted down for an hour 'like a drug smuggler' by TSA agents who caused her to miss her flight
    Mueller missed her flight from LA to Miami on Friday because of the delay
    She claimed she was strip searched and treated 'like a drug smuggler' at the airport
    The 41-year-old's history with cocaine addiction and alcohol abuse has been well documented
    She entered rehab in 2014 after losing custody of the children she shares with Sheen
    The pair were married from 2008 and 2011 and have two sons together

  15. The TSA is just for show, this has been proven again and again. It's security theater, it's only purpose is to make you feel better:


  16. Ok, so blind is saying this TSA story is nonsense that brooke made up to explain why she missed flight/was late to whatever she was scheduled for in Miami? Lord only knows what that meeting was

  17. @CCGirl

    OMG I had this happen to me too in full view of the public. I was so humiliated.

  18. I've never had my boobs groped by the TSA but I believe CCGirl - the fact she can only cite that ONE time as the time she felt some bullshit was afoot just proves to me she's right.

    As for Brooke - I think what they're saying is the TSA found something on her, processed her, and that's why she was late for her flight.

    Note she says they treated her "like a drug smuggler." If there's one thing I've noticed over time it's that people OFTEN reveal that which they are trying to conceal through projection. Just like Tidy Pence and his persecution of the gays. :)

  19. Any one who brings drugs to Miami is an idiot. Drugs are cheap and readily available in Miami.

  20. On my way back to a cruise ship in Jamaica, some female authority defo touched my nether region. She knew, I knew. My inappropriate laughter kicked in.
    I'm a sheeple, but what if I'd kicked her ass? In a Jamaican jail.

  21. A) Using Wikipedia as a source is the same as telling people "Please don't take me seriously"

    b) Idiotic conspiracy theorists aside, TSA is still confiscating things like handguns, strike anywhere matches, martial arts weapons and hunting knives at the checkpoint, in people's carryons, or on the person themselves. TSA does a periodic post on their blog about what was seized at checkpoints across the country.


    So maybe the people who think airport security is useless and "just for show" should try to launch a security free airline and lobby local governments to build new airports solely to handle planes that weren't screened. Or, as previously mentioned, they should take Greyhound, Amtrak, or Norwegian Cruise Lines instead.
