Tuesday, March 05, 2019

Blind Item #9 - Mr. X

Which alliterate talk show host and her husband haven’t split up (yet) but they are living separately? She knows she can’t do anything about the mistress and the possible baby, but she’s making her husband’s life a living hell by just staying with him. Remember, their marriage is a business arrangement like the Carters. Since he’s no longer in charge of their marriage and she’s got the upper hand now after she leaked stories about him being abusive to her in the past, he’s kissing her ass 24/7 because she is over his escapades. Basically, he’s been pussy whipped. Based on her actions recently, it may seem like they’re a happy couple and he’s sticking by her side no matter what. Underneath the surface, it’s all a facade. I’m surprised she didn’t mention the other reasons she was away from her show for so long... she relapsed on benzos and booze and was detoxing.


sandybrook said...

Wendy and hubby

Troy Dyer said...

Obviously Wendy

sandybrook said...

Not that this was actually hard to figger out given alliterative talk show host and the drug hints at the end.

Brayson87 said...

Ah, the old wife's revenge. Nah, still kind of sounds like horsesh!t, kick him out Wendy, you look awful supporting him, his mistress and his bastard.

Brayson87 said...

Well you sell your soul to the devil, you reap what you sow. How many pedos and women abusers has she supported over the years?

Pj harvey fan said...

Bored of her

Brayson87 said...

So which "benzos" are we talking about here? It's a pretty broad class, it's almost like just saying "stimulants."

Sarton Bander said...

Mercedes Benzos?

zerooptions said...

I wonder if she'll go to the baby shower.

Aquagirl said...

I’d say she’s making HER life a living hell by staying with him.

americanpanda said...

Benzos - take your pick - Klonopin, Valium, Xanax, all the same shit, just like stimulants, all the same effect on your body and psyche.

She did put some weight back on. when she started losing weight i noticed all the food and cooking stories went away. It "seems" like she's getting things back in order, I hope that includes eventually kicking her abusive ass husband to the curb.
The streets are still talkin girl

J said...

She should have a thigh-down versus Beyonce.

Henriette said...

Wendy is an idiot for keeping with that mess. It hurts her brand and everything she says, especially since she makes the bulk of her money off attacking women who stay with bad guys. Staying with this asshole is just going to make her lose her show. I wouldn't be surprised if ratings are tanking. I bet Julie Chen is laughing her ass off now.

Brayson87 said...

@americanpanda, That's like saying all kinds of chicken are the same. It's right but also wrong.

Nubian princess said...

Shes doing a real life "Gone Girl". Not the best plan.

Mischief Girl said...

Wait, wait, wait-- Jay Z and Beyonce's marriage is a business arrangement?

Where have I been?

Vita said...

Not thrilled with Wendy's comments yesterday. I'd like to think she's got him over a barrel and is making him sweat, but I cant believe she'd be cool with him having children with other women essentially on her dime. Smdh. Whatever, it's her life, but she is going to get a whole lot of stink eye the next time she does a hot topic on someone staying with a cheater/beater.

Cat Owner said...

Please don't use that term -- it's the 21st century now, people.

Gator said...

She seemed really off on her show yesterday, but was very normal today.

Elphin MacSkye said...

She was detoxing from OPIATES. Benzos don't flatten you out physically, Opiates do. She had that broken arm, remember? Then came the absence(s), and Nick Cannon in a Kirk Franklin-gay looking Pink suit. Good lawd.

emeraldcity said...

Ha! I read too many tabloids. I read that last line as 'relapsed on Bezos and booze'.

Kim said...

I was going to ask if she was lying about her situation and it would've made me respect her if she did. Kitchen table talk can't be about yourself apparently.

Vita said...

Cat owner-- which term?

IndigoBlue said...

Typically, I think people in the public eye deserve some privacy in their private lives...typically. However, when your stock and trade is spilling the tea and being judgy about other peoples' business, I don't think you can pull off the "please respect my privacy" card in good faith. If you want privacy, don't pick a job where fame is a side effect. I double that sentiment if you make more money than God and could, if you wanted to, stay below the Gossip Limbo Stick should you so desire. There are a TON of famous people out there who never have their situations aired in the court of public opinion.

Unknown said...

@mischief girl: living under a rock apparently

Robynsing said...

She's such a cool liar that WW. I KNOW she was once a man...full stop!


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