Friday, March 22, 2019

Blind Item #4 - Numbers - A Birdie Blind Item

This retired band has been in the news lately. It isn't just that they deny the incident basically took place after previously volunteering that it had, it's that it wasn't the only time. In the early days, they kept a running tally. That all came to an end a few months later because none of them could count above a hundred.


Rosie riveter said...

I have no idea. I just want to comment that I hate it when people use "basically" like this.
Or in any way really.

Guesser said...

Motley Crue.

Scandi Sanskrit said...

NOT The Beatles because 3 out of 4 are way too dead to do any counting.

And that’s if you believe Paul’s not dead.

gauloise said...

kiss is doing their farewell dates, and it has been in the news the past few days

Snatch and Ladders said...

+1 Guesser

gfbcpa said...

Kiss aren't retires. They are on their farewell tour now. Gene and Paul are pretty bright guys. I think it is Motley Crue.

Chillax said...

Motley Crue has been yapping away in the news.

Mozart said...

+10000000 @rosie

Notagoodscreenname said...

Yes motley crue. Nikki Sixx said something about him tricking a woman whom he'd just had sex with into having sex with tommy whatshisname by pretending to be Nikki Suxx. I think he blindfolded her? Dumb af and gross. Now he says he can't remember it. But it's in a book.

Snatch and Ladders said...

Good article in the Telegraph if you can get past the paywall, or just register free, Mötley Crüe in the age of Me Too.

Roxanne said...

"The Dirt" premiered on Netflix today. Niki's tale of The Crue. Pretty explicit. Not for kids. No such thing as bad publicity

:| raven |: said...
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Sd Auntie said...

Well they can tell upon entrance. TL is huge and Nikki looks average

Scandi Sanskrit said...

I prefer to believe he’s not dead too. It’s like my least fave conspiracy theory. 😔

Enty, we want to hear more about Immortal KEANU! 🙋🏻‍♀️ Obsessed. 🧛🏼‍♀️🧛🏼‍♂️

gauloise said...

Motley crue isnt retired though, they reformed in 2018 and are touring and working on new stuff, but prob them

Notagoodscreenname said...

@Sd Auntie LOLOLOL

Leanne Norman said...

Neither Paul or Ringo are dead, just because someone says something online for attention doesn't make it true FFS.

:| raven |: said...
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Brayson87 said...

It's got to be more than just banging groupies.

B626 said...

It’s how many days in a row each guy could get groupies to bang them without showering

Nosey Parker said...
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Scandi Sanskrit said...

Nosey darling, I’ve been catfished (and i lost nearly 6 years of my life to it). So I think I know what that’s like.

Nosey Parker said...

Heather Mills gave an interview during her divorce from "Paul" McCartney to Access Hollywood's Billy Bush. In the interview, she said, "You know why I’ve left you. Protect me, and I will say nothing.” She said something so awful happened that was beyond belief. Someone she had loved betrayed her immensely, and not by infidelity. She says people don’t want to know what the truth is because they could never handle it. They would be too devastated.

Guesser said...

The Paul is dead rumor has been around long before the internet,when the Beatles were together. They played into the rumors on their records. Ringo jokes that he is the only living Beatle. And every Beatle fan heard the story.

Nosey Parker said...

@Scandi - 6 years is a long time,sorry that happened to you.

Guesser said...

@Nosey Parker,the secret Heather Mills was referring to was that he beat his late wife,Linda.

Vita said...

Nosey-- wtf?!-- Now I have to know this, tho Heather is not known as a pillar of credibility. It kind of defeats the purpose of blackmailing for confidentiality and then blabbing to the world that you've got a secret. Courtney Love used to be notorious for doing the "if you only knew what I know, but I'm not giving any hints" crap in interviews. Gossip-teases!

Motley Crue were amongst that segment of bands that got off on being pigs and humiliating groupies. Whether the gals went along with it willingly or not, there was nothing cute or charming about it. Like when Stern and his gang threw lunchmeat at girls. If they participated in it voluntarily, great, whatever, but just dont try to rewrite it or excuse it as more than what it was. Evolve and carry on.

Scandi Sanskrit said...

Nosey Thanks so much. 💛 it's okay. I'm okay okay now.

I hadn't realised it's been that long either. I've been trying to write something to tell my side of the story & clear my name (because I got smeared in the process too). And then I did some maths and turns out it's been going on since freaking 2013. I really thought it's only been 3 years.

I'm sorry j keep hijacking threads to rant. It's bringing back all the bad memories & I'll need help sleeping.

At least the fact that he has TONS of children is really helping me move on and FINALLY have my 1st real relationship (not losing letting my 1st marriage & first real adult relationship be with someone with children).

I'm ralh sorry. I.m just trying to clear my name but it's been really hard on me emotionally.

Please don't respond. I don't want to hijack the thread.
Thank you.

Farmgirl said...

Then do NOT listen to the podcast. It is nearly constant

Astra Worthington said...

Aww Scandi, I’m sorry. You seem like a smart and sweet person, hope you find all the happiness in the world.

Astra Worthington said...

It is gross, Vita. I guess I’m dumb but I don’t understand wanting to sleep with a celebrity so bad (or at all) that I'd put up with their crap. I don’t even care to meet them, although the few I have met have been nice enough. Why do people allow themselves to be treated that way? And I am not talking about a long term relationship or anything where manipulation or whatever, can happen over time and the victim not realize it. This is literally people going to a concert and allowing themselves to be degraded! For what!? I just don’t get it. It doesn’t excuse them being gross pigs but it really baffles me.

Jacqualine said...

At the end of the Crue movie it says they played their final show together in 2015. So they could technically be considered retired.

Scandi Sanskrit said...

Thank you Astra 💛

Lindsay said...

Dang. Ouch! Him saying basically on the podcast, or here, doesnt bother me. To each their own I guess.

hiyosilvergirl said...

Motley Crue - I found the movie to be rather Tiger Beat tame compared to the gritty reality.

Spudmonkey said...

Led Zep

Notagoodscreenname said...

I mean a movie.


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