Saturday, March 16, 2019

Blind Item #4

This A+ list mostly movie actor has been spending time apart from his beard and more time with his long time boyfriend.


  1. WAsnt this posted the other day?

    1. Its will smith and lewis Hamilton

  2. +1 B Coop. The blind a few days ago referenced a wife, this blind references a beard.

  3. Anonymous9:07 AM

    The only thing that narrows this down at all is the A+ designation. Otherwise it could be so many of them. It's got to be Cooper.

  4. It's break time from beards,no award shows or movie premieres for a while. And as a bonus, yachting season is upon us,to keep the beards happy.

  5. I'll go Jake Gyllenhaal.

  6. Slow day. This exact same boind has been written at least 3 times in the past two weeks.

  7. Tears-- as stated above, little differences in clues mean different situations...more than one of these complicated relationships in the celeb world.
    Guesser-- I think you nailed it!

  8. Bcoop and Lucky Blue? Nadal?

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Could be DiCaprio with his boo Lukas for a change. I recently found something pretty funny about him. Or is he not considered gay anymore?

    As for Bradley Cooper, I'm sick of him. I mean, not really sick of him, I have nothing against him, but sick of blind item sites churning out story after story about him + IS without really adding any new information. I get that you have to repeat yourself sometimes to keep the number of blinds constant, but please, not every other day!

  11. It takes no genius to figure out that any blind item involving an A-list movie actor, bearding and closet is about Bcoop.

  12. Clooney. He had his panties all in a twist over Meghan Markle today.

    1. DID HE NOW.

      I think dude just wants to be friends with the BaRF via Meghan. 🌚 Which is all sorts of funny because I think the BaRF probably think Clooney and his PJ’s are bad influence. 🌝

      They all suck and deserve each other. 🤷🏻‍♀️🐈

  13. Why does this Cooper dude think he needs a beard? Anyone who saw him dance in American Hustle knows he's a fudge stirrin' fagusexual. It seems, according to Libtardiawood, that there IS something wrong with that.

  14. Just saw pics of B Coop and Jake G at lunch today

  15. Hahahahaha Substance D! Your comments just crack me the hell up 😂😝
