Friday, March 22, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #2

March 15, 2019

As I told you last week, this former reality star turned celebrity with the controversial opinions and significant other is hurting in sales. Badly. She is trying to right the ship, and released a statement towards that, but no one believes it or her. The sales continue to tank.

Kat Von D


  1. She obviously needs to start dating a person of color who believes in medical science. Otherwise it's just words.

  2. Well, at least when their unvaccinated child catches measles or some other sickness and dies, they save a ton of money that would have gone otherwise to the child's future and education. That saves them some money they lose now.

    1. Your a Fucking idiot, the measles are less harmless than the average flu, you Fucking moron

  3. What's so bad is that what's being said about her are LIES told by a former cast-mate on her first reality show. She has explained her words to be my satisfaction. No reason her sales should be slipping, except people take gossip at face-value and never research.

  4. Wait, Gym Quotes, WTF is this?

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  6. Maybe she shouldn't hang around or date with people who are Neo Nazis then. She was going to name a lipstick Selektion a term the Nazis used when deciding who went to the gas chamber and who became a slave. Maybe you should research also a handwriting expert is 99% sure she wrote the note.

  7. She was two steps away from going the Tila Tequila route until sales dropped.

  8. kat von d has dated other guys with ties to being obsessed with the nazis. jesse james for one. she dances all around this shit so she can live that life, but then attempt to defend herself with half-truths and outright lies and it's sort of saved her in the past. she got too big too quickly with her tremendous talent and she thinks her talent will carry her. it won't this time. she's really f*cked up this time and it's costing her at a time when she doesn't need to lose money.
    her half-assed "i'm not REALLY an anti-vaxxer, but i'm not telling you if i vaccinate my child" response probably means she needs to raise her kid in a bubble because she's not vaccinating that child.
    she's turned into a celebrity monster. happens to almost all of them.

  9. raven: you might be right. I don't really follow Kat that closely. Just read an interview, and saw a clip of an Instastory where she tried to clear up some of the things that have been said about her. With me, I'm not super-invested.

  10. Meghan Markle should seriously rethink her ties to Prince Harry, given his H'ween costume and Hitler salute from years back. I would never date anyone who is a "collector" of that memorabilia, or even a scholar. It's too unsavory. Some people obviously don't care.

  11. Every year, many children in certain parts of the world that have no access to vaccines, suffer or die from deseases that are controlled in modern developed countries. It’s sad that people take what science offers them and deny their kids the immunization. And it’s more sickening when many celebrities who are notorious for drug anc alcohol use, make claims against vaccines. They do coke and god knows what else, then when they conceive if the child has any condition, they find something else to blame. (Like Jenny McCarthy). How do you know that your egg or sperm or other things are not affected by the life style you lived? It’s easy to not accept responsibility and blame others. But how dare you scare other parents by making such claims?

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  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Her taste in men tells you all you need to know. Good riddance, there are so many great cosmetic lines out there these days. Just be a proud Anti-vaxxer and Nazi and deal with the consequences, not everyone is going to deal with you, but by all means, be true to yourself!!!

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Sorry for the typos (darn auto correct).
    they take what science offers for granted, but when they get sick they rush to the doctors to heal them, same doctors who believe in vaccinations. They question the doctors on vaccines, but when the kids is sick they ask the same doctors to help them get better!?! Celebrities have a platform that they misuse and spread unproven claims and conspiracies. It creates fear among expectant and new parents and that’s not ok.

  16. @mud, What talent does Kat Von D have that thousands of people don't have? She was just a pretty face that could tattoo, you can find better artists anywhere.

  17. Waterlily: I agree 100%. One 15 yr-old boy was on Reddit trying to find out how to get vaccinated. His primary care Doctor wouldn't do it, so he was trying to see how he could be inoculated. Some of the newer vaccines have not shown efficacy (or great need); the HPV & Pneumonia vaccines come to mind. However, the MMR, Polio, and Chicken Pox vaccines are essential. I had to take all except Mumps and Chicken Pox (they had not been invented yet), and I had to suffer through both illnesses. They decided the first Polio vaccine I got was ineffective, so I was vaccinated for Polio twice. People who can avoid Mumps and Chicken Pox are stupid not do so. The resurgence of Measles and Smallpox (that was eradicated for some years), should be a huge wakeup call to these ridiculous anti-vaxxers

    1. You are so incredibly Fucking ignorant...

  18. American Academy of Physicians and Surgeons has denounced federal law mandating vaccines / not enough study........and should not even be a federal mandate. Kinda' odd when you consider there is no federal election law. Since the proliferation of vaccines / way too many given at one time, autism has sky rocketed. Amish children do not get it.......

  19. The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) is a politically conservative non-profit association founded in 1943. It is opposed to the Affordable Care Act and other forms of socialized medicine.The group was reported to have about 4,000 members in 2005, and 5,000 in 2014.
    They do not represent all physicians and surgeons, just a very minor group of them. Not to forget how politically (or religiously) driven some of them are.
    And if giving too many shots at one time is concerning some parents, they can choose to get them on separate dates.
    If there was a vaccine for HIV (or maybe there is one but not available to public yet) many people’s lives would be saved. It’s always better to prevent than try to cure.

    1. Absolute Fucking moron.... Shill...

  20. And Amish people live a secluded life. They have their own schools and health system etc. Some strict ones don’t even use electricity. How can we say those kids don’t have autism when they are not tested the same way as other kids? How can we compare their schooling and abilities to our regular schools? It’s not a fair comparison.
    And as fancy as association of physians and surgeons sounds, their numbers compare to millions of physicians and surgeons who believe in vaccinations is not convincing at all.

  21. If Sandra Bullock can marry nazis, everyone should be able to.

  22. She should pray harder to Satan, he'll reward her.

  23. Re: Anti-Vaxxers: I have a 2nd cousin who is not very bright and is married to someone who is dumb as a post. She’s a high-school drop-out who had 5 kids with 3 different guys. They have a 5-year old who they don’t want to vaccinate, so he can’t go to school. So the genius is going to home-school him. Can’t wait to see how that goes. Besides putting a child in harms way physically by not vaccinating him, they’re also diminishing his educational and social opportunities. And despite their ‘fear’ of vaccinations, they both chain smoke around this child and their other children, and have always done so.

  24. Chicken pox is usually pretty benign. I’m not even 40 and everyone got it when I was a kid. It was normal to get, and the worst that ever happened to anyone was maybe getting pox in their throats, or having a few little pox mark scars after it healed. It’s weird to me that such a disease now has a vaccine. Seems like overkill. But idk.

    1. I got chicken pox in my twenties and it was torturous. I wish I was vaccinated for it. I slept in a bath tub all night in cold water to help calm down the discomfort. Two years after that I got shingles! Very painful. The chicken pox virus stays in your system once you get it. Many keep getting cold sores that are caused by the chicken pox virus living in their bodies.

  25. Sorry, Waterlily. I was always under the impression that that’s why kids got it as kids (parents preferred it this way) because it was less uncomfortable and dangerous then. I did hear that about it causing shingles. Herpes Zoster, I think it is. So I can see it being probably about as bad as herpes? Which causes cold sores. Wonder why they don’t have a vaccine for that.

    But I had chicken pox as a kid and am ok so far. Not saying yea or nay about vaccines either way, just saying how it is for me (thus far, could change at any time). I think they have a shingles vaccine for adults though? My mom got the vaccine, my aunt got shingles and said it was agonizing. So I am sorry to hear you had it.

    1. Thank you. It’s definitely easier to get it as a kid. It’s worse for adults and causes more problems for them.

    2. My 10 month old nephew died from chickenpox. He was not old enough to be vaccinated. I wish that whoever he caught it from had been vaccinated. I had it as a child (before the vaccine,in the early 80s) and suffered. It's a big deal. I'm so weary of the whole debate.

    3. I’m very sorry about your 10-month-old nephew, Flowerpotmama.

  26. It's too bad that she is smart to protect her child and yet being punished. She should know better, she knows who signs her paycheck and the world she lives in. She needs to protect her child in private and fund those of us defending her right to decide for her child. She lives in a world where "My body My choice" only applies to the murdering of an unborn child. So those parts can be made into the poison that is currently making this generation of children so sick it should be declared an epidemic! Yes there are aborted fetal cells used in vaccines. I sacrificed my son for the "herd" already YOU aren't getting my second one! Follow the money and wake the hell up before you end up like my vaccine injured son and family.

    1. Protect my child as well by keeping your unvaccinated spawn at home so they cannot infect others who also care for their children. While you’re homeschooling, you might want to download a few scientific and medical articles on vaccinations and educate yourself. Stop getting your information off YouTube and an ex playboy bunny.

    2. You are so Fucking ignorant it's unbelievable. The whole ridiculous argument FOR vaccination claims (falsely) that if you get vaccination you are supposedly now safe and protected from said virus. So why should you worry about an unvaccinated child infecting yours that has been vaccinated? Think about it, fuckwit!
      The reality is, a child that has been vaccinated, is now a host of that virus and THEY sheds the virus for up to two months after receiving the shot and THEY are infecting others...
      Don't bring YOUR diseased, virus spreading child near my healthy child, you stupid, ignorant Cunt!
      It is YOU that is brainwashed and uneducated in the subject, YOU should be doing your research, Fuckwit!

    3. You are protecting others when you vaccinate, like infants who can't have the vaccines yet or immune compromised people like my father in law who had cancer. Vaccines given now are dead (there may be a few that are live but I don't think so) thus they don't shed and are perfectly safe. You feel achy not because you have that illness, but because of your body's immune response. If your research does not involve reading scientific studies in their entirety then shush.

  27. Kat von Disease will vaccinate her cats but not her kids. She also is a giant Nazi fan.

  28. She's an idiot about vaxxing, but I actually do believe her about Ami.

  29. not too many people die from the measles ... I'm sure more die from the flu and doctors mistakes every year but y'all brainwashed into thinking that the government cares for your health LMAO

  30. 110,000 people died of the measles in 2017. No big deal. (The reason the death rate is so low in the U.S. is because we *used* to have herd immunity. Thanks a lot, anti-vaccer a-holes.)



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