Monday, April 08, 2019

Blind Item #11

There was an event this weekend that normally would have drawn close to zero industry executives. This one though had dozens attend. Why? It was filled with tweens and very young teens all looking to keep working in the industry. The executives took full advantage of it with a lot of sharing booze and unsolicited groping and pawing. There were at least four or five teens not even old enough to drive who left alone after being paired off with an executive. 


  1. New Filmmakers Award Show?

  2. Anonymous11:21 AM


  3. Enty, please stop reporting these blinds here, & instead report them to the authorities. I'm all for hearing of consenting adults being naughty, but when underage kids are involved, please do your part & try to *stop* it (or else you are consenting to child predators)

  4. Anonymous11:30 AM

    I think it's a good point that this goes beyond harmless blind item gossip. If this is happening it needs to be reported to the authorities.

  5. Come on Enty, let the authorities know. This is a crime!!

  6. Enty posts these blinds because the authorities do know, they just turn a blind eye. Who do you think some of his sources are?

    They might do something if enough of the general public makes a fuss.

    1. Exactly my thoughts. Cops being told to stand down, at least getting it out as best they can.

  7. I'll guess that this kind of thing has been happening as far back as Shirley Temple, but they cover it up.

  8. Wrestlemania 35 was this past weekend.

  9. Well, obviously the law is fine with this going on - nothing ever happens - so someone needs to infiltrate and film one of these disgusting industry trollevents.

  10. FFS Unknown, who do you think doesn't know about this? The parents know, the local authorities know, everyone in town knows, etc. The only hope of stopping it would be something federal (not likely) or general outcry from average national citizens who seem to be the only people who don't know.

    It's like some folks don't understand how the authorities work, everybody works for somebody.

  11. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Report it to who? Think about it

    CPS? State authorized kiddy snatchers
    FBI? Too busy finger banging each other and looking for fake Russian shit
    DOJ? Get a fucking clue. They’re the gatekeepers for the 1%

    So what else can you do besides frontier justice.

  12. Chris Hansen needs to do "To Catch A Predator.... Hollywood"!

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  14. Brayson & others, you say no one cares... well true, until someone finally does.
    Case in point- the college admission scandal- something that's gone on since *forever*, until this year when they got an infomant & high-profile names involved & now it's a full-blown highly publicized federal case.
    Same has to happen here.

  15. The parents are partners in crime. They should know better and what's up with the old farts wanting to get sued. Well if RKelly and fat Dan can get away with it, so can they.

  16. @Unknown, I'm saying the local authorities either don't care or can't stop it. Same goes for the local population. Feds won't touch it without a legal justification, evidence and a political will to intervene. You can guess how much politicians want to f*ck with the same media people who either donated to their campaigns or have the power to ruin them.
    Your example sucks. Their "informant" was a white collar criminal trying to save his own neck after getting busted for fraud by selling out the people who he paid to help his own daughter.
    These criminals were circumventing the elite school system where if your children aren't bright enough you pay off the school/donate something to get your beloved not-good-test-takers through the door.
    You really think there are a lot of students at poor schools who missed out on those rowing team positions? Do public schools even have crew?
    The Feds helped protect the elite system, real thumbs up. People got riled because it reminded them that generally elite schools are specifically just for elites and those that can slip under the door. That's not going to change.

  17. What is the blog that helps parents with kids in the industry - has information about predators, etc.?

  18. But hey there's always the media right, those journalists will break all those stories about their eh, bosses...or people who could easily crush them...or uh people who could reward their silence. You saw what traction the Bryan Singer story got right? He might be done, at least his career, but no charges. And nobody is talking about the many other adult guests at his parties. Why is that?

    You want to run to your authority figures for help? Who do you think keeps things quiet?

  19. It's sickening to post these without outing the predators.

    But enty has no qualms using salacious victimization stories to boost site traffic. I used to think he was a good guy, but I wised up.

  20. Damn. Where is Charles Bronson when you need him? It's time for someone to go vigilante.

  21. Where's the me too movement for kids then?
    It'll take a Ronan Farrow type with persistence for investigation & bravery to expose these monsters. & yes, expose parents too.
    (tho lol, I know RonanF might not be the best one to expose child sex abuse charges, or then again he might be... but u get the picture)

  22. + Infinity @ Brayson87 and @Duh

  23. I think Nonya might be on to something

  24. Wouldn't you think the feds might camera the place up or something? Or at least send some agents in undercover miked and camera-ed.

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  26. @Nonya, going to give you an unsolicited advice, ignore if you like. But always remember there are no good or bad people in the world, all we have are people with agendas, you, me, everyone on this site and Enty too. Thats all i wanted to say.

  27. When you stop watching the movies and tv shows, then maybe someone will pay attention. It's all crap, anyways.

  28. @hiyosilvergirl, I think you are talking about, as the organization that helps parents with kids in the industry. You will find a lot of information on this subject on the home page of their website. They are a wonderful group.

  29. @Nonya, Could be fear, how long can Enty name certain names until they either litigate the site into closing or Enty has an accident? Maybe if anything happens to Enty all the names come out.

    This blind is also word of mouth, and the only thing witnessed according to the blind was underage drinking, inappropriate touching and teens leaving with people. The execs might say they gave them a ride home and the teens would deny anything bad. Aside from the drinking and teens it doesn't sound like anything more than Biden's been caught on camera doing a few times.

    @yep, Yes that's always evil's sales pitch, there is no sin, do as you will. Which sounds fine until you see what people actually do with that philosophy.

  30. I believe there must be a complaining witness or witnesses who complain before police can be involved. No one "couching" is going to complain, nor are their guardians.

  31. I just don't believe this one.

  32. @Unknown, I believe witnesses have complained. Part of the problem is the victims deny anything happened or they were told by their parents to deny.

  33. Good for you @nonya and @The One and only. The truth is, a lot of enty's stans will either never wise up, or just don't give a fuck. They'll continue to go to other similar sites revictimizing people by spreading this stuff as fact to the point where even if one of these people comes out and reveals that they weren't molested/prostituted, the stans will call them liars and keep harassing them. Enty is a clever and somewhat well-connected sociopath who knows how to perform empathy and ethics when those traits can legitimize his agenda, but in reality he's mostly about exploitation for entertainment and personal gain.

  34. I remember reading in the comments section that Enty stopped certain Spielberg blinds and Beyonce blinds due to threatened litigation.

    Of course, some of the blinds are fake. Big deal. Enty says that in the disclaimer.

    Maybe Enty hasn't reported anything because the information is second, third, fourth, or even fifth hand. Authorities rarely take that kind of information seriously.

    Maybe Enty has tried to report things but knows how the real world works and uses this blog to get the word out to attempt to get justice.

    My point is, we don't know. The best thing we can do is pray for victims of injustice, and speak up if we witness wrongdoings.

  35. @Luna, Sure, nothing to see here, just like Michael Jackson, Bill Cosby, Bryan Singer, Woody Allen, Kevin Spacey, Dan Schneider, etc. Totally innocent, right? Come on, I get the feeling you're carrying a torch for one of them. Although I guess that saying has two meanings nowadays.

    As for "exploitation for entertainment and personal gain" you may have just described the mission statement of Hollywood right there.

  36. Okay, one more time for all the (apparent) newbies. GOSSIP IS NOT PROOF. Why don't some of you try in LA bringing this blind into your local police station, and let us know how that goes.

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  38. Young Entertainer Awards was this weekend as well. Almost never attended by any executives since Marty Weiss got in underage teen trouble.

  39. Nice catch Juana, not much publicity for that one.

  40. Those with money have the higher up not allow cops to do their job. It happened in my own family.Cousin was 12 a boy found raped hung they said it was his own doing. one cop did tell my uncles who it was and even helped them get him.The cop was sick and tired of all the raped boys but a wealthy father in a resort area had means to pay off all.I found out decades after the murder and after my uncles died.I wanted the last name so I could let the killers family know but the only one still alive at that time refused to tell and now he is dead.Many times people have no choice and will make it stop one way or the other.

  41. The authorities KNOW.

    They just don't do anything about it.

  42. Thanks CDAN, for always exposing the underbelly of the "biz." I don't have TV, and I no longer go to, or purchase movies. I've extended that to music, also. I will NOT enrich pedophiles. PS Hellyweird is filming a new "TV series" in my town, and they are not welcome here. They come in, cause all kinds of chaos and death, leave garbage and ruined landscapes in their wake, for what? Tax breaks? Now, they are trying to get involved in politics here. People from that industry stand out - they are not normal, not welcome and carry dark energy.

  43. I think some parents, unfortunately, are hopeful, naive and rather clueless.

    I have a niece who is like a cross between Selena and Demi but more gorgeous. My brother and his family lived in Orlando while she was growing up and my sister-in-law was determined to take her to Nickelodeon and Disney auditions because she was convinced that niece could be a star. My brother put his foot down because he wanted her to have a normal childhood, thankfully, because my SIL is naive enough to go wait in her car while some casting director “auditioned” their daughter in his trailer. For an adult woman with three kids she is incredibly guileless and trusting.

  44. @Margo: you're not really going to go to blaming parents, are you? Pedophilia is an institution in Hollywood. Grooming is done through media. It's everywhere: magazines, books, music, movies, sports - and, this site. We are told this is our "culture," when in fact, these are criminal enterprises in every sense of the word. When our politicians join with these criminals in public, it lends credence to the acceptability. The parents are groomed to believe, and the children are unlucky recipients of the end-stage of grooming.

  45. @Brayson, its not a the same as saying there is no sin. I am saying dont assume someone is good or bad based on just a piece in gossip site where 75-80 per cent blinds are either picked up from DM or plane made up out of thin air. I dont know enty so I dont assume anything about him/her. I dont even know how many of these blinds are actually written by Enty and how many by someone else.

  46. @brayson: I'm not interested in protecting any of those men (although, in Dan Scneider's case, nobody has ever even accused him of raping or molesting them. You've got to see why this is more than a little shady and suspicious...) and already knew they were creeps. CDAN had nothing to do with it. I'm interested in abuse victims not being sold out and re-violated like this, and in other girls and boys not getting accused of being raped/ prostituted because these are subjects that should be treated with more dignity than that.
    The fact that these are rumors doesn't stop many Enty stans from going around to other communities spreading it all like gospel. Exploitation of all kinds in the entertainment industry doesn't justify the exploitation Enty is involved in either. He's just an example of the other side of the media's exploitation coin.

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    People from here read this and actually go to other places and spread it?
    It's fucking gossip.
    I've read posts that say
    and really those people are whack. Why TF would someone treat this like the real world?
    Trust me when I say absolutely no one, NOT A ONE person In my Real Life knows about any of you people.
    Now that I think of it.. I'd never even admit I even check a place like this out

  49. "since Enty doesn't exactly have a great reputation among other gossip areas." .....LMAO....oh my sides....which 'gossip areas' would that be ... People, Just Jared or whatever the f his name have got to be kidding me. The super ass kissers don't like Enty, gee wonder why that is.

  50. Fucking disgusting let the authorities know dude

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  53. Interesting reading all the comments about this site. Could Enty and the person with the user name "Enthusiasm Quotes" be the same person?

  54. @Unknown it's not necessary cause the blind is fake like 90% of the stuff on here. Either fake or just anews article turned into a blind aka "guess which news I'm referring to in this blind"

  55. The only reason I found out about this site is through years of enty stans running to other communities reporting everything on here as fact and insulting anyone who told them they were being a bit ridiculous.

  56. Woah, we’ve got some major shilling up in here. It’s almost glowing (Clowns_in_America we see you). Enty’s over the target. Carry on.

  57. ^And then there are Enty's most deluded sycophants who dismiss anyone who criticizes him or his site from an ethical standpoint as shills for abusers in the industry. Never mind the fact that most of us are normal everyday citizens and activists who happened to be involuntarily told things about this place. The gaslighting is real. Stay sleep,Libnast. Great job training your sheep, enty. You should make that the title of your inevitable book.


  59. Nah, hunter, you're just brainwashed because you've stumbled upon a sect where all of your most politically incorrect thoughts, especially about sex and females, are accepted, encouraged, and validated. You've found your sacred echo chamber, and any woman who would dare interfere with that has to be a shill for rapists so you can justify your hobby. Enty is your hero because he makes it okay for you to say whatever you want about those 'thots', he makes it ok to not get consent from these people (some of whom are minors) when one wants to spread false stories about them being raped and prostituted, and he makes it ok to use actual abuse victims in a way that they didn't consent to. He teaches tha boundaries, rights, and privacy- even with medical info like abortion, suicide, and miscarriage- are irrelevant. Both Enty and his loyalists like you operate under the idea that abuse is not abuse, and violation is not violation, so long as you're not literally the one 'grabbing her by the pussy.'

  60. Are you kidding me @ the one and only. It was Anthony Kiedes that Cher had sex with. They've both admitted it. She was an adult and he was 12. What the hell do you call it? That is rape. A 12 year old cannot consent.

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