Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Blind Item #7

This former back in the day A- list mostly movie actress who doesn't really have anything going for her any longer decided to hold off on doing battle with the only mouth feeding her at this point.


  1. Replies
    1. I’m not calling Neil Young an orifice by any means...
      *off to find my decoder ring lol *

  2. Mouth feeding her? Like some 2girls1cup type sh!t?

  3. Unless it's a baby bird, any birds fit the clues?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. lol @ Felicity Huffman... Housewife desperate to get doltish offspring into A- college. Cal State Northridge would have been fine... or Vidal Sassoon Academy.

  6. Oh sh!t, Big Bird is a bird! Are we going to get Sesame Street blinds now?

  7. Big Bird Two Girls mashup... Big Bird Meets Big Turd

  8. Charlotte Kirk?

    Sometime in the future, Charlotte should sue Mr Tsujihara for defrauding her. The argument could be along the lines of, "Obviously the sex wasn't free. Look at him and look at me." Then submit her IMDB credits as evidence he got her limited shyte roles. (That "Ulysses: Odyssey..." movie should be a war-crime.) A judge will surely agree he needs to pay-up.

  9. @Thot, but how does one unf*ck someone? He doesn't seem to be in a position to offer more roles. Cash compensation?

  10. I think Charlotte Kirk has gotten payments from all of them to shut up about what happened.

  11. @brayson - Yes, cash compensation. I feel like the roles were agreed to be in lieu of cash for the boning, and as the roles didn't materialize, he owes her her regular rates for each session.

  12. In what parallel universe Charlotte Kirk was an A- list mostly movie actress?

  13. The Warner-Shill doth arriveth.

  14. Tara Reid suing Sharknado for using her image?

  15. I'm a little shocked at Lori Loughlin being involved in this college scandal. Not because I'm a fan, but because the way she trots her daughters in front the cameras had me convinced she was going to whore them out to the highest bidder like PMK does. I thought there was no way her daughters could not know that they were accepted to USC as athletic recruits, but after seeing one of her daughter's YT videos, I think it's possible that this dim bulb was unaware of her parent's fraudulent dealings.

  16. @Mango Who is PMK?

  17. @ WabiSabi - PMK is Pimp Mama Kris - Kris Jenner, the mother/manager ("momager") and pimp of the Kardashian/Jenner sisters.



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