Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Your Turn

Jussie Smollett charges being dropped. Discuss.


  1. Could we do "What's for Lunch Today?" instead?

    1. Hacking top comment: preiction: more texts will leak between Foxx and Smollett, and a federal investigation will take over. Smollett will see a court room again.

  2. I'm having a chickpea salad sandwich with carrots and an apple. Quite tasty.


  4. Two words - mail fraud. Waiting to see how that one falls out.

    and congratulations on calling this news weeks ago Enty!

  5. 3 CPD officers have quit already today fwiw

  6. I didn't eat lunch today but it's Taco Tuesday and the cantina across the street has $1 beef or chicken tacos and $2 domestic beers so that's what I'm holding out until. And the chips basket with housemade very hot salsa.

  7. Leads to Cory Booker and his anti lynching bill. Period. So strange how the timing occurred, huh?

  8. trail leads to Kamala Harris

  9. Why did they indict him in the first place? And is their keeping his bail money a bribe?

  10. You mean:
    "What was the government doing as everybody focused on a loser actor faking a hate crime."
    Amerikaner ...

  11. Well, no doubt if I'm ever in legal trouble Michelle Obama will dispatch her top lieutenant to fix things for me.

  12. Damn we jumped the gun on Blind Item #6 on this topic! I guess we should move the slapfight over here ��

  13. The city ought to sue him. Hopefully any career he had in Hollywood is over.

  14. It's unfucking believable. Boycott any asshole who hires this douchebag. As a gay quadroon it disgusts me that this trash made a joke out the real-life struggles that blacks and gays face.

  15. Enty called this happening in a blind on feb 28th


    Awful. Smollett should be charged.

  16. I know it was a Miramax film, but I still enjoyed the rendition with Catherine Zeta-Jones and Renee Zellwegger more. But I did enjoy the modern twist with a gay black man instead of a blonde white girl. 7/10!

  17. It's a tit-for-tat, IMO. Mueller found no collusion, (duh), so Trump isn't going down - and Kim Foxx hates Trump so because Trump isn't going down she's gonna make sure Jussie and his fake racist story doesn't go down too as a retaliation.

    Smollett is a liar, and there's video everywhere showing these two Nigerian brothers BUYING SHIT OFF A LIST SMOLLETT GAVE THEM for the ruse. And he PAID with a FREAKING CHECK.

    It's disgusting, and I really didn't expect anything differently from the Chicago machine.

    1. Trump is a known and proven liar too

  18. Just like with Cheeto, doesn't matter what he did, it matters whether there's enough evidence to prosecute.

  19. @sandybrook I am so very into everything you just said about Taco Tuesday!!

  20. I wonder how those two men that Jussie hired were able to change their testimony w/o consequence. Initial reports indicated that they were going to roll on him. I suspect CPD botched the investigation a little too, either by failing to read Miranda or continuing to interrogate them after they requested counsel. I think Enty first mentioned the charges might be dropped once the brothers changed their story.

    Those who are pushing a conspiracy theory need to stop. Nobody is pulling strings for a TV actor. Just not worth it. The more simple explanation is that the investigators made a mistake and botched an otherwise provable case. The local politicians would prefer that Jussie be found guilty because they don't want their city to have the reputation of being a dangerous place for anyone (including POC).

  21. Enty totally gave me the Mike Meyers' "Coffee Talk with Linda Richman" feel with today's Your Turn.

  22. So how come Jussie isn't demanding his $10,000 back?

    I guess he knows a cheap bribe price when he sees one.

  23. jussie may have got off but the states attorney kim foxx will be headed to the slammer. federal charges coming for jussie, the usps doesnt like people who send death threats with white powder included.

  24. They are good tacos @strangertruths you can have soft or hard ones, I choose soft everytime, they are bigger.

  25. Here it is. Based on the statements from CPD's superintendent, it looks like they were skirting the 4th Amendment when they obtained those confessions at the 47th hour. Maybe the DA sealed the file because something unprofessional happened during the interrogations.


  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. @herbert

    yess, ppl dont realize how seriously The Postal Inspector office takes their jobs. They are a specific investigative unit - federal - they are the ppl who investigate post office & mail related crimes, and since they are so specialized for this, they hammer down HARD.

    they are known for their no mercy approach - its kinda funny, bc its the post office - tbutnho seriously, dont fuck with the post office.

  28. The first thing I thought is that I read here on CDAN that they wanted to drop the charges and everyone said NO WAY would they ever do that. I think it is total bullshit and now Smollett is walking around all high and mighty and self righteous. The guy is a KING SIZED LIAR!

  29. That's chicago for you.

  30. Nice how Kim Foxx was texting his family about how she wanted to help him off the hook.

  31. Anonymous11:16 AM

    Dieting no lunch today. Breakfast and evening meal only.

  32. If your mommy and daddy pay the right people enough money you can get into the college of your dreams or out of the prison of your nightmares.
    Fuck this guy.

  33. Anonymous11:20 AM

    It is a disgrace. Here is hoping the FBI can link him mail fraud. Chicago is corrupt, but I guess we already knew that. I feel so bad for the Chicago PD. The two Nigerians are on tape BUYING THE SUPPLIES. Such BS.

  34. Rahm Emmanuel, yes THAT Rahm Emmanuel has not just thrown Kim Foxx, the States attorney under the bus, he's ordered the entire Chicago Transit Bus fleet to use her as a speed bump.

    In an astonishing bit of left on left bitchfighting a livid Emmanuel claims this decision reeks of corruption and is going all Hulk on her Oscar attending ass.

    "And he did this all in the name of self-promotion."
    "This is a whitewash of justice. A grand jury could not have been clearer.... Where is the accountability in the system? You cannot have, because of a person's position, one set of rules apply to them, and another set of rules apply to everyone else....From top to bottom, this is not on the level."

  35. The whiny bitch is still guilty as hell. If you're going to bring someone up on charges, make them stick, for god's sake. Now the Chicago PD looks like a bunch of morons.

  36. I was bad today and got Auntie Anne's today for lunch but I love the tiny hotdog wrapped ones.

    It's total BS that the charges were dropped against Jussie. Anyone know if he can be recharged later or if the Feds are moving forward?

  37. The timing is critical, plus the $400k donation from Soros to Fox, multiplied by the relationships Fox has with Obama, Kamala and Spartacus

  38. Smells like Kamala Harris and Maxime Waters

  39. Also heard he's getting his record expunged of the charges.

    1. I hope to see him working at Trader Joes very soon, only without people admiring his work ethic.

  40. I hate Catholics Kamala and Totally Hetero Corey will never be president.

  41. Ann, that's not healthy! At least have something during the day so you won't be starving at night.

  42. He may of dodged the legalities of his politically motivated racist fraud, but the court of public opinion has already ruled. You. Are. Over.

  43. Another nail in the Dems coffin. They do nothing but shoot themselves in the feet. Everything they touch turns to shite, everything they say, are lies, everything they claim, turns out false, everything they do, backfires. And they don't get it. Still don't get. Will never get it. THEY are the reason Trump 2020 will be a walk in the park.

  44. KAMALA Harris and Corey Booker. This faux Hate crime coincided directly with their "anti lynching bill" Smollet is rumored to be Harris's nephew There were text messages released from Kim Foxx's phone the person who worked hard to get the charges dropped She was Harris's right hand man when she was AG. These two morons are going to go down for this. They should have just let him do some time NOW people are digging

  45. Anonymous12:16 PM

    It's all theater.
    Here is your Bad Guy of the Week.
    People need to stop clicking on these lies.


  47. What am I missing here? Actor wants publicity so he hires two guys to ambush him so he can claim he was a target of a hate crime. No physical harm done to anyone. His career is pretty much over. Why the outrage at the charges being dropped?

  48. Here comes hothot, fresh from the physics lab...

  49. I see the tinfoil hat crowd is out in full force today.....

  50. Was Mark Geragos able to enjoy the moment? No, why not? Well, at least, "Dead Fish" was not amused with the political chicanery.

  51. No surprise, prosecutor decides if charges goes to court, it's that simple.
    There is no justice, only a system at work. And that system always tilts towards influence, wealth, and power.
    As for Chicago, just avoid it if you can, no matter your race or socioeconomic level.

  52. I do not think he will get away with it. They can charge him federally still for a hate crime. There are a lot of angry people about this and they are going to be demanding answers. Rahm Emanuel was pretty pissed today. They may find away to recharge him

  53. Snitches end up in ditches.

    Start the clock on this buffoon, he's done.

  54. I see we are following the rule that every subject must include Trump.

  55. BTW, Smollett's "community service" was spending 16 hours (8 hours on 3/23 and 8 hours yesterday on 3/25) "working" in Jesse Jackson's bookstore advising them on the media communications skills. His privileged hands never touched garbage or did much of anything for the "community." Seriously? Take this out of any political framing - it doesn't matter - I cannot stand this guy and this is fake justice.

  56. I didn't think he'd wind up doing time, but I thought that would be bc of plea deal or some thing to do with evidence being thrown out. This smells of bs shenanigans that simply dont make sense as due process, justice or anything but hinky doings. Dropped for community service that no one can find? No one saying he's innocent, no resolution to peace of mind for anyone except Jussie. What an absolute cluster-F.

    My first comment of the day was to buckle up, and I had no idea this was even on the horizon. Holy crap, what a mess.

  57. Glue-- Cawwwfeee Tawk! Thank you for making me laugh!😂

  58. Flashy-- thank you for your hilarious commentary, as well! Speed bump, lol!

  59. BayAreaGirl- Thank you for the factual,legal insights amidst the mayhem! Even if there was something bad that happened in the 47 th hour, wasn't there ANYTHING in their entire case that pointed to Jussie that didn't hinge on the brothers' testimony?

    Ok, sorry for all of the comments

  60. wasn't there ANYTHING in their entire case that pointed to Jussie that didn't hinge on the brothers' testimony?

    Yes, the mail fraud hoax hate letter that he sent.

  61. Something is rotten in the state of Denmark

  62. I really cannot fucking believe this. I hope someone assaults him for real next time. What a POS.

  63. 1. I’d like to think that this will ruin his career harder than if he did time. Look at Martha Stewart, she paid her dues and now people think she’s a badass and respect her for doing her time.

    This’ll just make people angrier at him and have a hard time forgiving & accepting him back. Watch for copycats of people playing victim for sympathy.

    2. Same with this Neil Kardashian-Tyson. Go look at Tchiya Amet’s social media. You can disagree with her beliefs, but you’ve got to AGREE that that woman looks like a broken woman.

    3. It’s really about giving society a sense of security (that there won’t be any copycats because they saw repercussions when it happened in its most high-profile example). People need to be allowed to live in peace.

    Ex: I live in constant paranoia of someone stealing my idea/premise for a story I just wrote (it’s about acting called, “The Fifth Wall”). The reason why I’m paranoid isn’t because I think I’m a genius/that I’m brilliant, but because:

    - I had sent a manuscript to an Indonesian publisher in the past and they rejected my manuscript, but when I returned from Europe, I saw in the bookstores “my novel” rewritten by someone else’s published by the same publisher (this was during a period when all the books sound the same—I think they just hired in-house ghostwriters to rewrite manuscripts they “rejected” to save costs).

    - I saw a celebrity’s wife get away with plagiarising a academic researcher’s work on The Guardian, got called out for it, and STILL got away with it.

    It’s not just about Jussie. It’s about individual people like you and me who have to live in fear that people might to it again and again and get away with it everytime.

    It’s emotionally-exhausting to feel so on edge all the time... People who did nothing wrong should be able to live in peace KNOWING THAT PEOPLE LIKE EVERYONE I’VE MENTIONED ABOVE WON’T SCREW US OVER (AGAIN). That’s what the justice system is SUPPOSED to be for.

  64. wasn't there ANYTHING in their entire case that pointed to Jussie that didn't hinge on the brothers' testimony?

    Also, we don't know that the brothers' testimony was suspect because it's all sealed. Given the grand jury indictment on all counts and the suspicious texting to the prosecutor from a former Obama employee, it is more likely that the brothers' testimony was rock solid as was all the other evidence, and the prosecutor just decided to take a dive on this in exchange for a favor.

  65. @Vita, Thanks! I just needed to chime in b/c there's a lot of crazy conspiracy theories & disinformation.

    The videos with Jussie and the brothers hanging out are merely circumstantial. You need their testimony or other direct evidence to put it into context. If the "confessions" get thrown out, then anything from the resulting search of the brothers' apartment would get excluded too. When Enty first mentioned in his podcast that the charges might get dropped, I noticed the official news outlets stopped reporting about that letter. That's probably because the magazines don't match up with the letter or the search was invalid as "fruit of the poisonous tree." At one point TMZ reported that they couldn't prove Jussie or the brother sent the letter.

    That would explain why the Mayor & CPD are going nuclear on the State AG & DA's offices. Cops don't like it when their work gets thrown out of court. I think someone in the CPD was leaking incomplete info the press & then when the case was turned over to the DA, they realized the police didn't follow procedure. It's really unfortunate because I think Jussie committed a crime and did a lot of damage to real victims of hate crimes.

  66. @Amartel, regarding the community service: unfortunately, that's common for affluent defendants of any race.

  67. that's not helping like you think it is ...

  68. stunned by this. what a joke. corrupt to the core.

  69. And, once again, there is direct evidence because the brothers testified but we don't get to know, one way or the other, if it was problematic direct evidence because - for some reason, maybe because he such an affluent defendant and affluent defendants are special - everything's sealed. Also, there's probably direct evidence taken from Smollett's phone and computer but we don't get to know that either. All that's visible to the public are the double standards, wild scrambling, suspicious dealings and the casting of aspersions. Not exactly trustworthy behavior by the prosecutor.

  70. Why doesn't Obama go back to Kenya where he was born? I did a lot of hiring paperwork for a state university and knew the first time I saw his birth certificate it was fake (# did not fit HI). His day is over and he needs to stay out of politics - except for his upcoming trial at Gitmo for Treason. Lisa Page revealed his directing and ordering the spying on Trump- Thank You Lisa! He couldn't get Jussie's case handed off to his buds at the FBI so he makes a deal with someone not qualified to be a DA. Did the Chicago Police spend in excess of $10,000 investigating? The Police are pissed and rightly so. So am I!!!!! I just want equal justice for everyone and this is not right. Of course, not much in this country is right anymore. This is BULLSHIT.

    @Daryl - which Daryl are you a big fan of. For me, it's Daryl Hall. Hey Enty - how about an item on why Daryl Hall and his most recent wife, Amanda Aspinall, divorced? She has since died.

  71. I'm thinking they let him go on purpose. He's like a small fish compared to all the crap going on above him. I think they'll go after kh,kb,et.al.They know they can always pick js up on whatever they want later.

  72. Political Influence helped change the outcome. The State Attorney General had to recuse herself from the case early on because she was found to be texting with Michelle Obama’s former chief of staff about Jussie before charges were filed.

    He is not innocent, but is definitely insinuating he is at his press conference. He basically struck a deal with the Prosecutor’s office by doing two days of community service and forfeiting his bail he paid. The prosecutor stated he didn’t think Jussie was a threat to society and wasn’t going to push for jail time. He also stated that Jussie did lie and he believe him to be guilty. He stated that by Jussie taking the deal, doesn’t exonerate him. I doubt if Jussie is reckless and flat out states that he is innocent. Instead, he implies he is by saying he has been proclaiming his innocence from Day 1.

  73. Anonymous5:01 PM

    In other weird news...
    USC say that the Giannulli daughters are still enrolled at USC.

  74. If a white person did this, it would be a hAte crime. It's horse poop. Roseanne gets canned for a racially insensitive tweet and this guy gets nothing?

  75. Black privilege. Gay privilege.

  76. first they tried to punt it to corrupt fbi agents. barry o been bad boy busy.

  77. @ Simon 'I see we are following the rule that every subject must include Trump."

    Hey idiot, you do realise that is was Jussie himself who included Trump in his faux crime? He explicitly 'remembered' 2 white MAGA-hat-wearing, and "this is MAGA country" yelling Trump supporters giving him that tiny scratch under his eye. You fucking libtard.

  78. Given your history of misogynistic postings, @Jon, I find your outrage hypocritical. When will gays acknowledge their history of trapping women into loveless, usually violent, and abusive marriages?

  79. Borderline personality Mollett will be dealt with by the feds.

  80. As more details are released, this is starting to look Jusie's case like a pre-trial diversion, though the prosecutor refuses to call it that. Here's a very good explanation:


    Please stop calling this a hate crime. It's fraud. It would still be fraud if a white heterosexual man did the same. It's not assault to ask someone else to hit you. I would encourage you to read about the many cases involving real hate crimes.



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