Friday, March 29, 2019

Blind Item #7

Knowing he won't say anything, this A list singer/sometime actress will say whatever it takes to make the public sympathize with her on her recent split with a boyfriend.


  1. Replies
    1. Did t she cry on Renners shoulder? Her new BF ? Lol

    2. I really think she thought she’s win the Oscar because she did t wear make up in the film 🙄

  2. Well we know being a fraud doesn't bother her.

  3. say anything you want about gaga but the woman puts on one of the best live performances of anybody in show business. im not in her target audience but the truth is the truth.

  4. Tricia, she saw that it it worked for Farrah Fawcett...

  5. @Herbert, So does Britney. *drops the mic* ;)

  6. They have to do more than not wear makeup, y'all. There must be bruises or another handicap.

  7. lol @ any guy who would date that.

  8. The DM posted yesterday that her ex-fiance was not-so-nice to her toward the end of the relationship, so she broke up with him. I can sympathize with him - she probably became insufferable once all the buzz for ASIB was loud as an angry hornets nest. She probably talked about it and herself constantly.

  9. @Herbert

    I'd say Devin Townsend has that honor.

    The guy has puppetry and once had an entire circus going on. Best shows I've ever been to.

    1. I saw Devin on his birthday in Belfast a few years ago, even made him cupcakes haha. Amazing performer, but I'd have to say Rammstein and Iron Maiden seriously pull out all the stops too.

  10. JR is safe and super smart. Love that dude. I can see him being approached and shrugging his shoulders because he could give a rat's ass about public perception, etc. Too bad he's not a go-to movie opener, love him!

  11. @AshBey: JR definitely cares about public perception. That’s why he’s in the closet.

  12. Nah, best shows in the business are put on by Justin Bieber
