Monday, April 29, 2019

Blind Item #11

I think mot people would be shocked to know this A+ list teen celebrity to the under 10 crowd is a chain smoker and that gum you see her chewing around kids is Nicorette. 


  1. I canNOT with that child.

  2. This is literally a meme. Like that is legit a thing people joke about Jojo Siwa doing on stan twitter.

  3. Good to see the Enterns are back on their smoking is very, very bad kick.

  4. she was annoying AF on Dance Moms and she's even WORSE now. i couldn't stand her on the show.

    i mean, really? same hair style and actions? ridiculous. her mother ought to be slapped for creating this nitwit.

    1. C'mon! No matter how annoying she may be, you're still talking abt a kid. 😒

  5. She has a smokers voice too. JoJo Siwa

  6. anyone who can rock that hair bow with such confidence gets my respect

  7. This makes me like Jojo now. Come out and play, Twisted Dark Jojo!

  8. This 16 year old is STILL sporting that ridiculous bow on her head. She looks like a buffoon. Seriously find some talent to stay relevant and take the dam bow off.

    1. Those bows made her millions.

  9. Anonymous11:53 AM

    everyday my daughter asks if she can go to jojo siwas house lol

  10. Clearly, I'm not her demographic, but that tween outfit and oversized bow make me nutty! My friend said she's selling those bows for an absolute fortune. I think this blind is riot. Like Baby Herman lighting up in Who Framed Roger Rabbit?.

  11. same @kfitz . I can't stand Jojo

  12. Hate smokers.

    Even smoking outside on a sidewalk exposes lots of people to breathing a bunch of foul shit they shouldn't have to deal with.

    And don't compare it to cars (which are bad). Engine fumes aren't engineered to maximize sensory impact. Tobacco is cultivated and processed specifically to be smelly.

    Also, don't get me started on vaping. Fucking addicts.

    1. I'd rather smell cigarette smoke than diesel fumes any day. Diesel fumes=instant headache. And don't get me started on those asshats that put stacks on their pickup trucks so they can blow even BIGGER black clouds behind them. I just wanna drop various items in those things and see what happens...

    2. Disney is banning smoking and vaping in their parks.

    3. Do you need a midol?

    4. +1000000 J. Despise being forced to breathe those nasty fumes. And wheezing afterwards

  13. I kind of love this one. Beneath that carefully crafted always-non-threatening-tween facade is a real, live rebellious sixteen year old. I just hope it's only cigs (well, I hope it's NOTHING addictive but if it has to me something, smoking isn't hard drugs) and she doesn't go harder from the stress of trying to stay eternally 12 years old for her fans.

  14. True, diesel stinks, but at least it's typically hauling something someplace. Not just making some loser imagine he or she is cool.

    Although the pickups with extended pipes, yes that's what they're doing too.

  15. JoJo Siwa
    I wonder if she smokes Camel Straights? 🐪

  16. im all here for JoJo SIwa gone bad hahhaahahah .. bitch is crazy nuts and i love it

  17. Anonymous2:35 PM

    From the looks of the students at my school, she is making millions with those bows.

  18. @Teachermom, just from what I've seen from the school pick up line I agree. Almost every girl has a big ass bow and/or a Jojo backpack!

  19. Anyone that calls JoJo Siwa an A lister is high on drugs Lol
    Try again

  20. I used to work in an advertising agency and we worked with a few celebrities (back in the day), anyway...a lot of them keep their "look" because they don't want to lose fans because they aren't readily identifiable. It's weird, but it's like their call sign.

  21. I bet she's on cocaine too. You have to keep that money machine going while cash is coming in, it's small window.

  22. She don't really care about what you say.
    Won't let the haters get their way

  23. Poor thing, probably is contractually obliged to keep up the persona to keep the $$$ coming in.

    Let’s hope she doesn’t end up like Lindsay et al.

  24. All dancers smoke. It's in their contract. Keeps them skinny. Plus, my sources tell me she's smoking more than cigs. That's where her real $$$ are cumming from.

  25. Eh, if nicotine is all she's doing then she's still ahead of the maintaining her innocence curve.

  26. I love how riled up anti-smokers get.

    Have you seen her car? It's hilariously fugly.

  27. Just the image of JoJo firing up a Marlboro with one of those big dorky bows in her hair, wearing her Disney child star wardrobe is HILARIOUS to imagine.
