Wednesday, March 06, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #2

February 27, 2019

This morning show/news co-co-co-co anchor likes to talk a good game about stopping sex abuse and says the right things, but when it comes to actions, she refuses to say a word against this A+++ list mogul. There she was with her best friend laughing it up again on one of his properties.

Gayle King/David Geffen/Oprah


  1. Now that's a ship even the sharks would avoid.

  2. Too bad the Russians won’t nuke that ship.

  3. Wonderful how they are now throwing the Paedo Pan of Pop's unlamented rotting carcass under the bus in a classic "Look squirrel!!" maneuver.

  4. Oprah is not what people think--she is at the very least a procurer for human/sex trafficking.
    Follow the money, the involvement with children's schools etc.
    This same scenario plays out with lots of these sickos.
    Look for involvement with children's charities and vulnerable children, and relationships with those known to wield power to protect the scumbags.
    When someone like Oprah gains so much power, there are reasons.
    She was ALLOWED to do this in return for 'favors'.

  5. Oprah is a hippo-crite.

  6. Oprah's kind of over, isn't she? I don't think she does much TV these days, or am I missing something?

    I flipped through a recent edition of her O magazine and it was a complete car crash. Back in the day it was all cute products and self-improvement tips, but this issue had a big article on "white shame" and why it was appropriate and necessary.

    You do you Oprah, but that's a pretty long journey from "You get a car! And you get a car!"

  7. Has Oprah ever been tied to anything besides being in the closet and sponsoring a scandalized foreign school? Aside from the usual two-faced tv host stuff of course.

  8. Well she’s close with Geffen, so there’s that.

  9. Oprah endorsed the John of God guy

  10. Did anyone notice how Daily Mail is not allowing any comment to be posted on Michael Jackson's articles that does not support their narrative. This is an organised vendetta at tearing down MJ and the gullible people are falling for it hook, line and sinker.

  11. Do appreciate the two instagram stills she shared from the interview, though. Her body language: “Go right ahead, little man, dig the hole down deeper”. Disclaimer, I didn’t see the interview, just the gifs. But what exactly is the angle she and O, etc, are working right now, with all of this? I can’t put a finger on that. What with the association with the mogul.

    Only watched Leaving Neverland, Part 1, so far, and it was...not what I expected. It was not sensationalist in style, as I’d anticipated. Instead it was difficult, reasonable, and sincere. If I was still somehow clinging to the hope that maybe MJ was misunderstood, the film presents a damning case that pretty much makes that impossible. Both men were compelling in the way they quietly presented their experiences, as were the family members speaking. I remember both of them from tour videos and publicity stills, they’re not much younger than me.

    Worked last night, will try to watch R. Kelly interview later when I wake up. I’m sure this post will have some interesting comments.

    1. I know way way way too much and those two are liars they have been trying to see was Michael Jackson estate for 6 years now so they change their whole story and have their last appeal in a couple months they need a court of public opinion verdict of Michael Jackson guilty so they can get to the millions actually 1.6 billion

  12. Oprah endorses whoever or whatever she's told to endorse by her staff. Only her dedicated viewers believe she's actually invested in anything she tells them.

  13. Oprah owns a good part of Weight Watchers and Oxygen TV was started by her as OWN, she still may have part of that. She does specials occasionally on it.

  14. Praying for that yatch to sink..

  15. This is so disappointing to know what a hack Oprah is! If anybody has enough power to speak out and stop his BS it would be her, but she must be afraid of him for some reason. No wonder so many celebrities brown nose her!

  16. @NuttyFlavor
    Doesn't her mag suck balls? It used to be a fun read about self-help topics, but now it is filled with these Lifetime movie articles and lots of stuff to buy. It's as if Vogue and Good Housekeeping had a deformed baby with some recipes thrown in. Trying to cancel a subscription is like sending letters Santa Clause. Good luck with that!

    Gayle King is useless and should just have a sign under her name "I'm the Big O's Best Friend." That's the only reason she gets jobs.

  17. I like gail on that news show. Other than that, i really don't care what she does. Of course they are all afraid of Geffen. He will hire a hit allegedly and make it a tragic accident. O is a joke in the black community and is losing her influence so to speak. She has gained weight, siding with Geffen about MJ and is easily influenced by cash, yachts and prestige. IMO

  18. But Gayle King is also Meghan Markle's friend - or at least was invited to Meg's baby shower. Maybe Oprah was busy that day. She did go to Meg's wedding.

    For those with an interest, there's a new update to my Meg blog, accessible via my profile.

    I talk about what the WoC on Lipstick Alley have to say about Meg, and it's nothing good.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. There was a blind a few years ago widely believed to be about Oprah, describing her as infantile, and that one of her trusted staff led and coached her because she was incapable of making even simple decisions.



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