Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Blind Item #9

This closeted A list politician would be much better off not discussing his beard quite so much, because one of them will get their stories wrong. 


  1. He must know there is an out gay man from Indiana running for POTUS and he's getting money donated by activists groups, so it's not like he'd be damaged if he came out.

  2. One of them knows how to memorize lines, so I think we know which one will be getting the story wrong.

  3. Why would anyone vote for Booker, anyway? Newark is one of the biggest shitholes in the country. I don't think he did anything to improve the place when he was mayor.

  4. What's wrong with Booker's eyes? Does he have a condition?

    I don't what's more unbelievable, that he's straight or that Rosario Dawson would go for a guy like him. Look at her exes, it's either hotties or guys that could help her get ahead, he is neither.

    1. That he is straight. Rosario Dawson is a contender for first lady right now. I'm a straight, slightly homophobic dude, and id take a big fat ween in the butt if I had the opportunity to be the first lady of the United States.

    2. Hahaha this made me laugh

  5. @Gator, never impressed with ex-mayors of cities people actively try to avoid.

  6. nowhere near believable even for the gullible.

  7. Anonymous11:06 AM

    He will never get the black vote in flyover states if he comes out. It is a fact. But, I do not think he has a shot in winning the nomination anyways. I also am LOL because now Katie Couric is saying how she went on a blind date with him. The lies the media tells. #FAKENEWS

  8. Bonby, sure you are.

  9. Gator's absolutely right. Spartacus is one of the most singularly unaccomplished people in government, and we all know that covers an awful lot of people in both parties. Another lying, virtue-signalling a-hole. No thanks.


  11. The problem for him is he has denied it so many times, how does he come out and say, o’k, you’re right; I am gay. He would be crucified. Gotta carry on the myth. I bet anything some oppo research will find some skeletons. He won’t be the nominee.

  12. @ccgirl, Katie couric has some strange blind dates. She’d go on a blind date with Booker and Bob Sagat? Interesting mix of guys.

  13. The number of straight men who would be into Katie Couric started shrinking rapidly 20 years ago.

  14. Brayson87.......the eyes. Rep. Adam Schit from California has those eyes too.He has a lot to worry about......Standard Hotel stuff. I think the look is terror and maybe some drugs..

  15. The desperation among conservatives is palpable these days.

  16. Corey, Corey, Corey. He thinks it's still the 1950s.

  17. Anonymous1:49 PM

    haha omg...bob sagat too!? what in the world....he is one dirty old man haha.

  18. I don't think he will get the nomination anyway. I hope Elizabeth Warren gets a nomination, but I bet it will be Sanders and Biden. After the joke of this administration we need a president like Warren.

  19. Anonymous2:23 PM

    IF Booker had the balls to just come out it would enhance his chances a thousand times better than a fake beard relationship. I honestly don't get it. Worst case scenario he would be VP to Kneepads Harris and be primed (no pun intended) to be POTUS after she's drained the life out of this country like she did Willie Brown's penis.
    I realize it's hard to find a beard that checks all the right beard boxes of race and fame level, but Rosario Dawson?
    He was "hinting" at a White House wedding. How cute. Can you imagine?

    1. "Worst case scenario he would be VP to Kneepads Harris and be primed (no pun intended) to be POTUS after she's drained the life out of this country like she did Willie Brown's penis".

      Cannot imagine ANY of these a-holes as POTUS.

  20. Oh Corey, haven't you heard of overcompensating?

  21. Liarwatha isn't going to get it lol.

  22. Wow, he dems are really getting out their big guns and secret weapons in their fight against Trump.

    A badly closeted liar, an anti American headscarf-wearing muslima, and a borderline mentally retarded ex barmaid.

    Boot-shaking stuff.

  23. I don't think Booker's gay. I spoke to friends who say he definitely isn't, and two of them are gay who know him.
    Whether he is or not, does it matter, ENTWOD?

  24. Why do people insist on being political all the time? There are no divisions between the parties. It is ALWAYS a case of "new boss - same as the old boss." I no longer vote. I've seen government from the inside at both the fed and state levels. There's no difference between them, and when you play into the divisiveness, they love that.

  25. He "dated" instagram poet Cleo Wade for a while and there is an embarrassing pic of him in the NYPost in her art installation that was a giant pink "womb room" - he was photo'd lying on the floor in a big pink vagina in other words. lol

  26. Oh come on momo , don't be such a microagressive nazi.

    What's not to love about a revolutionary Instagram poet, creating a giant pink vulva-cum-vag for gender fluid, pan gender, intersectional feminists, gender-non-conforming, male-female-binary, adults to snuggle in for photo ops? It's just called being progressive, duh.

  27. LOLOL Depeche. It's so much worse than all that. I have known Cleo since she was a little girl and she has been an asshole since she was ten. She is related to me now via my ex actually, so she brought him home. I would love to say more but oh no I said too much.

    Yes though your comment is spot on. Don'tcha know Cleo hangs with Katy Perry. I was actually afraid she was going to get the beard part and end up in the White House. It would be a personal hell for me for a number of reasons. He will probably be the VP candidate with Biden, in my opinion. If not him, Beto to get it all off the East Coast.

  28. Fascinating. I wish you could say more. I love when people know real-life dirt.
    But I get it, safety first, Big Brother's watching all of us.

  29. Corey Booker.

    There is a guy on Twitter with the handle @TheeDeepThroat that claims that Booker assaulted him a few years ago. Worth checking out.

    Twitter Account:

    Google Doc of Encounter with Booker:

  30. Pence and Mother?
