Friday, April 26, 2019

Blind Item #1

The famed music publication showed they have no clue what is going on by not asking the former A list teen mostly movie actor about why no one is on his side any longer. 


  1. Feldman/Rolling Stone?

  2. Enty, sometimes you just expect too much of celebrity journalists. Maybe you should just interview celebrities yourself, so you can ask all of these questions, that you know they're NOT gonna answer, yourself.

  3. I read that no one wants his story.
    Like, no one.
    That's pretty telling

  4. +1 Tricia
    Saw the article yesterday, but didn’t read

  5. Dude, I doubt Corey is reading your comments. Take it easy on the crazy juice.

  6. Rolling Stone has sucked canal water since Ben Fong-Torres left. FACT.

  7. Feldman grooms teen girls for old rich guys. He used to procure young boys but that train ended. He gets paid by pedos to not name them. He is one big fraud

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Ok psycho. Go stock up on tinfoil.

  10. I think Corey is jazzed and petrified by the attention this topic has gotten him. He is probably concerned about the consequences of talking, but, just as, if not MORE scared that if he talks, the attention moves down the road. He seems like one of those classic fringe characters that you think might be good-hearted deep down, but due to being victim when young and one bone-headed, fame-chasing scheme after another as an adult, the majority dismiss his actions like he's Chicken Little.

    I haven't read the RS article, but, given that he's collecting money for the subject, they certainly should have asked him about the accusations and what he knows.

  11. Feldman will never name names because he procures for them for decades and they pay him hush money. He is a fraud plain and simple. Stop trying to make it like he is caught in the middle. He is the middle!

  12. How does Corey need protection money if Dominick Brascia passed away, why did he need 1mill protection? Is Dominic that scary? That sort of protection money is for the late me of Geffen and Speilberg! 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔

  13. Corey and the mag are garbage. At least RS was valued at $250 million years ago. Corey has never been worth the price of a movie ticket.



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