Thursday, April 04, 2019

Blind Item #11

This former A- list mostly movie actress from a now defunct hit cable show is trying to make a comeback with a new show and role. She found out she was pregnant right before landing it and there was no way she could do both, so she terminated the pregnancy. 


  1. Christina Hendricks? Only if the show isn't brand-new and just coming on now.

  2. Replies
    1. Exactly. Are we supposed to clutch our pearls and shame her?

      If men got pregnant, clinics would be drive through and on every corner, and RU486 would be sold in vending machines.

  3. No Christina doesn't fit. Going for Anna Paquin instead.

  4. I don't like these kinds of blinds, kind of judgy.

  5. this is nobody's business but hers.

  6. Anonymous11:35 AM

    +1 brayson

  7. Anonymous11:46 AM

    +1 nancer
    Stop publishing this .

  8. Over-the-line, Enty.

  9. Stop publishing this.

    Censor it.

    We can't talk about it.

    We can't think about.

    We can't face it.

    But we want it.

    We want it so bad !

  10. No one's business. Blinds should expose assholes and criminals or philanthropists. Not shame someone who may have had to make an extremely difficult decision.

    1. Yes the difficulty must be astonishing. I just ferl like other options could've beenbexplored first, like not letting someone rawdog ya and using abortion as form of birth control. Fuck womens right choose, choose sonething more worthy like celebacy or abistence

  11. Give me a break ppl. Enty was HARDLY being judgmental...He was simply saying that she chose one thing over the other. I mean it was her choice as a woman right? Geez quit over analyzing.

  12. Anonymous12:29 PM

    I don't think this is over the line. Kind of speaks to the choices actresses have to make to stay relevant. Just like reveling in not so subtle ways those "closeted" actors/ actresses show what they do/hide to get jobs as well.

    Isn't HBO be "premium cable" on here? For AP, I mean. I could be wrong, I just forget the classification on here.

  13. "his former A- list mostly movie actress from a now defunct hit cable show is trying to make a comeback with a new show and role. She found out she was needed a medical exam for insurance purposes so she got one."

  14. Since when are we *not* judgy here?!

  15. How dumb do you have to be to come on a gossip site and then tell people to mind their own business...

  16. Even on a gossip site, there's a line and this crosses it.

  17. Says who? This is a gossip site on the internet not a fucking bible study meeting.

  18. Anonymous1:19 PM

    It is weird how this is the "line" when these readers are ok with everything else personal that leaks on here. I am sure a lot of leaks have felt very personal to those celebrities who were exposed. To me if this is the line it hits close to home for the readers.

    "Coming out" is deeply personal and effects actors work potential just, yet, no one objects to those "closeted actors" tidbits.

    It's either all ok or none of it is.

    And again, it is a gossip website. For all we know whoever gave this tip was lying. Take all of this with a grain of salt.

  19. I agree with ccgirl, tiny dancer and surprisingly ahkbar.

  20. So, WHAT? This post is biased, Enty. You imply that it's wrong if a woman chooses her career over a pregnancy. FUCK THAT.

  21. FFS Enty, I'm surprised you didn't add some conspiracy to this judgy gossip - surely you can use the edit function and come back and say the fetus was aborted for knowing too much, Rothschild, illuminati, QAnon etc etc.

  22. Oh Christ, cue the pro-lifers......
    Don't like abortion, don't have one. Real simple.

  23. Anonymous2:21 PM


    I suppose if you or your partner terminated a pregnancy, would you want that information spread across the media?
    Do you realize this makes the subject a target for pro life extremists?

  24. Once the show bombs she can pull the train with the crew and get knocked up again. This is show biz so I'm going out on a limb and guess she's not Christian.

  25. Strangertruths12 - That’s as idiotic as saying if you don’t like murder then don’t kill someone.

  26. Anonymous2:25 PM

    @stranger truths
    It is question not of right or wrong of abortion.
    It is about the personal dignity and physical safety of the couple involved.
    This absolutely needs to be off limits.
    Some readers clearly are not seeing the bigger picture.
    Or perhaps it's all about entertaining any cost.

  27. @DarylisbigFan
    I agree and don't think it belongs here on this gossip site either. Agree about dignity and personal safety. Its up there with outing people. I don't think that is fodder for "gossip". I don't like that. My point was any mention of a woman's right to choose brings out the pro-life crazies. And I was right! So whether it belongs on this site or not, and I believe we agree here it does NOT, I still say if you don't like abortion, don't have one.

  28. @tom jobes Actually, not even close to the same thing. Murder is a capital crime. Not even close.

  29. @tiny, No, I was serious. Feel the same way about miscarriage blinds too. It's something very personal and shouldn't reflect upon the person. I don't think anyone should be forced to have a pregnancy any more than they should be forced to have an abortion. It's a choice only one person should make, and you can't know their thought process unless they tell you themselves.

    Although you know if guys could get pregnant they'd have to build clinics like McDonald's to keep up with demand, yeah who doesn't want to wear rubber now?😅

  30. It's enty's site. He should print what he likes.

  31. @brayson87 PREACH! Also, if it were men getting preggo, you know that shit would be FREE.

  32. Oh fuck off, all of you. Every one of you sought out a GOSSIP SITE to get the deets on other people's lives. Well now you've got them. Go away if you actually hate it, but either way just shut the hell up.

  33. OMG like 3 or 5 guesses on the actress and a thousand comments on abortion.

  34. Anonymous3:45 PM

    I would never terminate a pregnancy as I am Pro-Life as they come so not something I will ever have to worry about. But, the law is the law. However, this is not the time or the place for that debate. Go bitch on Twitter or Reddit about your views.

    This is a GOSSIP SITE. A lot of deeply personal shit gets outted on here ALL THE TIME. Maybe if this bothers your morals so much, stop coming on here.

    I detest selective outrage and this is what this is for those offended on this subject.

    ENTY should not have be scared to post a tidbit because he is afraid his readers might be offended. What about the targets of blinds daily? I am sure they are often offended.

    If a subject offends me, I am not going to tell ENTY he cannot post it.

    And, for all any of you know, another actress up for the part may have sent in this lie because she was mad she didn't get the part and the actress of this blind did. Not a lot of research goes into these blinds and are often wrong as we know.

    And, agreed! I just wanted people to make guesses not get on their soap box on abortion.

    I am going with someone on Mad Men or Bates Motel. See above post for my guesses.

  35. Empathy is dead here, both with Enty and his sycophantic cult memebers. Girls and women exist to be exploited and violated for the entertainment of the unwashed masses. Nonconsensually telling tales (true or not) of them being sexually abused and prostituted is one form of that, abortion and miscarriage tales are another. But to keep things looking woke, Enty is at least smart enough to include similarly violating and exploitative tales about #MenToo. It's a pretty awesome strawman.

  36. @strangertruths - They both involve the willful killing of human life. No. Difference.

  37. I'm surprise people dont talk about the skeletons hidden in Entys closet. This also needs to be exposed regarding these "blind items".

  38. I don't care what anyone says, I think that is shit, and I don't mean the reporting.

    Now all the people who call anyone judgmental can start their judgmental shit on me. It is her choice to do it and it is MY CHOICE to disagree with it. Bring on the hate from the judgmentals.

  39. Yes, babies can be inconvenient. But so easy to snuff out if something better comes up. Yay for her.

  40. Is it okay for a woman to not use birth control ,get pregnant then have a life cut up and murdered because of her irresponsibility or because a job comes up.What about when a man murders a woman who gets pregnant on purpose ,trapping him with payments for 18 years, is it okay if she gets butchered by said man ? If you can reason away murder as abortion issue does ,my body ,my life,my choice maybe that is what the forced to be a dad does also.

  41. Its a gossip website, and its gossip.
    Awfully judgey of some readers to chatise enty for gossip.
    Too bad those readers arent more tolerant and less sanctimonious

  42. Her choice, not our business. This should not be revealed.

  43. What kind of logic are you operating under??? You say he is going over the line for publishing this blind, wherein he simply is stating the facts of the matter. She chose to terminate a pregnancy. He didn't even use the "a" word. You are the ones putting the negative judgment on to it, and exposing yourself as a person who does not want these kinds of things to be out in the open. And why do you think nobody should know if a woman has an abortion or a miscarriage?? She should have to suffer alone and pretend she is just fine ! Doing it all and doing it for the men to believe she has no other more serious dark thoughts on her mind, like destroying a whole line of future generation of her family, sibling to her children, grandchild of her parents, someone who might care for her in her old age. Better just sweep all this under the rug under the guise of empowerment.
    Women regret abortion. Dont @ me.

  44. Anonymous8:15 PM

    LMAO...the moral of this post: it is only ok for this gossip website to out people IF IF IF IF I agree with the subject.

    FFS. OMFG...the hypocritical jokes on here. THERE IS A LINE IF I SAY SO.

    America: Vomit.

  45. "Hey that's personal" = "hey stop reminding me my politics is in a slightly grey area"...

  46. Pretty sad to have to choose between a baby and a job.

    I'll keep my opinions on the choice to myself though.

    Hollywood is a hot mess.

  47. In this group of moralizing and apparently fertile adults, how many of the females had an abortion (shhh.. Don't tell anyone because then I can't tell everyone else it's murder so shhh) and how many of the male "I don't use condoms because my dick is the most important thing in the world" have paid for an abortion for their fuck-buddies who really weren't "marriage material" (shhh don't tell anyone or I won't be able to tell women that they are murderers..shhhhh)?

    Being an old lady has its perks.

  48. Wow, murder your child to get a new role... Hollywood really is evil isn't it?

  49. @Bon M: Nailed it. Hollywood is evil, having to choose between giving life and continuning the species v making a mortgage payment is a horrible decision. How did we get here?

    My favorite is @brayson87 arguing that both miscarriages (no choice) and choosing to terminate your baby (choice) both merit shielding on this gossip blog due the personal nature of the decision - what a laughable comparison. Miscarriages deserve empathy. Murdering your baby may be legal, but there's no argument it is immoral. (Back in saner days, pro-abortion forces argued the procedure should be safe, legal and rare. At $500/pop, "rare" no longer a focus among the industry.) No surprise immorality in Hollywood begets more immorality.

    It is fairly obvious to succeed in this cesspool you either a/ have no core beliefs or b/ have to massively compromise them for your paymasters. Burn the industry down, salt the earth and let's start over with 100% transparency s/ these evil humans can't be trusted with any sort of power whatsoever over their fellow humans.

  50. People kill babies all the time, Enty's talking about it. Get over yourselves.

    1. Probably used the morning after pull. People use ALL the time.

  51. Christ, an abortion and “murdering your baby” are two different things.

    This blind shows the difficult choices actresses have in order to stay working and to stay relevant. What sucks is that the most popular guesses will be assumed to be the actress in question.

  52. Enty's hands aren't clean either. At best, we're looking at someone who sells out sexual abuse victims for personal gain/ entertainment without their permission and instead of just naming and shaming the predators. At worst, we're looking at someone who puts out unverified rumors and LIES about people being sexually abused/prostituted for personal gain and entertainment. The exploiting people's abortions, miscarriages, and suicide attempts are just another piece of that. This is not some ethical person we're dealing with. Some of the barbaric and entitled responses on here and excuses being made are not surprising to hear from a lack of talibangelicals tho. Moral high ground my ass. And that goes double for some of the hypocritical feckless liberals and phony feminazis who pontificate about privacy, respect, exploitation, and consent one minute but then run to other site's spreading Enty's shit the next.

  53. Of course, choosing your career over a baby is wrong and evil. There'd be no ethics without judging other people's actions and decisions.

  54. @brayson it’s not judgy, it’s murder of the most vulnerable for convenience. Abortion is murder straight up.

  55. Lots of people don't like being reminded that this is what your defending. A shallow, selfish reason to end a life.

  56. How many people against pro-choice have taken in an abused child or a crack baby no one wanted? How about supported a single mother who can't afford to raise her children? No one should be forced to have a child they don't want.

  57. @lutefisk
    You obviously don't understand the concept of motherhood. It's not some random child you don't want, it's your child. Refusing to raise your own child is selfish: ending his life in your own womb is simply criminal.

  58. Omfg it's like you pro-lifers don't understand that birth control fails. Are you planning on taking in all those unwanted babies? If not, shut the fuck up. You're not pro-life. You're pro-birth. Those children could be put into foster care, and we all know the foster care system is already so over full that kids get abused and sent RIGHT BACK. Telling people to stop having sex will never work. We all know if men could get pregnant there would be an abortion clinic on every fucking street corner. Get over yourselves.

  59. Excuse me @Paul Saint John, because I do understand the concept of motherhood I am pro-choice. I have two children who were planned and are loved. Not everyone can handle having a child for various reasons. Obviously ending a formation of cells in your womb is not criminal. Abortion is legal. Go find some unwanted children and give them some love. You are wasting precious time here.

  60. Anonymous12:23 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  61. Anonymous12:26 AM

    A life is a, go comet on it.

  62. @lutefisk
    Of course not everyone can figure out how to close their legs, abstain from sex or put on a condom. Those people are stupid, their kids will be too, and I'd rather raise my own children.

  63. A very famous lesbian actress with IVF kids (no dad to deal with by contract) replaced another equally A+ list actress (injury/marital breakup) for a very physical role and signed a multi-million dollar contract after she had learned, but kept quiet, that she was preggers with her latest attempt at turkey basting (40% success rate with each injection so it was always a crap shoot with scheduling). The movie was already almost a year behind sked but she did what she could for the film until she started to show. Another hiatus and then back to work after post birth recovery. Many scenes were re-shot again and the film, way over budget and schedule, was a massive hit anyway. If dykes can do it, real women with a biological need for penis insertion can do it. Bottom line: Couching for a job and murdering the results is about as Hollywood as it gets. And, yes, that suffocating avalanche of misogyny that tars this harlot is just as Hollywood. Bottom Bottom Line: If you are a woman and have any self-respect, find something more dignified to do make a living.

  64. “Are you planning on taking in all those unwanted babies? If not, shut the fuck up.”

    If you won’t try fixing the problem you can’t complain about the problem? I never understood this argument.

  65. You are awful.
    And your comment doesn’t make sense. You want to lecture people on intelligence?

  66. This comment has been removed by the author.

  67. Anna Paquin is a good guess. Abortion debate is boring and hypocritical selectivity reveals you are just a judgmental S3JOH22A. And, I thought you were just a bunch of amusing trolls.



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