Wednesday, April 03, 2019

Blind Item #1

Apparently the donations have dried up and the former A list teen mostly movie actor is actually going to have to hit the convention circuit to make some money and find some new donations. Do not donate.


  1. Anonymous6:57 AM

    of course

  2. I always thought MJ and Feldman were innocent, because they suffered and now it comes to light that they were guilty themselves

    This rabbit holes not only goes deep, but has also many ways

  3. Anonymous7:13 AM

    I actually tweeted back and forth with Feldman and sent him this video on girl's account on abuse this one time awhile back. He actually watched it as he came back with facts within the video of this girl's abuse in our discussion. NO I did not and will not donate lol...but, I believe him about being a victim. He is nutty, but, I haven't been sold to Hollywood either.

  4. All Feldman had to do is start a youtube account and start naming names like everyone else. I always thought it was suspicious how he always covered for the REAL big names..

  5. See ya at comic con

  6. @younggoodmanbrown, its not that easy. He can't name big names for fear of defamation suites. He doesn't have money like those big guys to foot his legal bills. He can only name the ones who abused him, which he has already done.

  7. @Entern, you clearly have a personal vendetta against Corey Feldman, and it's clearly showing. The previous blind about him how he is splurging on vacations turned out to be a short holiday at California. Are you ever going to reveal what went between the you two? Was it a romance gone sour?

  8. Seems like Feldman is still one of the pedos' favorites. He's either holding back the big names for financial gain or he lied about knowing big names in the first place.

  9. Feldman is one big giant gray area.

  10. I wonder if Feldman did some procuring for the big names? He would make sense as a honeypot. Perhaps that's another reason he won't spill?

  11. Corey poor child don't know what to do.. He did name names, but the police did not as usual..
    Now he's using the people he said he would help.. Just because you have survived, doesn't mean the next person is strong enough
    to survive being raped repeatedly..

  12. Is this a GoFundMe thing? Direct donation? Is there any disclaimer/guarantee of the intended use for funds collected? Is there any accounting going on? Any tax liability for income, if he hasn't established charity? Dont have any knowledge of his set up, but seems anyone so publicly requesting money (especially w/no motions towards earmarked goal) is going to pique the IRS's interest.

  13. He can always go back to prostitution. If there's a market for guys like him among senile gays.
