Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Today's Blind Items - That Other Fire

That southern street recently had a fire, but that was not the first one to cover up secrets. There was one back in the day that still reverberates today. The thing is though, that fire was intentionally set to cover up for a murder that happened offsite before bringing the dead body back to the street where more wounds were inflicted to make it look like a crazed killer before setting the body and bed on fire. What did this victim do for a living? She was one of the top doctors in the world working on viruses and how to use them as a weapon. An accident at work occurred. It would have shed unnecessary light on the work being done in a top secret facility, so she was killed. 


  1. Replies
    1. Conspiracy Theories by Enty

  2. Go read Doctor Mary's Monkey. A book chock full of NOLA-related conspiracies, including this one. Great stuff.



    This type of thing happens all the time. Unfortunately. I wouldn’t want to be any type of researcher or doctor or anyone that could “know too much” about top secret government business. It’s hazardous to your health.

  5. What a bunch of horsesh!t 😂

  6. It's not Enty, someone else developed this conspiracy theory, but if you're familiar with anything mentioned in theory you know it makes absolutely no sense.

    1. You coinstantly price yourself to be a Fucking retard. Try reading the book and get educated on the subject. The author has plenty of facts to back it all up and definitely has a lot more credibility than a loser like you will ever have...

  7. Oh yes it does ....

    Created a stir down here for that reason back when Dr. Mary's Monkey came out.

  8. Dr Mary's Monkey & the simian cancer virus known as, SV-40.

  9. Could this also go back to the Lee Harvey Oswald alleged mistress, Judyth Vary Baker, who for years has said she and Lee were in love with each other while married to their respective spouses. They worked together with David Ferrie an actual cancer research doctor Ochsner, and Dr. Mary ("Mary's Monkey") Sherman, at the Ochsner Clinic, developing a bioweapon that could be put into Castro's cigar, or possibly directly into his body via an IV which would then be activated via an X-Ray... Their love nest was an apartment in New Orleans on Magazine Street. The love nest also was the gathering place of Ferrie and Clay Shaw and Oswald. dun Dun DUNNNN

  10. Judyth Baker is still alive. Her book, Me and Lee, is one of the best books I have ever read.Heavily documented....... When she was in New Orleans as a young woman, her boss was a doctor at Tulane University. She was a very naive catholic girl .... was told the cancer virus inserted into vaccines were to kill Castro.....when she found out it was a ruse, she quit. Documents the dates that vaccines had the cancer viruses. Capitalistic medicine stinks.

  11. @molly - I am all about JFK/Oswald theories, and I found Judyth Vary Baker's book VERY interesting and a lot of fun (wrong word, but it was for me) to jump off onto other tangents and get lost in the rabbit hole. :)

  12. I love when these threads generate great recommendations! Thanks, CDaNers!😍

  13. @Sagan- a lot of that is covered in the Dr. Mary's Monkey book. It's all tangled up together.

    NOLA is awesome. :)

  14. This wraps itself into the Oswald, Ferrie, and even American Made's Barry Seals who was in Louisiana's Civil Air Patrol, neatly repackaging into Bush's CIA territory once again. This blind just keeps on giving.

  15. Alf Landon said...

    Mary Stults Sherman

    Great find Alf and congrats.

    Go read Doctor Mary's Monkey. A book chock full of NOLA-related conspiracies, including this one. Great stuff.

    All just unbelievably mindbending stuff. I can't believe what they did to that poor woman.

    Just Wow, all of it.

  16. The term "conspiracy theory" was invented by the CIA in the 60's for the express purpose of stopping dissent.

    Anyone who doesn't do the research has only himself to blame.

  17. The also put out ridiculous stories nearby to things they've done in order to hide in a chaff cloud of drivel.

  18. It all goes back to old lady murphy and her cow... and her carelessness of leaving the lantern in the shed.

  19. Dr. Mary's Monkey is an excellent book. She died horribly. Oh and it was ruled a "suicide".

  20. I'll go through my files I know pharma

  21. I'll go through my files I know pharma

  22. The monkey virus was in the polio vaccine that all of us of a certain age received when we were kids. When they realized what they did, they knew there would be a cancer epidemic. This "conspiracy theory " was also in the book. I remember when cancer was rare and I don't do vaccines now, nor would I let them give it to my kids knowing what I know now.

  23. Anonymous9:43 PM

    After Turitella's post I went hunting to learn more about SV40. If you want to read more about it see my link below. It provides one of the most reputable sources in medicine today- NIH. As one of the children who received both the Salk and Sabin polio vaccines and yes I did develop cancer. I was fortunate though that my cancer was caught early and that I now have an excellent prognosis. Add to it that I am scheduled to see a nationally renowned specialist at Oschner for more followup. I'm not so sure that I won't be changing to another specialist in Denver. Oschner now makes me nervous with it's dark history but I will always love NOLA.

  24. Best of luck to you, Ann. Good for you that you do the research.
    Go with your instincts.

  25. Ann, I wish you well. I grew up in New Orleans and was told NOT TO READ Dr. Mary's Monkey years ago while my 14 year old daughter had a brain tumor. It was a brand new cancer and so far had only been seen in infants who died. It took over the CNS, basically. My daughter is alive and as well as can be expected after a year in the hospital radiation chemo etc. This was many years ago and she is 30 now. BUT THE REASON I was told not to read DMM was that my daughter developed her cancer within a month of her booster shots, so called. It wasn't a week after her shots that she started vomiting and couldn't stand up..

    That book and LEE AND ME are great/ So is Joan Mellen's book A Farewell to Justice. I actually know people who were interviewed and quoted in 2 of the books. New Orleans is a very small town. Or at least UPTOWN New Orleans is. You can walk across it and everyone knows everyone they need to know, you know?

  26. OH FORGOT MARY'S CONDO was just BLOCKS from the other house that burned. Other side of the street. Did I mention I was a tour guide in the Garden District until Katrina/ I really know that hood, or I can find out. I am not convinced the Grace place was the notorious house in the blind. I have a few ideas but don't want to name certain names. I was leaning toward the Audubon Hotel which was a notorious bar/ flop house ON THE AVENUE owned by an heir to a huge fortune- they are the family that started Tabasco owns Blue Plate and Avery Island and so much more . A lot of dark shit went down there in the 90s and beyond and suddenly it sold for big bucks and was redeveloped after the family member went to jail AGAIN for coke. Everyone thought his mother made it happen to save his life, which it did.

    There is another mansion with an historical marker, same hood, that is owned by a really sketchy person. Her daughter had a nightclub or two in town. No one seems to live in the place but far as I know it never changed hands.

  27. Now, this is a great blind, and a great thread.

  28. Anonymous6:51 AM

    Thanks for the good wishes. My elderly mother informed me last night that when she was pregnant with me (1956) they gave her a Salk polio vaccine injection. Her OB/GYN ensured she got a dose. A live polio vaccine in a pregnant woman! Lucky me. Then of course I got my own polio shots as well during the 1956-1963 period too. My form of cancer is very rare and to this day the medical community still doesn't even know what causes it although unfortunately it's becoming more common. There are only a handful of physicians nationwide qualified to treat it. One group practices at Oschner and the other in Denver. SMH it's a wonder my generation survived at all between the thalidomide nightmare and polio vaccines. Thanks Momo I ordered the book (DMM) and I'll read your other recommendations too. Great blind you never know when a blind will touch you personally. Thanks Enty.

  29. Yes!!! This could be my favorite blind yet! Dr. Mary's Monkey opened my eyes to so much! JFK shooting & vaccines. Woof!

  30. Whoa. Thankfully, I just had the oral vaccine on a sugar cube. Vaccines are poison. Measles, mumps and chicken pox are rite of passage

    1. Measles is a killer. Food is poison, air and water too. We're screwed.
      This blind reads like a scene from the Bourne Legacy.

  31. Momo-- im happy your daughter is doing well now

    Ann-- best of luck to you!



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