Saturday, April 27, 2019

Blind Item #1

Another member of The Club is about to be inducted. Always actresses, this A- list actress has a huge franchise that is about to be kickstarted again and will be in the face of everyone for the next five to six years. Once she starts doing press for the new movie, she will be required to fulfill the duties of membership. She also has another franchise but nothing like the one going to be everywhere again.


  1. So the club is where psycho women pretend their kids are trannies?

  2. That's been my take, J. That they are raising gender neutral kids and/or kids who identify has a different gender.

  3. GREAT guess with Zoe. A quick google:

  4. Dena- i agree, Zoe Saldana...she has twin boys, right?

  5. Oops, I should just say twins

  6. They all disgusting

  7. Jennifer Lawrence doesn't have kids, which everyone in the club has per all the other blinds.

  8. Oh no, SO sad. I've met Zoe a few times and she is down to earth, a husband not in the biz, surrounded by family, so it is sad to think she might give in to this. She doesn't need to! Her husband is an artist and I think Dutch so she probably found someone who won't be too upset by her doing the gender neutral thing, although seems this club is far more than gender neutral and forcibly cross dressing kids.

  9. I have two people close to me who have children transitioning (one is adolescent, the other in their 20's). There is no guide book, and boy is it stressful for the parents. Trans people have a high rate of suicide, pre, and post op (same rate). It's quite surreal for them, and not a club one would willingly join.

  10. "Transitioning" children should lead to immediate DCFS intervention and fostering.

  11. @HushHush++. We have no way of knowing what the kids are going through,and we don't know if the parents are pushing it. The blind impose an agenda,maybe,but maybe not.

  12. Spiking the food and water supply and having eunuchs and frigidaire units devolve from fertile humans and thereafter go extinct is a lot less messy than gas chambers. The Holocaust is under much more progressive management these days, I have to say.

  13. I don’t have a gender neutral home but I don’t put gender on colors or toys or movies for my kid either. He watches both Batman and Little ponies. I don’t tell him pink is only for girls because to me colors have no gender. I believe these actresses are confusing the heck out of their kids. I don’t think a 3 year old knows what it means when he says he is a girl (like Charlize Theron says her kid did). I have yet to meet a 3 year old who knows and understand sexual difference between genders and the details, they may know the visual difference in appearance but won’t know what exactly those differences entail. I feel like they are pushing for their kids to be a certain way. They are encouraging them to be trans. To me putting that pressure on the kids is as bad as judging them if they really are trans. Why don’t you just let them be a decide for themselves. Your job as a mother is to love, protect and accept them not to push them towards a certain way or the other. This can’t have a good ending.

  14. She has been dressing her youngest child as female since the kid was about 6 months. Im guessing she wanted a girl...

  15. Confusing a kid and making him/her uncertain of their identity is as bad as those parents who think homosexuality can be cured. Both are ridiculous. The only thing you can and should do as a parent is to make sure they know that whatever they are or think they are or may realize about themselves, won’t change the way you feel about them and it’s ok to be who they are because you’ll always be there for them. All these over the top practices are not necessary.

    1. Even if the kid really is trans, it should be left up to him to make that declaration when he is older. He is a minor and the mother is running around making that declaration for him. Why? For publicity and attention. Has she ever thought that the little kid still has a lot growing up to do before being put in a certain box. If she truly is trying to give her kid the freedom of choice and freedom to express himself however he wants, then she would really give him the chance to be old enough to choose what he wants to be for himself. Not using him for attention grabbing headlines.

  16. Well said, @Waterlilly and I agree. This is a parental agenda, but the real question is why. As a little kid, I played with dolls a bit, but was WAY more into match box cars and building roads for them. That's one thing, but dressing your child in obviously girl clothes when he's a boy (and under a year old) is definitely an agenda.

  17. So...People have seemed confused about the "club" meaning. And I was also, but this blind clearly says she is going to be inducted and then "required" to follow this trend.
    I think that gender choice is for young adults. Mid to post puberty. These kids may now they are gay by the age of 6 or 7, but to change gender is behaviorly a later choice, In my opinion .
    The question is what kind of club is this? and why do this thing?

  18. "Put your dress on, little Thomasa! Don't you want to grow up like Bruce Jenner?"

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. The human race is going to hell in a handcart...the sooner the better.

  21. It's not nearly so severe as being trans, but I know some women who were raised by feminists who made
    them cut their hair short, wear gender neutral clothes and no make up, and they are salty AF to this day.

    They were forced into it by super dominating mothers and had to pretend to enjoy it or they would have been massively punished. I can only imagine what torture it would be for a kid to be forced to be trans by an authoritarian parent.

    There are a lot more f'd up parents than kids who want to be trans in this world. Let them wait til they are 18, make their own choices and understand the full medical repercussions.

  22. People have kids in the first place because they're needy for attention. This shit takes it way off the charts though.

  23. I’m not into second guessing other parents. We tried to raise our boys in a gender neutral household but my boys starting telling me what they wanted to wear around 3. They started gravitating towards male specific things around 2 years, so I believe a transgender child would be able to tell their parents in their own way. Toddlers don’t use language the same way adults do, but as a parent, you can tell. There’s a transgender girl on my 4-yr old son’s T-ball team & her mom said that she just refused to wear boys’ clothes starting at 3 yrs. Obviously there’s some overlap in interests between the genders but the boys tend to be more obsessed with trucks/superheroes etc. & girls with unicorns/butterflies etc.

    1. Wanting to wear certain clothes or choosing super heroes or unicorns doesn’t mean they are trans. My friends boy is 4 and he likes unicorns and bows but he doesn’t really know what it means sexually to be a girl or boy. It not like he understand the procreations or sexual attraction at that age. It’s his taste. He may grow up to be gay or straight or trans, who knows. But why label him at that young age? Why not letting him enjoy what he likes now and what he may like later. Their taste and personality changes and they need to be given the freedom to choose what they like. I feel like limiting the kid to a certain category because of social norms of what boys like or what girls like is unfair to them. My best friend growing up was a boy and I played a lot more with boy toys when I was a kid but I was never told that because I liked hot wheels or played soccer with boys, it meant I had to be gay or trans. I grew up to be straight with never really liking things glittery or super girly. The whole point of not putting gender on toys, colors, movies, etc is to give the kids the freedom to choose for themselves and not allowing the society’s norms limit their creativity or freedom of choice. If this is used to put they kid in a certain box or category or group at a very young age, it’s unfair. They should be allowed to say what they like but also allowed to change their mind or taste if they want to. Going around a declaring them trans at 3 doesn’t allow them to grow and to fully understand what that means or how they feel. If they still have a the same taste or identify the same way when they get close to puberty, then they can be sure. Declaring them trans at 3 for choice of clothes or preferring pink things is not right for the kid. When he is older he can make that deflation for himself. It not something a mother should use for attention grabbing headlines and publicity.

  24. @J, do you know people with kids? Because the last thing you get as a parent is attention. People are just interested in the kid...because they’re much cuter.

  25. @Gauloise I agree. In the case of my adult friends son/daughter, it's their life. But they're a worry.

    In the case of the teen, he/she is starting puberty. And it's messed up for the parents. They get told one thing by professionals (Dr.s, Psych's) and then there's the trans community. They lie about people who want to transition back, some do. They are recruiting kids to be Trans. And these children are in a very venerable position, being left alone with people I wouldn't trust with children. For example there was a Trans camp he/she went to last summer. My friend said it was great for her kid, as well as the parents. Then come fall the organizer, camp leader suddenly resigned. Whatever happened was swept under the table, not in the Trans agenda interest. I'm willing to bet some kids were molested.

  26. BayAreaGirl I don't see the distinction. People buy fancy cars for the same reason.

  27. ...I should add, doing far less harm to the planet by doing so.

  28. Raising your kids gender-neutral is very different from insisting on raising your kids as the opposite gender (which I don't believe anyone is doing anyway). I was careful to give my baby boy a doll, cooking equipment (my ex did most of the cooking anyway). That seems to be what Zoe Saldana is doing, not insisting her three boys be girls. I also gave my girl trucks, etc. Didn't matter. My son was bored by the doll and the kitchen, my daughter bored by the trucks. I tried, anyway.

    1. Exactly! That’s what it means to allow them the freedom of choice and expression.

  29. No, no one is doing that. Apart from the people who are.

  30. My parents never made the dinstinction between boy n girl toys. I was super obsessed with cars as a kid. And Barbies. I do the same w my kids. They have the freedom to choose. My 13 yo recently said she fancies girls. "Are you angry?" I replied that love is love, How cluld I be angry? She's young and exploring love n life.

  31. Waterlily that's quite reasonable.

  32. +1 @Waterlily

    When I was about 4, my two best friends were boys. We used to ride our bikes, hike in the woods, etc. One day one of them
    had to use the bathroom, and asked me to go back to his house with him. He was in the bathroom peeing, with the door open, and I was standing right outside the door because we were in the middle of a conversation. His mother saw us and made a HUGE deal,
    called my mother, etc. I was dumbfounded. A) I didn’t think it was strange that he was peeing in front of me, B) I don’t think I even knew that he had a penis because I was looking at his FACE when I was talking to him, and C) All I wanted to was go back outside to play. But both our mothers thought this was a horrific crime. Parents can damage their children in many ways. By being either too strict or too lenient.
    And if I didn’t know at the age of 4 that this friend had a penis, I don’t understand how people like Jolie can say that Shiloh wanted to be a boy at the age of 2.

  33. Out of all of these mothers, I find Charlize the most culpable. It’s one thing to let your children choose their clothes, but it’s quite another to let them wear fairy princess outfits and a wig to school.

  34. Attention is a powerful drug.

  35. There is a growing body of research suggesting some (SOME = #notalltrannies) individuals may have a body dysmorphic disorder where they do not identify with the body they are in, but then when/after they transition, they are not happy in that one either.

    This (aside from straight regret) is possibly a factor in post-transition suicide rates, in addition to the face these people all have to learn to live as a visible transexual for a fairly long period which sounds psychologically unbearable to my cis-gendered ass.

  36. @Unknown: I think that part of ‘The Club’ is that the kids need to be photographed wearing clothing that is associated with the opposite sex.

  37. I just saw pictures of Megan fox's boys....all are dressing as girls now.

  38. Also - YOU DON'T GET A CHOICE!!!!!

    Jesus Fucking CHRIST - we are all born one gender or the other - there is NO choice, same as race and physical disability.

    [I believe] only in the most extreme circumstances should anyone be encouraged to pursue the radical surgical and lifestyle changes of adopting to a fully transsexual lifestyle.

    It's a MASSIVE undertaking and kids cannot grasp the full longterm outcomes... Ugh. Certainly I believe transsexual people absolutely exist but not this many, it's quite rare - MUCH more rare than being gay.

  39. @Hunter: 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏

  40. Bingo Hunter!
    I can't my head around it. Why can't the kids just be gay, and accepted. As a straight guy I get that gay people have pretty crappy childhoods, but with Trans, it's just piling on the problems that they'll have.

  41. The sheer volume of children today who are “transitioning” should alarm EVERYONE. Period.

  42. Everyone is getting so excited for the Avatar sequels, I love it!!! They’re going to be so great everyone! 👍👍😃😃😃

  43. @Hunter you said it best....

  44. Aaaand here we are with a PERFECT example of the weekend CDAN crowd.
    A regular Who's Who, all fighting for absolute stupidest comment or the week.
    Good news: most of you win.
    ***Everyone gets a medal***

  45. I believe there is nothing wrong with an adult wanting to switch sexes. But young kids are not in the position to make that big decision. Most young kids would eat candy for every meal if they could.
    Moreover, young kids don't think about gender the way adults do.
    When I was about three or four years old, I adored Fred Flintstone. I'm a female, yet I made my parents call me "Fred" for awhile (my dad was Barney, my mom was Wilma, and my baby sister was Pebbles.) Nowadays, my mom might have taken me in to be assessed if I might want to be a boy. I may have said, "Yes, I want to be Fred."
    However, gender/sex had nothing to do with it. I thought Fred was funny and wanted to pretend I was the star of the show!
    I think we can be compassionate to adults that want to transition, while at the same time recognizing that children evolve and aren't in the position to make huge life choices yet.

  46. Doesn't anyone every use the term "tomboy" anymore? You people are a bunch of freaks with your "no gender on colors or toys" crap. Get real.

  47. How does a kid that has t reached puberty or even a half developed kid know they are trans....because they are coached...let them grow..let them choose..its sad all the pressure they could fill trying to please a parents transgender kid dreams

  48. "People have kids in the first place because they're needy for attention."

    You have posted some moronic posts before, @J, but this particular gem of yours is the most moronic to date.

  49. Viking Song, tell us more about your husband.

    Has any man ever been saddled with a nastier burden than he?

    Lol at that poor cornuto, waking up each morning to encounter a racist Medusa.

  50. Am lucky, am so old that to get attention and treated as special, different in my day, all you had to do was dress punk or goth.

  51. When you see vegan cats and trans toddlers you know who's making the choices.

  52. If my kid came to me saying they were the wrong gender, I'd say, sure kid no worries, come back to me when you 16+ and if you feel the same and Ill pay for the surgery myself. Taking the word of a 3 year old is pathetic, I wanted to be a fairy when I was 3... or a horse.

  53. I had three boys born in three years. I have just been raising them normally and one of them is obsessed with all things pink, dolls, barbies, etc. We don't make a big deal about it, it just is the way he is and what he prefers. They are born who they are. I never realized how true that was until I became a mother to multiple kids.

  54. My son was a racing car till he was six If I called him he would make revving noises and then screech to a halt alongside me.I somehow never felt on insisting that he maintained his automotive status as he got older.

  55. Your brain hasn't matured until you're at least 25. If people are all fired up about being trans, it should be when they have a mature, ADULT brain.



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