Monday, March 04, 2019

Today's Blind Items - The Best Friend

It wasn't even a year ago that I wrote about a woman in a foreign country who was great friends with that foreign born DJ who was killed. The woman was also killed. Apparently there has now been another death. This time it is the best friend of the woman killed. The best friend was a big celebrity in the country. She was a model and television host and had been on reality shows in the country. She was just about A list in her country. Much like her friend who was killed, the celebrity started talking about the videotapes and that many of them featured men with very underage females. Because she had seen the list which police have yet to recover, she started naming names she had seen on the list. Most of the people on the list were high ranking members of society, the government and celebrities. After she named names, she was bombarded with death threats. The person who let her see the names was killed two months after letting our celebrity see the names. The celebrity protected herself for awhile by publicly posting to social media that if she died some strange death with drugs involved that it was not suicide. That protection lasted almost a year. Last week she was found dead. The government says she overdosed on cocaine and LSD. Uh huh.


  1. No, I think this was that woman in Colombia or somewhere in Latin America. There was a story about her in the DM a month or two ago. No idea who the DJ is, though.

  2. Aviici, his girlfriend.
    The reported was a Plyboy model, in Argentina I think.

  3. Aviici for the DJ. RIP

  4. +1 HushHush

  5. My friend brought this to my attention last week - Natacha something from Argentina.

    She did - she told people if she was "suicided" it wasn't by her own hand. Now she's dead.

  6. Sweet play Gossipgal, we got a great team here.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Argentinian-born Natacha Jaitt was found dead. Jaitt exposed dickhead Francis of the Vatican's friends and many others.She left numerous messages over the past year stating that she was not depressed and would not commit suicide. So, of course, the government decided, she committed suicide.
    "“WARNING: I am not going to commit suicide, I am not going to take too much cocaine and drown in a bath, or shoot myself. So if this happens, IT WASN’T ME. Save this tweet,” she wrote in Spanish, according to the Buenos Aires Times."

  9. Wait,Avicii was killed?? For what??I thought it was suicide or drugs! Shit I love his music WTF

    1. He was very vocal about anti trafficking. Believe he was making a documentary with friends at time of his death in Oman. Also there are a lot of older men/child brides there... thought to have something to one

    2. @tricia , yes I remember reading at the time of his death that avicii was helping with a documentary about high profile sex trafficking right before his “suicide”. Very sad all around, not to mention spooky!

  10. If the Church was serious about getting rid of child sex abuse by clergy (IOW, the only thing that would be consistent with the teachings of Christ) they would fire this pope and get one that is entirely devoted to removing this scourge, root and branch. It would be a long term project because the pedos are really dug in. Don't believe they'll do this, though, because they're more devoted to worldly things. As per usual around the world, there's a left/right divide among the "leaders" and they're too busy fighting to help the people.

  11. Amartel - i believe the highest ranking official in the catholic church was recently removed for this very reason.

    wouldn't this say they are working on it?

  12. Natacha Jaitt--her death and what she knew has been discussed over on 4Chan /pol/. Here is a link to the "Eyes Wide Shut" archive Part #5 (Warning: graphic photos of her death and foul, foul, foul language in the comments). Apparently Natacha had a USB that contained the evidence of her allegations which is now missing.

    A lady named Mercedes Ninci got on Twitter and talked trash about Natacha after she was found dead. Mercedes said things like "Natacha did a lot of bad to good people like Gustavo Vera (Friend of Pope Francis) and Carlos Pagni. I am sorry for her kids, not for her".

  13. McCarrick? Do you know how long they've been trying to exterminate that particular cockroach? His crimes were well known but somehow he managed to get promoted over and over again, all the way up to Cardinal. And he's still being housed and fed by the Church. If they think they can just demote this guy and say "all done," they are wrong.

  14. didnt the blinds on here said avicii died because he stood up for a random teen bride who was sitting near him and was being abused in public by her boyfriend/husband? and that the girlfriend was a witness.

    so how does outing the Vatican as a pedo ring have anything to do with that? is avicii's death on here now due to pedo rings? confused :/

    1. Exactly @gauloise. Well the church must be behind this cause the deed was done in South Americ and a. Oman is a muslim country so how the hell is the church in Oman?

  15. I've never been happier to be a (lapsed) Protestant.

  16. Avicii def saw too much in his crazy trip to the top. Seems to be a theme. Americans really do live in a “matrix,” shielded from the truth of what really goes on. Fuckin a.

  17. Avicci produced a video/song exposing child trafficking. Another depression suicide most likely murdered by pedophile ring.

  18. "says she overdosed on cocaine and LSD" Yeah right, how often does that happen? Known people to go insane but not just drop.

  19. The Church is about the Church, for better or worse. The bureaucracy is so far from divinity it's no wonder they stained their windows to keep the light from shining in. Good charities though.

  20. @gauloise

    At this point in the history of the site, you should expect that Enty will connect every suspicious death of a random celebrity with a death that he previously attributed to a conspiracy, even if the conspiracies, or the deaths, have nothing to do with each other.

    Here, he's tying Avicii with Natacha Jaitt, even if there's zero evidence that they had a mutual accointance. For the record, Jaitt didn't even name-dropped Avicii in one of her 114k tweets still available online. But he had a story about Avicii being killed because he had witnessed child molestation in Oman, and now he has a story about a dead woman who posted dozens of times a day about pedophile rings in Argentina.

    And notice that we have never heard anything precise about the mutual friend who was killed, and that Jaitt didn't mention her either. Actually, Enty's blind is quite confused. Did Jaitt see a list provided by the mutual friend that applied to Oman or was it a different list that was about local personalities in Argentina? Every report on her death claims she was constantly alluding to Argentinian celebrities. Also, Jaitt didn't do multiple reality shows in her country. Her claim to fame was being on the Spanish version of Big Brother.

  21. Also, when someone claims they're not on drugs or alcohol, and that if there are reports that they're on drugs, the reports are manipulated, I tend to think that the person has actually a drug problem.

  22. Just goes to show that holding onto evidence/secrets will not keep you alive, the only way to be safe is to put it all out there. That way if they kill you it only adds legitimacy to your claims.

  23. Feels shilly in here, like someone summoned the Iceman ;)

  24. Lol Brayson. You know it....hope the shills at least get paid 🤔

  25. i know right lol so obvious even to a relative newbie here, i just scroll past those names now when i see theyre posting

  26. We can only make a connection if we know the mutual acquaintance. Maybe a person who worked for an organization, not a close friend. Why would she mention these others in her tweets? She happened to be right about pedophile rings in Argentina, Avicii just happened to die in a place known for pedophilia/ human trafficking. Long before Avicii died, I asked how many people who speak out about this need to die by suicide before someone says that isn't what happened. They weren't just famous people. Maybe all these things tie together,one protecting the other,unlikely allies they may be. But maybe the only connection is fighting on the same side. Apparently,it's bad enough to make people kill themselves when they find out some truth,and isn't that bad enough?


  28. Oops... I hadn't seen that.

    Jaitt had started to make pedophilia rings allegations in March 2018. She accused journalists, politicians and media figures to be involved in mollesting children.

    Avicii died on April 20 2018.

    So, Jaitt was making these accusations three weeks BEFORE Avicii died. And if you know your Enty by the book, you should know that Avicii didn't commit suicide but was killed because he had accidentally seen something he wasn't supposed to see, which just happened to involve pedophilia in Oman.
    Now, let's try to make sense of it all. Well, you can't. If Enty had checked the timeline, he could have seen that. The pedophilia crimes can't be related. It is implied that the mutual friend had shared lists with Jaitt after Avicii had been found dead, but Jaitt started to make public accusations on live TV weeks before he died.

    Of course, it would be easier to admit that Jaitt was a troubled soul (her life seems to have spiralled out of control after her husband died from cancer in 2011) with a longstanding drugs issue which contributed to some degree of paranoia and ultimately took her life. But, no, it would be too easy...

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. The sheeple won't bah much at being fleeced, but mistreatment of lambs will disturb the flocks, and must be kept silent.

  31. He who takes pride at not being a sheeple fails to see that he's turned into an ass.

  32. A mother who made claims about a pedo ring in her country and feared being suicided is found, wait for it, dead of an apparently accidental self-inflicted death. Doesn't seem like the autopsy results are in yet. So far what they've got is multiple organ failure, coke on in her nose and no outward signs of assault. "Her death is thought to have been caused by a stroke produced by alcohol and cocaine ingestion." Could be routine drug death, but also doesn't seem like her first party.

  33. @Angela you sound like a CIA clown pretending to be “one of us”. Take your garbage and blow it out your a$$. No one buys your casual explanations here. The mounting evidence and collusion at the highest levels is staggering. It’s going to all be exposed soon. Pedos will never be normalized. Tell your kiddie diddling friends to back their bags and run as far as they can. It will never be far enough but as soon as it’s declared open season on pedos, we want to have our fun too. Now RUN!! And don’t look back, ya hear? WWG1WGA

  34. Pride is weakness, all people are of equal worth or worthlessness.
    I'm still a little a tripped out that you said before that you're a cisgender male but use a female screen name.

  35. Except that I'm not American, I'm not affiliated with the CIA, I just do some basic checking. Yeah, sure, the conspiracy is going to all be exposed soon. It's always going to all be exposed soon. And if it's not exposed as it was supposed to be, it's because there's another fucking conspiracy that blocked the reveal, because they are so powerful. But this other conspiracy is going to all be exposed soon.

    But, if you weren't a complete moron, you would see the most basic thing, which is that Enty is making up a very large portion of the blinds. You people are always quick to notice a tiny detail that is evidence of this HUGE conspiracy you so wish to exist to justify your pathetic waste of time here, but you can't even notice how a very basic trickster operates. Avicii's friend passed after his death information about pedophile rings to her friend Natacha Jaitt, who then started to make partial reveals on her own. Except that it's not possible, given that she started making comments weeks before he died (and never really expanded on them later).

    If the "mainstream media" had done such an inconsistent report on some other events, you would all orgasm over the very thought that they've been exposed for the liars they are. Enty does the same thing on a daily base, you all get in line to offer him a hand job.
    And, by the way, how many pedos have you put in jail by reading and commenting on this blog? Apart from the names that every gossip blog brings when it comes to pedophilia or ephebophilia (Bryan Singer, Jack, Woody Allen, R. Kelly, James Franco...), with rumors or accusations that often started long before this blog was created, there isn't even a single name mentioned here who was later charged with such claims. Hey, but maybe it's going to all be exposed soon... And the celebrities who get actually charged weren't even mentioned here for this crime. Mark Salling on CDAN before the arrest? He was featured on nearly a dozen of blinds, all involving cheating on Naya Rivera.

    And it's funny that you know all take for true the claims by Natacha Jaitt, some person you hadn't even heard about until today, while at the same time you all crap on Corey Feldman for doing exactly the same thing, pushing vague but grave accusations at some unnamed "powerful" people. That's the exhilarating thing with conspiracy enthusiasts. They're ultimately the easiest persons to manipulate. You just connect in a random way some new stuff with some old stuff they already believe and they will swear it's the explanation that they waited for. And thanks to this, they say it's going to all be exposed.
    Well, soon.

  36. It is entirely possible that this woman could start making these claims public before Avicii's death,and still gotten more info from the mutual friend. I noticed at first the timeline was off,and Enty often refers to people as a best friend rather than friend or acquaintance, but it could still work. Again, finding the other person would help the story. This habit of Enty's often caused the shills to scream "XYZ is not ABC's best friend,therefore you are wrong! This blind is lies! All lies!"

  37. @TeddyTheMaltese

    No, you didn't.

    There hasn't been a single report on the Internet about Avicii working on such a documentary before the news of his death. And it came from sources usually labeled as "fake news" such as Neon Nettle or Your News Wire, which also took elements published here. but there hasn't been any other detail about this documentary, like the name of somebody else involved with it.

    Yet, there is evidence that Avicii had a concern for child trafficking, as he was involved in the video for his 2015 track "For A Better Day" that depicts children trying to escape traffickers. But he never claimed to be an expert on the issue, just that he wanted to raise interest for the cause. And there's also a lot of evidence over the years that he was experiencing some terrible pain due to various medical conditions, most of them triggered by his past alcoholism. Much more than he would still be investigating child trafficking at Oman in 2018.

  38. Ironic,isn't it,that some guy in France has spent 12 years debunking Enty,and we are the ones who spend a pathetic waste of time here. We Have all read the disclaimer,@Angela, and since a conspiracy by definition involves 2 or more people, they do exist in on form or another. And I suppose your biggest fear is that some of this will come out,and snare someone you know will be. It will be exposed when we are ready to except that outcome.

  39. @Guesser

    Some food for your "thoughts"...
    Even if it was "entirely possible" that Jaitt had used information from the mutual friend, her accusations got much coverage in the press at the time (like the time she tried to blackmail a sport journalist in 2017, if you just check her Wikipedia entry). Argentina has a 44m population. That's basically as much as Spain. It's not a tiny country.
    Yet, there was never a blind item about the child trafficking situation in Argentina or about this woman until it was too late. We just hear about her days after her death was profiled in The Daily Mail, and Enty, apart from the story connecting her with Avicii, basically uses the information from the article, as he know nothing more on her (while there's a Wikipedia entry in English, and a lot of articles about her in Spanish on which I used Google Translate). If the story about the mutual friend passing the information was true, how come he never wrote to believe her when he had the opportunity to? Hey, he could have prevented an actual murder and she could have received some support, while she was basically ignored in her home country... That's a curious way of fighting the good fight.

  40. @Guesser

    It's also a miracle, given that you write, that you can spend a day without shitting your pants or forgetting how to breathe.

    And I never spent 12 years debunking Enty. I was along for the ride in the early years, even if I took most of the blinds with a grain of salt. It's the quick evolution towards bigger and bigger stories around 2015-2017 and the way it connects with a push towards irrationality on the Internet that broke my patience.

    Besides, I consider child molestation, child trafficking and pedophilia as serious subjects that deserve to be properly examined and exposed. I find it totally nauseating that these issues are being used by people to smear opponents, because it's the one accusation you can't supposedly come back from.
    You can't stand Clooney? Pedo.
    ou can't stand so-and-so who tweeted mean things against Trump? Pedo.
    You want to get a bigger villain in Hollywood for your future blinds now that you can't rely on Weinstein again? Pedo.
    Yet, in overall statistics, you'd have a better shot at accusing them of beating their wives, being involved in a hit-and-run or any terrible crime that's much more widespread than child molestation (apart in the Catholic Church).
    But, no. It's always pedo.

  41. When a nerve is struck,the responses go to name calling. Actually,people I am a huge fan of have been accused,many rightfully so. So no,it is not to smear someone,but to prevent further damage and change the climate that excepted this as normal behavior. Good night,@Angela, I know you can't sleep without having the last word,so go at it.

    1. I can't read the posts once they get aggressive and nasty, it detracts from the often valid points IMO. So thanks for being readable!

  42. The cardinal recently convicted of rape of children was Cardinal Pell...thing that is different about him... he was third to the top..highest ranking honcho to get convicted..AND he was in charge of finances. Mafia money laundering is one of the duties of the there are probably a lot of worried other honchos....Kevin Annette has done a lot of work exposing pedophiles at the top of govt. and churches. He says Pope would step down last month....never remember a prediction from him before.....but pope was heavily involved with the fascist takeover of Argentina...not on the good side either......even turning over fellow priests to be killed. Probably lots of nervous higher ups......

  43. I don't believe anything until NAMBLAngela tries to discredit it.


  45. Who overdoses on cocaine and LSD? Is that even possible?? I thought coke was pretty OD friendly, and LSD uhhh psychedelics don't kill

  46. @Angela. Nobody. Likes. You.

  47. @Angela It wasn't Natacha's husband who died, it was her ex with whom she had a long time feud over the custody of their son. So if anything, she was happy he passed.
    They also found cocaine in her uterus. I haven't read anything about LSD.
    She was a confessed drug user and a prostitute and she very proudly said that was how she earned her living -apart from her radio show and other stuff.
    She denounced several big names here. The biggest was Bergoglio's buddy Gustavo Vera, a very shady character who pretends to fight human trafficking from his NGO but actually controls bourdels and that whole mafia here. But those are Bergoglio's friends here.
    The case she initiated was geting bigger and she had to be silenced. Everybody knew this was going to happen, even her, and she said that all the time but she kept going for the victims. It was a case with many twists and turns as it always happens in this corrupted to the core country.
    She was also raped two months ago. A warning, you might think.
    Still, i don't see her being friends with Avicii. She would have spoke about it if she was, because everything about her was public.
    The worst part is she started her investigation as a job for a 'security company' with shady ties to African countries. She was asked by this company to find out and prove who were the pedos here (that's always valuable information in the bussiness of politics). She was used and thrown away. May she rest in peace.

  48. How can Oprah be outraged at Michael Jackson's pedo behavior & she still supports known child predators Steven Speilberg and Quincey Jones?!

  49. Okay "Angela" aka rando non-American dude (thanks Brayson) *fistbump*

    Listen - here is a connection you don't see that ties all that shit together.

    !. Pedophiles are often networked internationally there is this thing called the internet and they loooooooOOOOooove to have fellow kiddie-diddlin buddy pals.

    2. On account of his not-infrequent struggles with sobriety, it can be assumed Avicii was close to some other notable anti-kiddie-diddling musicians who were ALSO known to fight the good fight.

    IN FACT - if you look at Avicii and you look at Chris Cornell and you look at Chris Bedingfield it is easy to see these guys would be friends. I can see it and when you are famous and genuinely sober the circle gets real fucking small real fast so that's a tightknit network even when people slip or start using again - they know those guys have their back kinda

    So yeah. Tell yourself none of these people knew each other.

    Your name calling and your rabid defenses. What are you so scared of?

    You want to shit talk Enty!? I've been here like 12 years or some shit. You come sit next to me Sprigget and keep track of all the goddamn things Enty says over 12 years and then try to crack your knuckles, keyboard warrior.

  50. For me,@Guesser,it's accept,before the grammar police show up!

  51. This is Avicii - and the group was working to expose child trafficking and pedophilia in Europe. Just like Chris Cornell and Chester Bennington. MURDER, not "suicides."

  52. A pope can't be fired! That's why the removal of Ratzinger cam was a huge shock and many many questions were asked, but never answered. Suddenly this liberal leftie Pope from *gasp* ARGENTINA was installed overnight.
    He invited 'all the children of Africa and Islam' to Europe, but never ever uttered a single peep about the horrendous persecution and ethnic cleansing of christians and minorities all over the Middle eastern, African and Asian muslim countries. Those 'children' don't matter to him.
    All over Italy Churches are being sold to Qatar and turned into mosques. Rome - the home of the fucking Vatican - has now Europe's largest mosque.

    In Italy they call him THE MUSLIM POPE, and Bergoglio, as a form of disrespect and non acknowledgement of his position. He's a very dangerous man indeed and installed into position for a reason. Popes need to die before a new pope is elected. Ratzinger did not die, and Bergoglio was never elected.

    What a funny coincidence that this poor woman was from the same country that the muslim pope is from...

  53. Everything I've just read here further underlines the fact of world-wide human and sex trafficking for profit. HUGE profits in the billions.
    It also illustrates that the powerful corrupt ones in gov't, church, industry, education, film and music have a very very long reach, and the means to do ANYTHING to anyone to stop their activities from being revealed. And they do!
    NOWHERE is free from this scourge, it literally is everywhere.
    Bringing it into the open is a very good thing.



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