Four For Friday - Possession - A Birdie Blind Item
I guess it isn't surprising that this cinematographer became a director of the same genre as his mentor and collaborator, the convicted child molester. After all, both of them like to film boys and young men in compromising positions. Where as one prefers them in various states of undress, the other ones likes them bound, and preferably undergoing some kind of ritual.
That's just what happened during the shoot of one of his movies a couple years back. But while the official story is the young man collapsed repeatedly during these scenes from exhaustion, it was really the flashback to what happened during the audition.
You see: a real practitioner was brought in, and the boy was forced to undergo the actual rite. Afterward, he was required to provide thanks to both directors, and the practitioner. You can imagine what that involved.
Who is he, this actor? The better question is where did they find him. I'd always found the site a little sketchy, but naively figured that the only people who visited were aspiring actors there to post photos and profiles of themselves. And it isn't just adult actors but parents wanting their children to be discovered.
I could say it's the newest of its kind, but it actually bills itself as the oldest (although the word "new" is a clue). You'll find the young man there, just as they did. (Now we know what segment of the business prowls these places.)
That's just what happened during the shoot of one of his movies a couple years back. But while the official story is the young man collapsed repeatedly during these scenes from exhaustion, it was really the flashback to what happened during the audition.
You see: a real practitioner was brought in, and the boy was forced to undergo the actual rite. Afterward, he was required to provide thanks to both directors, and the practitioner. You can imagine what that involved.
Who is he, this actor? The better question is where did they find him. I'd always found the site a little sketchy, but naively figured that the only people who visited were aspiring actors there to post photos and profiles of themselves. And it isn't just adult actors but parents wanting their children to be discovered.
I could say it's the newest of its kind, but it actually bills itself as the oldest (although the word "new" is a clue). You'll find the young man there, just as they did. (Now we know what segment of the business prowls these places.)