Thursday, March 07, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #2

February 28, 2019

Right now they are saying nothing, but prosecutors in this case involving the actor/singer from the hit network show are weighing dropping all the charges against the actor/singer because they are not sure they can make them stick.

Jussie Smollett


  1. I still say he committed a hate crime deliberately against an African American, even if it was himself. It wasn't some Grindr date gone horribly wrong.

  2. that's unfortunate.

    to me this is something akin to yelling "fire" in a movie theater. that's against the law.

    he's a tool. i hope he never works another day in his life.

  3. Maybe someone should throw him a boot party for real and then no one would believe him when he reports it.

  4. Even if he gets off, who will hire him?

    Insurance companies don't like people who fake crimes.

  5. Calling bullshit on this one, Enty

  6. i dont believe this blind for a minute.

  7. I agree with this one. It seems that everyone is personally “hurt” by Jussie’s attack, but no one cared this much when Ryan Lohcte pulled a similar stunt AT THE OLYMPICS. It was another “boys will be boys” excuse.

  8. Bullshit, people cared about the Lochte incident, it cost him a ton in sponsorships and got him barred from a country, but go ahead with your false "white people get away with everything" narrative...

  9. Well, Bruce Jenner got away with murder.

    And Asia Argento got away with rape.

    Celebrities -- even truly minor ones like Jussie -- are typically above the law.

    1. Killing somebody in an auto accident is murder? Was Jenner drunk?

  10. Makes you wonder how many lynchings back in the day were actually committed by other African Americans. I mean you find someone hanging from a tree, who's the go to suspects? 🤔

  11. "white people get away with everything" is not a false narrative. white people have been reporting false crimes on black people for decades. These false reports have ended in death often times of black people. And literally no repercussions for filing false reports. it's a shame also that no one is looking at the very racist tone of this current administration and the type of hatred that it has espoused. Vilifying immigrants, Muslims, Latinos, blacks. I also don't by that bullshit that the corrupt CPD is putting out. Too many leaks from the get-go. and definitely not buying the two brothers story that magically changed in the 47th hour. Also, he's not going to jail, at the most a heavy fine, public apology with counseling and light probation. and he will absolutely work again. he is actually quite loved in the industry. He has a very good professional reputation.

  12. jussie is connected politically to kamala and corey and others. something bigger is going on with his defense team.

  13. I have been to the subway that Jessie claims to have gone to .It closes at 11 PM. They should throw the book at him.

  14. Jussie seems to be best friends with so many politicians, etc.

    People should ask them why they would choose friendship with such a thoroughgoing shithead.

    Crappy judgment.

  15. Sounds like someone's paying them off to look the other way...who has that kind of money? His buddy Kamela-I look for him to be a part of her presidential campaign.Jus sayin...

  16. One has to wonder about the timing of Jussie's phony "lynching" stunt and Kamala's anti-lynching bill.

    IF she were involved/aware, she'd be extremely motivated to make the whole thing go away.

  17. @Troy Dyer.. specious argument IMO, in fact I hate when people trot that out as a reason that Jussie shouldn't be punished.
    A. As you point out, Lochte's crime was AT THE OLYMPICS. IN BRAZIL. He's not going to face charges here, the offense didn't happen here. B. He WAS punished.. he was suspended for 10 months plus the world championship that year by the International Olympic Committee, the US Olympic Committee and USA Swimming who are really the only other entities who could address what he did besides LE in Brazil. When you consider that's how he earns his living, that's a pretty big penalty, plus the endorsement contracts he lost over it. C. The Brazilian court ruled last year he could still face charges. D. He didn't send himself a threatening letter before hand. E. He didn't try to inflame racial tensions like Jussie did by tying a noose around his neck.
    I'm not saying Jussie should go to prison over this- I think that would be a step too far, BUT I think he should spend a week or so in jail over it- arrest him, hold him without bail, send it to court and give him time served and a hefty fine plus a couple hundred hours of community service.

  18. Read some crazy shit re: JS on Rense this AM. worth a read. Talks about Lee Daniels of Empire being one of THEM so called... a snip I didn't know he did Monster's Ball and Precious. I also didn't know JS communist dad spent time in South America. They named every child in their family with a J.... weird cult shit cont'd

    Smollett's Self-Assault Warded Off A
    Satanic Cult in Black Hollywood
    By Yoichi Shimatsu
    Exclusive to Rense

    exposure of the media kingpin Bronfman dynasty in cultist sexual-domination following his arrest.

    ...Smollett was obviously aiming for police protection for himself and the children of his siblings against the demands of voodoo cultists for child-sacrifice victims, as has already been experienced by one of his co-stars, the comedienne Mo’Nique, who has been blacklisted from movie roles for defiantly claiming that she expects to be murdered for her resistance to the cult underworld.

    The Hollywood cult demanding child sacrifices from African-American artists runs parallel with the Satanic force that has snuffed white actors David Carradine, Heath Ledger and Chris Penn, forcing Randy Quaid to flee to Canada as a fugitive, where Her Majesty’s imperial agents refused him and his wife refugee status in the same British Columbia that launched 15 feet of young males shod in sneakers floating down Puget Sound. And let’s not forget the unsolved deaths of River Phoenix, Kate Spade and Debra Jean Palfrey and, of course, Anthony Bourdain in this harvest of parts unknown.

    Ballroom for a Monster

    Lee Daniels, writer and producer, soared to fame with his production “Monster’s Ball”, (2001) which reached climax with the high-tone Halle Barry being sodomized by a older white male. Former president Bill Clinton was excited enough about that interracial scene that he personally asked Daniels to produce public service announcements (PSAs) encouraging young people to vote Democrat, a project featuring hip hop star LL Cool J and feminista Alicia Keyes. Suddenly IR rear-door became a political movement.

    After producing a series of forgettable movies, other than his Oscar-winning “Precious” (2009), Daniels re-emerged in the public interest sector with a documentary on the Orlando gay nightclub shooting, sponsored by the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), the world’s largest LGBT rights group. HRC endorsed Bill Clinton for president in 1992, showing its cards to be an Establishment insider operation. Later HRC endorsed closet lesbian candidate Hillary Clinton, but then revealed its treachery to principles by backing Andrew Cuomo and not Cynthia Nixon (the people’s choice regardless of sexual identity or feminism if the only ethical standard is fairness, smarts and ability to communicate). So in a nutshell, Lee Daniels is the house Negro or to put it into race-blind parlance, an Agency influencer for the Pizzagate crowd.

    The Daniels-directed “Precious” (2009), an uplifting “victim into heroine story” ...

  19. Then I NEVER want to hear the word HATE CRIME again. Jussie Smollett created a Hate crime against innocent people because he was pissed off over an election. PERIOD. If he skates, and they keep on with all this RACISM BS, they will have their revolution. And it won't be pretty!

  20. The media and I'm sure Chicago officials would like this all to just go away so this doesn't surprise me one bit. Notice how you don't hear about it any more?? Not by accident.

  21. Jussie is "friends" with Kamala. What law did she just pass you may ask? Why of course...the anti-lynching law....right after a noose was found around poor little Jussie's neck... Coincidence? I think NOT!

  22. Somehow this is all the fault of white people! 🙄🤔

  23. Not paying attention, driving too fast with a trailer. Sure looks like manslaughter. Committed by a man, coincidentally.

  24. They're going to find some excuse why they just can't make those charges stick, despite all the evidence. And it's unloseable evidence, too, so they've got a real problem on their hands. Hoping for public disapproval to die out and then quietly dismiss the worst charges and hit him with a fine - revenue! - and that'll be the end of it. This is just a trial balloon to see where the public's at in terms of forgetting.

  25. It's like how the LA County Jail never seems to have enough room to house a celebrity miscreant but manages to lock up regular people in droves.

  26. It was all about his hatred of President Trump and Trump voters. He wanted to be a bad ass of the "resistance". It is disgusting the way he lied and vilified voters and the President when he just wanted publicity. He made his bed and now he should lie in it and pay the price for wasting police investigation time. Funny how the mainstream media never came back to say that he lied. He is still a hero for his lame "resistance" plot.

  27. Every week several people get shot in Chicago, often many killed.

    Do they get weeks of police attention like this shithead Jussie Smollett did?

    Hell no.

    He should be thrown into a hole and left there forever. Completely horrible human being... and Kamala's good friend.

  28. i hope this becomes true

  29. Jussie's team is busy:

    Find some way, any way, to make this reprehensible piece of shit seem like a victim.

  30. It's like I said once the brothers snitched. Jussie will all of a sudden have a mitigating mental illness or drug addiction (suddenly had an ecstasy addiction). His attorney's will make a plea deal with the prosecution where he pleads guilty to lesser charges and gets a slap on the wrist. Prosecution gets a win, Jussie gets no real consequences.

    A trial illustrating fake hate crimes is of no benefit to any of the parties involved.

  31. ...of no benefit to anyone other than the nation.

  32. Obama to Rahm Emmanuel: "Make this go away"
    Rahm Emmanueal to prosecutors: "Make this go away"

  33. Weird how in a blind about an idiot who's helped put hate crimes back under the "people won't believe this, now" pile, we have a lunatic espousing an anti-Democratic conspiracy theory for...reasons?

    Jesus, dude, take off the hat. Foil isn't a good look this time of year anyway.

  34. Yeah he was a bonehead looking for attention and totally fucked up. But there sure are a lot of right wingers on this site ready to throw hate crimes out the window because of this one guy. I guess y'all just want the right to attack those you hate with impunity.

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.


  38. Anonymous3:06 PM

    Imagine if Jussie had not been a complete idiot. Imagine if he had staged his hate crime on any night but a polar vortex night. Imagine if there had been two white guys out for a walk, or walking home from the gay bars, or walking out for an anonymous Grindr encounter. Those guys would be doxed and/or in very big legal trouble right now because Jussie was willing to id the attackers, that is, until he saw they were the two Nigeran bros he hired himself.
    Jussie is a POS and he deserves to be over.

  39. TexasRose is right - the story has been completely silenced in the media.

    I also agree with the Kamala & Corey Booker alliance - they did have an anti-lynching bill AND he also presumably (nobody mentioned it here) had a song coming out that ALSO had a noose or something. Bit of overkill on the ol' imagery Jussie - remember that drawing he got too (w/ noose). Overkill.

    He will get off for sure but he can kiss his acting career goodbye.

  40. @Flying Tiger:

    That Subway is 24 hours.
    It's right there on the Subway website & the front of the store!

  41. This whole story pisses me off. Idk how many of you saw my post from a few weeks ago detailing how I was assaulted going into my building. Oddly enough, a female African American cop was sent to take my report. Despite my black eye and bruises all over my body, I could tell that she didn’t believe me. I called my landlord immediately after it happened (I didn’t want to get in the elevator with the guy & wanted to have an immediate record of the event so called him from the lobby.) The assaultor came back downstairs, called me a f’ing bitch & this was all overheard by my landlord. He told me to feel free to give the police his phone number so that he could corroborate my story. She refused, and told me that the only proof would be video from the camera in the lobby. My super actually found the footage, (he offered to show it to me, but I couldn’t deal with seeing it after having lived through it) but he says that the whole event is quite clear. I’ve left THREE messages for this f’ing bitch who will not return my phone calls. She clearly never thought I’d get the footage. Little does she know that soon I’ll have her on unpaid leave. Going to the police station tomorrow to speak to a supervisor. I literally cannot sleep, couldn’t work while my face was bruised, and am basically living my life in terror, which is so not me. The guy who assaulted me has since been arrested (I think for dealing drugs), but nobody in the PD seems to care.

    Obviously, I am looking for a new apt. and have many friends helping me, but right now, my life sucks. There are days when I’m afraid to get out of bed. Luckily, the people who manage my building are supporting me. They have hired security guards in the lobby from 4pm until 2am, and they escort me to my apt. and are so protective of me. 🙏🏻 I think most of them think of me as their daughter.

    So FUCK Jussie and his rehearsed hate crime. I hope he goes to jail for the longest possible sentence.

    Wanna talk about hate? I am a blue-eyed blonde, 5’8, lead a healthy lifestyle, and am in good shape. I was assaulted, got sent an African American female cop (which initially made me quite grateful, as I thought she’d ‘get it.’) Unfortunately for me, she’s quite overweight and racist and hated me from the minute she laid eyes on me. (I’m not trying to be mean, these are just the facts.) She spoke to the guy who assaulted me, he outright lied, and she believed him.

    THIS is HATE Jussie. Not the bullshit that you rehearsed and your pathetic acting as a victim.

    1. I’m sorry Aquagirl. I hope you heal mentally and physically as soon as possible. It is unfortunate but that’s how it is. I think black women enjoy it when white women are attacked. If you have ever been around them much, they make no secret of their hatred for us. Especially blonde blue eyed “devils”. But of course we have white privilege and “deserve” to be attacked. And we are racists and evil for noticing it and other behaviors that indicate their hatred of us. Not to mention their own words, repeatedly. We will never get justice and if there is an anti white hate crime, it is never called as such and definitely not prosecuted as one.

      If I may make a suggestion. Get a gun, a permit and learn to use it. The police have no duty to protect you. This was ruled on by the Supreme Court. They are there to protect property (of the elite of course). That’s all. They could not care less. The responsibility for your safety is yours alone and you cannot depend on others.

      Look to South Africa for the future of whites. Prepare accordingly. Go look up “South African farm murders” to really see and understand. It is truly the worst thing I have ever seen and yet, it is genocide and nobody cares. Coming soon to the USA and other white nations.

      This is “racist” and I’m a big mean evil racist bad baaaaaad baaaaaaad person. It’s all true though. Wake up, white people. They hate you.

  42. For all of you who believe that he doesn’t deserve jail time, fuck you. If this guy wasn’t such a dumbass, there’d be riots right now. Hope the FBI charges him with mail fraud and gives him 5 years on top of his false report time.

  43. JS wasted FBI time. JS should go to jail for a LONG time.

    As long a time as the people he tried to frame would've gone to jail for.


    Give it time... I got assaulted by two black guys and it took a while to recover. The police were not very communicative, but they did get them in the end. I got my day in court and they got 2 years in the grey bar hotel.

  44. He deserves jail time. What he did was vile and reprehensible. As others have pointed out: he wouldn't;t have batted an eye, if 2 innocent white guys had been arrested - for the crime of being white.

    He jumped on a bandwagon that left the station over 2 years ago, because he's pathetic, an attention whore and dumb as dirt. What he did was dangerous and racist.

    What he did also exposed the liberals, the left, the ones who call themselves 'progressives'. They jumped in unison on this story like rabid dogs, screaming for blood, without evidence, without even using their 2 braincells. They automatically believed the anti-Trumo guy, because he's black, because he's gay, because he's "famous", and of course, because he's anti Trump. Fakest news ever.

    Then they all went deafeningly silent when it turned out to be a big fat monstrous lie.

    These people are the dregs of humanity, the real racists, the real haters, the dividers and fascists, the hypocrites that feed on lies, threats and accusations, without proof, because it suits their thinly veiled political agenda. They don't use their brains, because they don't have any. They are goose-stepping followers, like the SS, marching along to the rants of lying psychopaths, empty-headed zombies, "useful idiots" Stalin used to call them.

    There'a a reason they're not called LibGENIUSES !

  45. Aquagirl, if you don't get help from the NYPD, go to Internal Affairs. if you don't get help from THEM, go to the FBI. My parents' house was robbed by police and the local Internal Affairs didn't care. What makes it worse is my mom is a police widow, FFS. Wish I'd gone to the FBI to begin with.

  46. @Aquagirl, I admire your honesty and vulnerability, you are strong!
    Wishing you deep healing and a resolution to the legal/cop issues.
    With all I know it is still shocking to know about your treatment, but any woman who's been there understands your position.

  47. BS, the can make the charges stick just fine. The only problem is Chicago corruption to make the charges go away. Corrupt AF.

  48. He was just indicted.

    1. 16 counts of disorderly conduct! [Chicago Tribune at 5:00PM today]

  49. @Astra, @Sarton, @Krab, @Lightgirl: I cannot thank you all enough for your kindness and support. What’s most shocking to me is that I grew up in a small town in CT, and moved to NY @ 17 to go to college. 17! In all the ensuing years, nothing like this has ever happened to me. I was never mugged, raped, etc. If ever I find myself in a somewhat scary situation, I just cross the street or go into a store or a building—anything to put myself in a safe space. Singing loudly (also swearing like a sailor) is also very helpful if you feel that someone is following you as it makes people think that you’re crazy.

    The one thing that did happen was that my car was stolen. Yes, it sucked, but the worst part was the way I was treated by the cops. These guys were two sexist males who said that I probably ‘forgot’ where I parked it (you know us dumb blondes!) It took almost 10 hours for me to finally be allowed to file a report, as they kept jerking me around. I owned a Honda Accord which is the #1 stolen car, so my feeling was that it was clearly stolen so let’s just get on with it. But they made me go to the tow pound, etc., etc. I finally went back to the police station and got a female cop who was very sweet and kind, and I did report the two guys
    to Internal Affairs.

    I was thinking of getting mace or pepper spray, but I know that some types don’t work. I asked three male relatives (all current or former military) for their advice on where to purchase it, and they all told me to get a gun. I’m actually anti-gun (despite the fact that my father was a colonel in the army), so really have to think about that. In this case, it wouldn’t have helped as I just went 2 blocks away to do a quick errand, so I certainly wouldn’t have carried a gun with me.

    @Astra: Thanks for the reading recommendations.

    Thanks again all. 🙏🏻❤️

  50. Joke is on Enty. The Grand Jury approved 16 FELONY charges of Disorderly Conuct/Filing a False Police Report — one for every lie in his two statements to CPD.

    @Aquagirl, sorry that happened and the cop gave you attitude. The officer who took your report doesn’t investigate or gather video, that the detective’s job. You need to find out who was assigned to your case.

  51. This prosecutor is the worse. Unless there is a confession and video, they plead everything down. She also hates the police and runs the prosecutors below her the same way. Police are having hard time getting battery to officer charges even though there is body camera footage. That's why it went to grand jury. She didnt have enough courage to press charges.

  52. You were right, Enty. All charges dropped as of yesterday...



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