Sunday, March 03, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #3

February 24, 2019

Say there's a couple consisting of a movie star and someone in the entertainment industry.  They get married, have a bunch of kids, he works, she works, everything is peachy and not weird. That's normal, right?

What if they get married, and all of the sudden her CV blossoms like dandelions after a storm.  No longer a bit part actress, but a director, a playwright, a singer, a mime, and the next coming of Mother Hubbard in her motherlyness.  Awards are being tossed her way left and right.

At least, on the surface.

Scratch that gold and it's lead beneath.  The awards?  Went to the company, not the individual.  The plays written?  Never saw the light of day.  Singer?  Lord help us.  Opera director- ummm.  Not so much.

And yet without fail, when he does something noteworthy (good or bad), within a few days there's another article about her, lauding her accomplishments.  (which, we've already determined, are negligible)

So what's REALLY going on behind the curtain that we're not supposed to see?

Benedict Cumberbatch/Sophie Hunter


  1. Maybe they are magic curtains which distort reality?

  2. Turd-polishing. It's been tried.

  3. Shocking.


    Wonder if Harvey will spill on this when he makes the movie showing his side of things? I'd watch that.

  4. Weren’t Benedict/Sophie & Alicia Vikander/Fassy ‘Weinstein marriages’ ? I know Fassy is straight, I forget if Benedict is.

    I have no idea if Eddie Redmayne/Hannah (longtime friend/publicist?) were a Weinstein marriage but the timing lines up with his Oscarbait Weinstein films (win for Theory of Everything, nominated for Danish Girl) - I assume she’s his beard. I don’t know if any of you have seen the W Magazine interview w/Rami Malek & Eddie Redmayne a month ago but OMG those two basically acted like they wanted to make out and fuck the whole video. Eddie, Rami - babes, what’s the point of having beards if you can’t stop flirting with each other?? Malek at one point kisses Eddie and they phallically spray champagne bottles at one another lolol it’s weird

  5. @notthisagain - that sounds incredible, now I don't have to see it to appreciate it, your description was great.

    Yeah I think about the Viklander/Fassy marriage too - today they are in the DM for stepping out for some reason. They must have thought the Harvey thing was going to blow over and now they are like goddamn WTF I never wanted to MARRY this person.

    They got screwed lol!! They must be so pissed ha ha.

  6. I am glad it wasn’t the Ethan Hawke guess!

  7. I'd love a deep dive into the Cumberbatch/Hunter and Fassy/Vikander marriages on the podcast. Actually, I'd love a deep dive on all of the Brit actors!

  8. Melafina- I second that motion. Whay do you say, Enty?

  9. So it IS true? Wow.

  10. What does CV stand for!?

    1. CV = Curriculum vitae. it's basically long and Latin and is used instead of Resume.

  11. @Julie
    It means curriculum vitae. In the UK, it's the same as a resume. Here CVs are used for academics.

  12. This freak of nature is going to try and get away from her avant-garde shit and break into the mainstream.
    Probably with another reboot of a star is born with the new york cat woman and johnny depp.

  13. @zerooptions- which freak of nature?

  14. This was already comprehensively debunked as yet another of that obsessed loon Aeltri's fake BIs, incited by the news of their third baby. Stop encouraging her, she's obviously not well. I wouldn't be surprised if she tried to stab or attack Ben or Sophie at some point. Thank God their security have her picture.

  15. So what you're saying is these articles do NOT pop up? That the accomplishments ARE real? Because I didn't see that 'comprehensively debunked.' What I saw was a bunch of sound and fury, with a lot of internet yelling.

    I could be wrong, though.

  16. He is saying Cumberbuns is an effeminate limey who is locked in a relationship with a British feminist who is not especially talented. In other words, he is her bitch.

  17. I went looking for those articles all about Sophie Hunter out of curiosity, but I didn't actually find all that much. Just the usual pap shots of them as a pair bc she was with him, and also news about her third baby. I mean, whoop de doo.

    Enty is trying very hard to overload the page with so many blinds (I mean seriously, I can't be bothered to read most of them anymore, it's way too much) that he seems to have become completely indiscriminate about sources. It's like someone throws him a tip and he just tosses it onto the site, why not. Meh to this one, sounds like someone is just jelly of Benedict's wife.



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