Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Blind Item #8

This permanent A list singer is already ruining the surgery she had because she can't cut back on her wine intake.


  1. Hmm maybe I should slap a label on my homemade wine, call it “diet wine”, and send her some? (It’s just regular wine lol).

    1. Regular *white* wine, you mean..

    2. Ugh like, why are you so obsessed with me? It’s creepy. But don’t worry, you can be the opening act on Jussie’s “I hate white people” tour! You’ll be a star!

    3. Rosie takes turns with those she stalks. Depends on how much box wine she's had.

  2. So she will go in and get the surgery again when she gets fat.

  3. Her gut is gonna erode. What a dum dum she is.

  4. Anonymous9:17 AM

    No respect for Carey anynore.
    With Mariah Carey type wealth,she can hire the best treatment on earth if she wants it.
    She can have a 24 7 sober coach and the finest meds for withdrawal.
    Long time active chronic alcoholic, has two small children, and will not change ...not even for her kids.

  5. Rosie, is wine still regular if someone like you drops a date-rape drug into it?

  6. Raise your hand if you just want Mariah to embrace the fat. She's far too old to run around onstage wearing sausage-casing dresses and the fat might make her voice more interesting. Like Aretha.

  7. @DaryIsBigFan....Amen.

  8. i was thinking this was madonna and her ass implants but its mariah

  9. Wine is 125 calories for 5 ounces. She is doing more than drinking too much wine- try binge eating everything in sight. That's how you screw up your gastric bypass. Weight Watchers is full of people who didn't learn how to lose weight sensibly. Just saying.

  10. She’s getting great reviews for her Radio City concert.

  11. Mariah. Alot of people that get that surgery become alcoholics. One addiction for another. And she was a drunk to began with. And who knows what pills she is popping.

  12. Agreed, Thorne! She's not even that big if she dressed normally. She's legendary to her die-hards, and I think most would rather have her and her voice than a wasted, unhealthy middle-aged gal in a beaded leotard. She needs to embrace that she's in a new stage of her career, and there's still plenty of success and happiness for her if she stops chasing an expectation from 2002.

  13. She's like a fat Cersei Lannister ;)

  14. @Astra, hoo boy, you have more than one stalker I think.
    I would suggest their comments reveal far more about themselves...
    Boring of them.

  15. Anonymous5:24 PM

    Thank you @m styles.
    Mariah get your act together!!:(
    Sure it's hard. Did anyone say life is easy...

  16. Mariah but I could see this being Christina Aguilera soon with her wine donut diet

  17. So white wine is now racist?? Better get me a Hood or tiki torch because I can’t stomach red wine 🥂
