Saturday, March 23, 2019

Blind Item #4

This former naked celebrity turned reality star in a strange place to see reality has a job, but makes most of her money on one year contracts with international business men who want to see her a couple of times a week. She lives overseas to make that happen.


  1. Kendra is gonna leave her kids?? No way.

  2. Kim K? We've seen her in DC a lot lately and she does say she lives in Europe a lot for "fashion".

  3. I am astonished that anyone would pay to sleep with her.

  4. Might be Pam...she did an Indian variation of Big Brother years ago? She is back with her soccer star guy in France, I believe?

  5. Pam's job is laundering money for Assange I guess, right Enty?

  6. I guess I'm the only one thinking LiLo fits for this one...although I can't imagine who would pay for a years worth of her nicotine stained fingers and candy corn teeth....but to each their own...

  7. Pamela might be a CIA asset. No joke lol.
