Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Blind Item #10

I'm guessing that this A list performer in her corner of the this sport would fail a drug test. She is becoming much like that female who used to be in the same corner.


  1. Becky Lynch is pretty muscular and I guess Chyna is the comparison

  2. Becky Lynch?? And Becoming like Paige

  3. Wouldn't watching porn be more fun than watching this stuff?

  4. WWE is not a sport, its an entertainment/choreographed live performance! If it is Becky, then it would be a travesty coz she is literally on top of the world right now! She was the second most mentioned woman on twitter in the week leading up to Wrestlemania 35!

  5. Well, all the Beckbeards would be pissed about this if it's her.

    Then again, didn't Enty say that she and Cena were fucking last summer? How coincidental that's around the same time WWE started pushing her as a star...

    1. WWE had no choice but to push her. People were going nuts for her everywhere they went. Cena had nothing to do with it

  6. @lucky13, Enty has also said that Cena is closeted, so take anything reported here with a pinch of salt!

  7. To be fair, the rumor I've heard about Cena since 2004 is that he's bi.

  8. @lucky13 Cena's Bi (So is Triple H) and Becky got what she wanted out of the "back end" of the deal clearly. By becoming Paige, i wonder how far she's going with it. Hope she isn't taping it, but that's on her if she is.

  9. I'm gonna go with Charlotte Flair. Leaked pics, hooking up with male wrestlers, and her face has been looking a bit puffy lately.

  10. Sandybrook, Becky is not muscular at all.
    She is athletic looking, like a softball player.
    Maybe you mean Charlotte who is pretty big and seems addicted to plastic surgey.
