Sunday, March 24, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #5

March 14, 2019

That was one hell of a booze and coke bender from this married long long long time reality star who documents his profession in his show.

Duane Chapman


  1. Dog's wife has terminal cancer, give him a break.

  2. Anonymous11:05 AM

    Considering what's happening at home (with his wife's health) he's entitled to a bender or three.

  3. Agreed-- in his case, probably coping any way he can, as long as he goes home to her

    1. That's the spirit. Being cheated on while dying sucks.

  4. Enty doesn't give breaks.

  5. The booze I could understand, the coke is another thing entirely.

  6. Leave off people with real problems. Didn't know Beth has cancer.

  7. Same old story, different characters...white trash gets money & some fame, becomes an addict & loses it all...

  8. Oh sure, that's completely understandable--definitely go for the coke and booze for a means to cope--after all, what else is there?
    When that's all you have to alleviate your stress and pain...
    Why bother with counseling and the myriad of healthy ways to cope, like meditation.

  9. He looks like booze and coke.
    And honestly, if his wife is so sick with cancer, blowing lines of coke should be the least of his concern.
    You can od on coke (my brothers best friend did)/get bad coke/have a reaction to it. Maybe think about your kids and grandkids man, blowing coke isn't going to make this situation any better but it could make it a hell of a lot worse.

  10. How am I the only one who got it?

  11. Exactly WHEN AND WHERE did this “bender “ occur? I have the utmost respect for Dog and Beth.. Good vibes and feelings of healing all to them.

  12. I don't think this is his 1st or even his 31st bender but his wife has cancer

  13. I really like this couple. I was very sad to hear about Beth. The take away from this though was that Dog was sober. He started his business when he became sober to get all the bad guys/gals off the streets and now he's falling apart. To be expected, but he knows that this bender could have very well put him back on the path that leads to no where.

    Sad all around.

  14. Geez,didn't realize he'd been sober, and, yes, coke hardly a healthy method of coping. I guess in my mind i pictured this a one night stress release with friends, not something that could really make the whole scene a lot worse. Only really know them from tidbits here and there, and they seem genuinely close, so it's got to be awful for him. I sincerely wish them the best.

  15. What! The Dog on a coke bender! I can't picture him on coke, maybe meth. I wonder if he got it from one of the fugitives he preached to in the back of his SUV as he was taking them to jail? I'd guess he'd be a mess if he lost his wife. Hopefully, they caught it early and it can be treated.

  16. Big surprise Bounty Hunter ex addict is a liar like we didn't know that

  17. Don’t use your wife as an excuse to be an addict.
    Yeah, and the folks in the evangical churches like him cause he speaks about Jesus.
    Total fraud.

  18. Yeah, that's not Dog's style at all. He's under some tremendous pressure. They're putting on a brave face, but I think Beth's condition is much more serious than they're letting on.

  19. If you think that having human weaknesses is contrary to a desire to live your life according to the scriptures (or whatever one believes in), you are missing the point. Being a Believer doesn't mean being perfect in all ways at all times. It is doing the best you can and seeking understanding and grace should you falter and seeking strength when you are weak. Faltering doesn't make you a hypocrite. It makes you human. Failing to have empathy or sympathy for a man losing his wife slowly in front of his eyes is kind of shitty. Sorry.
