Wednesday, April 03, 2019

Blind Item #12 - Mr. X

Which alliterate talk show host and that longtime over the airwaves staple are rumored to be making up on her show next month when he does the promotional rounds for his new book? It will probably be one big apology fest. This comes after his long rant on his show in which he slammed the other host for pretty much telling the truth about his kissing up to Hollywood celebs and said some awful things about her.


MontanaMarriott said...

Wendell W and Howard Stern?

sandybrook said...

How many alliterative talk show hosts are there?

sandybrook said...

Yes to Howeird Stern too

Brayson87 said...

Get back in your grave Howard, haven't been funny for 15 years.

Unknown said...

I'll have to make sure I tune in

J said...

Christ who cares?

gauloise said...

I could write a PhD thesis on Wendy Williams just from the abundance of these blinds

Snuggz Bear said...

@Brayson87 You are so right! I stopped listening to the Stern show in 2009 when Artie Lange melted down. Stern is an awful person and I can't stand that idiot second wife he never stops promoting or claiming that she was a model with her bullshit cat charity that rips off the public.

herbert arnold said...

howard stern and his mentally handicapped wife BETH. HOWARDS WIFE IS "RETIRERING" from a career she NEVER had.

Amartel said...

I listened to him a lot before he went to Sirius and then I could not be bothered.

Vita said...

Howard and Wendy-- Maybe they'll bring out the interviewing best in one another? Hopefully? I could see Howard switching it up a bit on the spot, since it's live, and trying to get to the truth about Kev. We'll would be a shame if these two just stuck to some pre-produced, obsequious set of questions and compliments.

kiki71 said...

WHAT has always been the intrigue with Stern? That he just has verbal diarrhea and says what no one else did or does? He has ZERO talent a DJ... no voice, no content, no wit, he just repeats the same lame childish filthy comment or question OVER AND OVER. If he hadn't capitalized on what his 'schtick" was I am sure some jerk off living in his parent's basement with a virtual icon girlfriend would have come up with the concept and marketed it. It is the DUMBEST down version of entertainment and NOT even in entertaining. I say this with no judgment as a prude either - quite the opposite. I just figure my kink could come with a more palatable delivery and someone I'd care to watch and listen to. I mean, even Robin, all she did was laugh. That group was the most UN-TALENTED on talk radio, ever, if you break down the art of talk radio.

Alf Landon said...

What are they going to do -compare their fake hair?

Freckles Lover said...

Howard is the best interviewer ever and his show is refreshing and Topical. Listen for a week and then judge...

Anonymous said...

Wendy and Howard suck fest

Urban Rosebud said...

LOL. Howard is Beavis & Butthead come to life. But they all make me laugh. Kiki71 like the critical thought breakdown. Valid.

Simon said...

I listened to Howard for years. Wendy is right. He has his nose buried up jimmy kimmel’s ass. He is so happy to be part of the Hollywood elite now. And, too much Ronnie, sal, JD. just not funny.

sandybrook said...

Kiki Howard was the highest rated morning shock jock in NY for years before he went to satellite. Everyone wanted to be on his show and hopefully get on the E! show too. Sometimes it was fun to listen to, not all the time, but he stopped giving a shit once he went to satellite. And nobody GAF about him anymore either.

OKay said...

I listened to Howard Stern's radio show a couple of times in around oh, I want to say 1989-90? I thought he had a short shelf life at the time. Can't even believe he's still around.

TheBPlot said...

Nope. This rumor is wrong. Her show doesnt sell books and Howard doesnt need publicity from her. His book is already number 1 in presales. Out of respect for her, Howard insisted his rant responding to Wendy criticism two weeks ago be deleted from the on demand show app. Thats all fact, not rumor.

momo said...

I listened daily for a few years way before satellite Sirius deal. Once his marriage ended he wasn't funny anymore. His conflicts with his wife and his mother made the show. I think he should retire from radio and go on the road with his wife and her fake cat charity. They could fill hotel conference rooms nationwide.

chibchakan said...

Howard Stern Blasts Wendy Williams 3-13-2019

BRAD PITT said...

tom hanks wife rita wilson is getting a star on the walk of fame

in all fairness WTF did she ever do to deserve it ?

Yaccub said...

Lots of cracker guesses... Wendy W and her protege Charlemagne tha God


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