Wednesday, April 03, 2019

Blind Item #10

Even if the alliterate talk show host gets everything together in the next couple of weeks, the show may be finished anyway because a new show is going to be tested this summer with a eye towards replacing the alliterate one.


MontanaMarriott said...

Wendy W.

sandybrook said...

And Jerry O'Connell?

Brayson87 said...

They just don't like having a transgender host anymore, shame on them.

sandybrook said...

It may be Keke Palmer.

Anonymous said...

Dude... just giving you a rip, but didn’t u give me sh*t about me saying a young celebrity wasn’t attractive?!?! Isn’t that “gender insensitive”.

Jessica said...

I bet it's the RuPaul show they announced yesterday for the new show/host this summer.

BlaiseInCO said...

WW is potentially being replaced by Ru Paul, who is going to have a three week trial show soon

sandybrook said...

Good grief Ru Paul? 😩

Glue said...

Oh Wendy, Wendy. Wendy. If she loses the show, she loses money - no show, no money coming in (and eventually no hubby, bc he will take off once the money well dries up).

It's evident she chose to allow him abusing her over her well-being and her career. She is losing everything by trying to keep him, but in the end, she will not only lose her show and her career and income - but the one person she's been trying to hold onto will walk away as soon as the money disappears. She will be left w/ NOTHING.

Lesson here ladies....don't be a Wendy Williams.

Sad, yet unnecessary situation.

Brayson87 said...

Hahaha, I was just teasing, but they really are replacing her with Rupaul, good for you Fox, it wasn't the transgender thing after all 🤣🤣

Brayson87 said...

@Vanessa, You're going to have to be more specific, no idea, but I'd guess the issue may have been the age of the young celebrity you were denigrating. Either that or you were just wrong ;)

Vita said...

Glue-- certainly looking like a cautionary tale at the moment!

Alternative possibility, tho I have no idea if it'd work...Maybe Wendy and her advisors WANT the show to be cancelled? It would get Wendy out of the most active portion of their shared business (I think the show had been renewed thru 2021), and once divorced, she could begin a new production company and shop a rebooted show? Now, whether that would be possible or of interest, I have no clue.

KnitWit said...

Wendy needs time off to get herself healthy. RuPaul would be a great host. Better than Kelly Clarkson - a talk show host with nothing interesting to say who never shuts up.

Frederick said...

Wendy Williams.

I find RuPaul to be extremely annoying and won't be watching.

Kellikopter said...

I would like to see Wendy get it together, lose the 250 lbs of dead weight she calls a husband, and keep her show. She could use the life experiences that have come to light recently to inspire so many people who are going through similar issues (infidelity, divorce, addiction, etc.). Knowing they aren't the only ones going through it may help to soften the blow. Unfortunately, it looks like wishful thinking on my part. I'm still rooting for her, though.

Conservaterian said...

Wendy Williams.

Let's hope Jerry O'Connell does not get the job. He is AWFUL to watch. He is over the top, loud and not funny.

JL said...

Jerry is too hyperactive. Wendy’s fans are diehard.
She needs a handler because she can’t do it all. Too fragile. Ditch Kevin and hire a Gelman.

Nosey Parker said...

It seemed like they wanted Nick Cannon.

TheBPlot said...

Yep, RuPaul. It will work. His show is three week test run. Minimally they are hoping to scare wendy straight.

Jennacheryl said...

Hire AJ

Pink_Palace said...

I used to think the same thing, til I saw older pictures of her. Glad I wasn’t the only one...☺️

Pink_Palace said...

This would be wonderful news!! But did you see the “push present” diamond BLING watch she got him - or he got for himself, during his trip to the jewelry store...
I am praying for this redemption story though!!🤞🏼

Freckles said...

I think Wendy will have a credit as part of Jerry O'connells show.I can't believe she allowed her scumbag husband to bring her down.

Aaaah88L said...

Jerry tries too hard and is very extra when he subs for Wendy. Why he tries to be flamboyant, I will never know. But it's funny and painful to watch at the same time.

I thought Nick Cannon did a great job, but he said he doesn't want to take over.

I'm here for Ru Paul.

I haven't watched Wendy since she came back from her long hiatus. I cringed as she championed for her husband and declared her love for him. I was a long time fan of Wendy since her radio days when I was a teen. I'm done. No desire to watch her show anymore.


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