Sunday, March 24, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #6

March 6, 2019

This former A+ list mostly movie actor who recently lost a huge franchise has hired a PR firm who specializes in bot armies. Anyone who mentions his lawsuit triggers the bots and an avalanche of negative comments about the person he is suing.

Johnny Depp


  1. Amber probably has a bot army as well.

  2. i read an article that said over 50% of social media is bots.

  3. Tons of bots on the Daily Mail

  4. Don't blame him, in this instance.

  5. Plz, this man is a delusional POS.

    & nope, read any story...Amber doesn't have bots, but it's very obvious Johnny boy does...which is why I won't buy anything of his or watch anything of his anymore...

    1. Your so stupid your making my brain bleed please stop thinking your gonna lick the pork queens asshole she being sued because she lied part of the evidence is her admissions under oath that she abused him not the other way around and 90% of his supporters like me are real dv survivors grow a set of balls and stand with the innocent man over the narc bitch who lied for kicks

  6. Johnny Derp and Amber Turd, I don’t trust either of them. Shame, I used to like JD before he became a caricature.

  7. Wish there was some sort of disclaimer/seal on paid/bot articles and comments...this PR crap and false stories are going to cause SM to implode or whither from abandonment. As much as I enjoy some sites, and am definitely spoiled by conveniences, I cant say we're better off for having SM sites.

    1. Any good things one could claim about Social Media, are almost always superficial things that don't outweigh how awful it is on society.

  8. Anonymous1:22 PM


    For all we know , this blind may have been generated by a computer.
    It's AI.Replacing people...

  9. This article is sponsored by Amber Heard(TM)?

  10. DILLIGAFF Daily Mail??
    Sic em Johnny!

  11. Amber Heard beat the shit out of an ex girlfriend. She is no victim.

    1. No she didn’t you idiot. She and her girlfriend got into an argument at the airport and amber was arrested for domestic violence. Arguing is considered domestic violence. Google is FREE

    2. Actually Amber Heard admitted under oath that she abused Johnny Depp not the other way around dumb fuck

  12. I 100% believe JD in all of this and I’m no bot.

  13. Sarton & Daryl-- LOL...😲

  14. @Amy, @Gia: +1 I’ve believed Johnny all along.

  15. @Unknown: Arguing is NOT considered domestic violence. If it were, 90% of couples would be arrested. Amber was physically abusive and spent the night in jail. The gf/wife (who knows which because Amber lies about everything) decided to drop the charges since they lived in another state.

    You sound pretty abusive yourself calling other posters idiots.

    1. Actually those charges were not dropped they remained on ambers record for 2 years

  16. I wish Vanessa Paradis would come along and straighten Johnny out. He really is talented and a great character actor, but he’s let his personal life become a shithole (clearly forgot that he is not Hunter S Thompson, starting when he was filing The Rum Diaries).

  17. She definitely does, without question.
    Especially when she went from 60k Instagram followers to 1 million, without explanation.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Amber Heard definitely uses them as well, and it's really obvious if you look in some of the comments on her IG posts.

  20. Forgot to add, it's more likely to be Heard's stans that use them as well, they're younger and more tech savvy than the Depp stans.

  21. I too believe JD and I'm no bot.

  22. :L$:be3blyb0op: Johnny_Depp has no bots.

  23. Every so often he plays a character that isn't a pirate and we get to see him like he used to be. He is a Hollywood icon and it's messed up that his career is over, because of a toxic relationship. If I was him I'd go back to being a gorgeous actor and skip the next ten Tim Burton movies.

  24. @Kim I’m not sure that he can go back to being a gorgeous actor now, not after those god awful, embarrassing Sauvage commercials! Damn they make me cringe 😬🤦🏽‍♀️

    Also, I read that Rolling Stone interview and piece about him. I always thought that part of his charm was that he didn’t know his own potential genius, he kept himself to himself (in later years whilst married to VP) and didn’t seem to take himself or his own celebrity too seriously. Boy was I wrong about that! What a spoiled brat! I finished that article thinking he was more of a narcissist with a victim mentality.

    Not that I think Amber Heard is any better, she’s just not on my radar, whereas JD was one of my favourite actors since childhood.

  25. Oooh! It’s back to Amazing Quotes today! How are you Anuj?

  26. Two narcissistic actors that get off on chaos and he’s just trying to keep the chaos going. They are probably fapping away right now in ecstasy.

  27. Vikingking is one of deeps bots

  28. I think Amber Heard is utterly vile, and I’m not on Depp’s side either. Would welcome a deep dive on her.

  29. @Sal T: I’d recommend reading the Depp GQ interview from October 2018.

  30. No, I'm not a bot, @Epileptic Spudmonkey. I've commented on lots of blinds over the years, most of which weren't about JD.

    How do you know Amber doesn't use bots, @Andi F, but Depp does? What do you base your opinion on? There is no evidence that he ever hit her and she was the one who was arrested for domestic violence after she punched her ex-girlfriend. A lot of people don't believe her. That doesn't make them a bot.

  31. Thanks for the tip @Aquagirl, I’ll give it a look. Do you think the RS story was a hit piece?

  32. I thought everybody used bots.

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  34. he should not have threatened the president

  35. Speaking of bot armies, how is the shill machine going, losers? Not well? Chandler already sang you fucking morons. We have all IP’s and receipts. Expect us. SQQN.

  36. Listen carefully, or read well - which ever you choose, whore. Papa Ork is mine. Come at me b#$ch. He made me wealthy beyond belief, cured my erectile dysfunction and if he truly is hanging out woth YO

  37. out with YOU, Papa Ork will no longer be Daddio. Daddy Ow will get reverse erectile dysfunction if you catch my drift.
    #yawn. What did I miss beside this THOT trying to claim Daddio as her Sugardaddy. #snarl

  38. Is that why you blocked me cause your stupid and think I'm a fucking bot ?dumbass



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