Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Blind Item #13

This closeted A- list CW actor from a hit show that may have jumped the shark was engaging in some public sex with another man at a spa in West Hollywood.


  1. That’s who I meant lol

  2. I
    Must have confused him with Kiernan Shipka b/c they are so alike 😂

  3. He should change his name to that, it fits a marquee better, more letters.

  4. Jeez Enty, "almost network" wasn't specific enough, had to lay it all out there?

  5. Isn’t “A- list CW actor” basically an oxymoron?

  6. Every week Enty tries to out this guy, I'm starting to think that Enty is anti-Samoan. ;)

  7. How does this "site" get their information? Because you would think if someone is feeding you information, others would know and this gossip would be made public. I mean a famous man making out with another man; famous person cheating, etc. goes unnoticed by everyone, but the informant for this site. Starting to believe 98% of these blinds are fake or sent in my disgruntled "fans".

    1. Only now you're starting to realise that?

  8. Youtube link it or I don't believe it

  9. This tracks to be KJ Apa. He's currently in LA with co-star Charles Melton at the premiere of The Last Summer!

  10. A list and on the CW? LOL enty is insane
    I have tol iterally google everyone on the CW what a joke

  11. TV A list is a little different than movie A list. Black Lightning on CW is pretty good.

  12. I'm not suprised.He was pretty horny this last days.He said on a Con he is in the show to have sex with his male co-star and then on his "concert" fully passionate mouth kissed another "band" member.But his mother is a homophobe so i don't know if he ever will have his coming out.

  13. Some of the blinds here are fake. I actually sent a couple in, MZ that actually made it to this site. I was shocked. I even contacted blind gossip the other day to see if they can give me gossip on a certain celeb and the person said they don't give/ have gossip unless they receive a tip. Then they asked if I had one with "proof" which explains so much how sites like CDAN and BG works. Enty's site was on the verge of getting shutdown years back (possibly a lawsuit) because of this.

  14. A list CW, Z list rest of the world? Had to Google him, never saw any of his shows/movies.

  15. Riverdale has "jumped the shark" since the first season. It's horrible and I can't stop watching it, I'm probably the oldest person alive that watches it. I guess my point is that it didn't recently "jump the shark", it has always been trash. Wonderful, horrible trash.

    1. I'm almost 60 and love it. But I loved the comics as a kid. I even have a B&V #3

  16. Laineylizbro-- your confession made me laugh!😁 Sometimes that type of awful is just the best! Enjoy!

  17. CDaN turned into a propaganda site a few years ago. Most of the blinds are built upon stories taken from the Daily Mail and are repeats of older ones with the same cast of characters and descriptions. Then you have your blinds based on "tips" from the bankrollers, i.e. blinds about Elon Musk or Netflix and the ones about people of color, women, and not-republicans. Not very surprising considering the current demographic of commenters, but disappointing nonetheless. I miss the old days of actual dish.

  18. Btw, did anyone hear High Register Sean on Stern yesterday? They were making fun of how crazy he was and referenced that he believes that Chris Cornell and Chester Bennington were killed because they were going to expose a pedophile ring...lol, wonder where that came from. Don't be so gullible, folks, and don't believe everything you read...there's a reason for the disclaimer at the bottom.

  19. AJ is foreign born.

  20. Please be Grant Gustin! I'd laugh so hard!
