Thursday, April 18, 2019

Blind Item #10

Dear monthly magazine that is run by the sunglassed one,

Thanks for finally publishing what I have been talking about for years. Modeling is essentially a front for yachting and the agents acting as pimps.

Love & Bacon,



  1. Maybe not. Anna how could you?? You're bffs with the KTrash.

  2. Thank you Vogue for reporting on the obvious as though it has been a secret all this time!

    Seriously, I am glad Vogue reported on this.

  3. oh no. please don't say that. what about the young girls? Kiara Gerber? Thylane Blondeau? :(

  4. They can take over ad business from Craigslist and Backpage.

  5. Can someone post a link please?

  6. ditto. i can't find any info on this.

  7. Anonymous11:21 AM


  8. I couldn't find any related stories on Vogue website???

  9. Does Anna really blow the cover on the biggest gigs around? Wonder if she's hearing about it from the participants?

  10. Where is this article? Cannot find.

  11. Vita - Anna clearly must frequent this site and probably heard about it here:))

  12. I looked on website and there is a video called Models Speak Candidly About Navigating Power Dynamics In the Age of #MeToo. Not sure if that’s what Enty is talking about


    Part of a series so might address 'yachting' in later video but this one more of #metoo with scummy photographers.

  14. Although they do talk about pressure to date someone and how models get in debt to agencies.

  15. Thanks for finding it MDanderson.

  16. Couldn't the same be said for the entire entertainment industry?

  17. Thanks MD!

    Texasrose-- I'm sure anna follows closely!😁 what i was trying to say was I wonder if models/yachtsmen are upset with her for tattling about their extracurricular adventures to a wider public?

  18. Maybe Anna is really retiring and she just said "F--k it!"

  19. she's basically been the pimp keeping the entire system afloat, but i guess fashion dictates now to care about victims, she is so on trend!

  20. It's true, even early on. It's not unusual for a photographer at a shoot to demand a new model suck their d!ck or be sent home. They know they can get away with it, the agencies won't mess with them. Heard about that years ago from a model in NYC.

  21. I met a bunch of Elite models in NYC in early 80s. We went to the clubs together. Danceteria, Studio 54 etc. The ones I knew lived in a hotel that had a section that was "residential" and it was right by the UN. Many of the girls were supplementing their incomes by being escorts. Funny thing was half the guys that hired them AT LEAST were gay, so they didn't even have to do anything but look good and come in with them.

  22. Vita - Unless Vogue does an explicit article explaining what 'yachting' is and how industry operates I don't think they (models and agents/pimps) would be upset. Article kind of generic #meetoo movement stuff.

  23. Watch the "Models On What It Means to 'Make It'" video in the link that @texasrose posted, specifically Carol Alt's segment starting at 5:11. You can tell she's seen the dark side of modeling and probably has some horrific stories to tell. Powerful stuff.

  24. I disagree with the comments on this thread. Do some models yacht and/or act as escorts? Of course. But to say that a model ‘must give a bj to the photographer or be sent home’ is absolutely ridiculous. Have any of you ever been on a photo shoot? I’ve been on many and the client hires (and can also fire) everyone—photographers, models, hair & make-up, etc. The only situation where a bj or other sexual activity could theoretically be forced is if a new model convinces a photographer to do her portfolio (privately)—and then it’s up to her as to what she’s willing to do to get what she wants.

  25. Thanks, texasrose

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. When you consider that a VAGUE shoot might net you $5,000 tops, and yachting could pay your living expenses for a whole year, tax-free, it's no wonder most models do it. The only real money in modeling is to be the "face" of a big campaign.

  28. @Aquagirl i work in fashion and it really depends on a number factors.

    USA and London are the most "safe". Milan is where models "pay their dues" for a reason. Catalogue is much more professional than fashion/editorial. The chances of getting molested on a shoot for a newspaper insert for JC Penney are pretty low.

    The more prestigious a photographer/magazine/fashion house the more likely you will be open to abuse. And to be honest, I have heard TONS more stories from male models than females. The smart females will "date" to at least get dinners, parties out of it.

  29. There was an interesting article in Cosmo UK last summer about IG models and yachting.
