Thursday, March 28, 2019

Blind Item #8

This A list everything in her mind took a good solid 5 minutes to roll a joint because she was trembling so much after hearing about her significant other's latest side piece.


  1. Replies
    1. And I will say her rolling a doobie is blindworthy lol! That surprises me in a world where little does

    2. I completely agree Tricia. Thinking about the fastidious JLo stuffing weed into papers is laughworthy

    3. I would’ve rather imagine a blinged out,designer bong πŸ˜‚

  2. Think she needs to start using coke to deal with that fool.

  3. Why would she want to stay with this loser? She can't be that stupid to think he isn't going to humiliate her with scandal after scandal...Ugghh

    1. I agree. These rich and famous people have everything except self-confidence and common sense.

  4. Anonymous8:47 AM

    omg poor jlo. girl if you need help just let me know.

  5. Anonymous8:49 AM

    Smoking pot is so twenty years ago. I mean there’s the full spectrum oil. The edibles. The sugar infused. The chapstick infused! The concentrates. Holy shit. I’m fucking flying all day long no one has any idea. Need to apply some more THC chapstick.

    1. Some people are sensitive to edibles and don't like the high they bring. Rolling one is just the preference.
      My absolute favorite is a swisher, and that IS for sure back in the day

  6. Enty, it’s time to get OVER your obsession with Jennifer. You’re really beginning to sound like a jealous old bitty!

  7. That sounds like Miley .. she’s a known stoner

  8. Perhaps she's a cuckquean and he makes her watch. πŸ€”

  9. This makes me sad for her.

  10. JLo. Dated a guy that was her bodyguard for awhile. Said she is the most insecure woman and always needs a man around her regardless of how they treat her.

  11. 5 min to roll a joint really isnt that long

  12. Not a pot person at all but have heard the medical versions are good to help you sleep better. Anyone tried this?

    I have some edibles but haven't used them yet

    1. CBD only.
      If you have THC and aren't used to it, it can backfire spectacularly.

    2. My mom isn't a pot person, but sometimes takes (medicinal) cannabis pills or eats a bit of a brownie when her back pain is too much. She's said she's usually in bed within an hour and sleeps like a rock, so she doesn't like taking ths pills when she has stuff to do. She has "day" pills that her doctor says will help with the pain without knocking her out, but she's hesitant to try them due to her prior experiences.

      I was around the last time she ate (half) a brownie; she was too baked to move from the couch despite having a hardcore case of the munchies and needed me to bring her salsa...and open it for her because she found the lid confusing. (To be fair, it *was* one of those lids that has a ring around a flat piece. What is up with those?) She reported sleeping like a rock and not remembering how or when she got to bed, though...and I *think* she had a bit of a weed hangover the next morning. So I guess for someone who's never tried it before, cut your edible in half then cut the halves in half.

      Ofc; I'm not a medical professional and if you have access to one, it's probably best to consult with one first if you have apprehensions. Most likely, you'll probably be fine, just eat and watch something funny before bed.

  13. Uhm they sell them already rolled in California dispensaries. Not to mention with her money she should already order them pre-rolled.

  14. J.Lo does not seem like someone who would roll her own joints, let alone smoke ‘em.
    I could totally picture her eating some thc gummies

  15. She's a really great role model for younger women ;)

  16. Lest we forget, she's still Jenny from the Block

  17. I thought it may have
    been Rihanna

  18. Where are her children? Someone raise an amber alert.

  19. Jlo claims she doesn't drink coffee. I don't see her messing up her "clean eating/healthy habits" and smoking a joint. She needs to get rid of ARod and be single for a long time. She needs healing, gosh!

    1. Veronica, weed is clean, tho. it’s just vegetarian/vegan smoke. 🌿🌫️

  20. Anonymous9:57 AM

    totally forgot she had twins.

  21. Guess that explains why she is always on a diet (oops, i mean "healthy living) Them damn munchies will get you every time!

  22. Haha Tricia, my thoughts exactly about the blinged out designer bong! I ain't mad at her, well except for A Hole.

    1. πŸ–I’m sure there is one out there somewhere... Paris Hilton maybe? A pink one πŸ™„

  23. The only way she will not look like a fool is if she calls off this marriage/engagement stat.

  24. Tricia -- LOL! Definitely! I'm sure Miley and Tish have matching ones!

  25. While I could see why a control freak like JLo would want to roll her own joints, I don't understand why she's not vaping THC oil. It's much more discreet and gives you the same control as a joint.

    @ E, you don't need the THC, CBD alone will help you sleep.

  26. Sounds like me when my ex did some grimey shit! I dont blame here and everyone asking about her kids its uptight af

    1. Seriously. It's marijuana, people.
      Not crack cocaine.

  27. Thanks all for the help! I had heard the same re CBD. Am going to ask my doc about getting a card. There's a dispensary a few blocks from my office

  28. Dump him, J Lo! And get some self esteem!

    I don’t see her rolling a joint. If anything, maybe vaping.

  29. cant imagine her smoking it. oil yes.
    and cbd does not make me fall asleep! darn. i have great quality full spectrum oil... tried a bunch of difft brands to no avail. :( maybe im taking the wrong dose at the wrong time?

  30. I want to hear more about the movie she is making with Cardi B.

  31. Thy Unveiling,

    I once bought some jars at Ace Hardware and when I got home, they turned out to have those fucking lids with the rings around the flat piece and I was like "WHAT THE FAKC IS THIS?!" I WANTED TO SCREAM>

  32. How is anyone stupid enough to think ARod is a keeper?
