Sunday, March 31, 2019

Blind Item #3

So, what does the Palace do to the newspapers and tabloids in the countries they can't threaten when those tabloids talk about the royal affair? They did manage to shut down the naked photos years ago, but that was a little easier because it involved nudity. It will also be interesting to see if anyone says anything about her ex that she has seen multiple times over the past two years. The ex never lost his hair.


  1. unexpected but not... get it Kate.

    1. Oh yeah Kate and balding William

  2. Yup, Kate and wailing Willie!

  3. Did anyone read yesterday's BG blind about another "royal affair"? It insinuates that Wills and the alliterate actress had a drunken/high hook up and the "baby" is his...

    1. That was their April Fool's Day blind. I cant believe so many people fell for it. They will print the "reveal" tomorrow.

    2. That’s their annual April Fools blind

  4. Does anyone else think Kate's eyes look wonky frequently? Pharmaceuticals?

  5. @Unknown--I saw that BL and commented, but the powers that be at Blind Gossip haven't posted it yet.

    The BI says there will be an announcement on Monday about it.

    Monday is April Fool's Day.

    They're setting everyone up. The BI is meant to be a joke.

  6. As for this blind item, for whatever reason the British upper classes bonk each other silly, especially when the wife has already produced an heir and a spare.

    I don't get it, but it's what they do.

    1. Aren’t Homo sapiens a weird bunch...

      Supposedly, we’re the most advanced/intelligent of the animal kingdom (AND one of the few species that bonk for pleasure rather than solely for procreation). Love and emotions also set us apart from the rest of the animal kingdom. Now within the human race itself there are all these social constructs, including social class.

      So in the higher/upper classes, people just get together (bound by legalities—because ka-ching!) to mate. The higher they are, the more basic/primal/animalistic the motivation.

      Strip them of the their gandiose rituals and you see them for what they truly are.

    2. And the only ones that kill our own, for no apparent reason, too. Kinda scary too!

  7. You make it sound like this is a novel situation. The palace has been dealing with misbehaving royalty and news media for over a hundred years. Just follow standard procedures.

  8. Kate and William cheating with her best friend Rose Cholmondeley

  9. Is this an early A F joke? I read the long version on FB.

  10. The sudden release of gossip in what might have been an affair a few years ago suggests that Meghan Markle's team is trying to redirect attention away from her porn tape, questionable pregnancy, massive spending, and general unpopularity.

    Remember, Meg just hired Hillary Clinton's PR guru, Sarah Latham. Sarah knows how to play dirty. Here we go.

  11. Anonymous9:24 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. I can't picture either William or Kate cheating on one another. Besides, Kate's been pregnant or breastfeeding for like the past five years. This is ridiculous.

  13. Don’t get this blind. At first the affair refersnto W+K, but “her” can’t be Kate because Kate has never haf any exes. That part has to be Meghan since she has the past. Plus stress is making Harry lose his hair at an alarmingly fast rate.

  14. The "her " in this could be referring to MM.

  15. That's a good point, Krab.

    What I think is most interesting is what the promotion of this story means for the relationship between the brothers.

    Harry must be utterly furious at William to approve this kind of story. Either that, or he's so deeply depressed that he's checked out of the situation entirely and Meghan is running the show.

    She's been a divider and a splitter throughout her career, and she's behaving true to form.

  16. MM and Markus Anderson.

  17. Anonymous9:39 AM

    +1 MG. Same here. Ignore that BG blind it's an April Fool's joke- literally. I also believe MM's PR staff is behind this William/Kate cheating scandal. It's typical PR practice to use diversionary tactics and Sara Latham is a pro. Also note that Nicole Cliffe is a strong MM supporter. Like anyone is surprised that a MM supporter is whispering about a William/Kate cheating scandal. I expect more of MM's supporters to continue the tactic but MM's long game is not winnable. William is known for holding a grudge and I'm looking forward to his payback.

  18. Well, I suppose utterly worthless men and utterly worthless women belong together.

    lol @ once-proud Brits subsidizing this twee freak show.

    1. The word “twee” reminds me of hipsters, and hipster remind me of vegan paint.

      God these people are insufferable. If I were from a Commonwealth country I’d be punching holes in the wall daily.

    2. Coming from Canada, most of us simply wonder ytf we "need" the Monarchy and wtf they even do for us. But there's an archaic law that, technically, could land us in jail or worse should we publicly suggest overthrowing them (not many are aware of this law, mind.) But yeah, its mostly the senior citizens here that give a fart about them. The rest of us are like "Who cares if she held his hand or showed her shoulders?"

    3. * I should clarify I know I don't speak for all of Canada. But the general consensus of those I have interacted with over the years seems to be the above. But for all I know, it could be different in the Maritimes or other provinces.

  19. It's obviously supposed to be Kate but Kate basically spent her entire life waiting to marry Wills. Now her position is secure, she's going to eff it up by cheating with some nonexistent ex? She usually looks happy to me. Those years when the kids are little are magical and fun and she seems to be enjoying them.

    I just wish she'd put on a little weight. It makes her face look drawn, how thin she is.

  20. Yeah Ann - payback should be quite interesting, especially since William will be holding the purse strings for Harry and Meghan as soon as his father succeeds to the throne.

    Yesterday's Forbes article - the one that was published and then disappeared within a few hours, probably because MM's team made a few phone calls - has now also disappeared from the Web Archive. Somebody's got some pull.

    "Meghan Markle: Does the British Taxpayer Know How Much She is Costing Them?" was the headline. It was written by a journalist from the Financial Times.

  21. Harry is losing his hair, too.

  22. Nah, it's on wayback.

  23. Did it load for you? It loads for me and then quickly disappears.

    But I'm in the EU, and the EU has all sorts of bizarre internet censorship rules these days. A new one just passed last week - the Copyright Directive, in particular Articles 11 and 13. Wikipedia raised a huge protest about it.

    Anyway, I also cut and pasted the Forbes story into the comments for Enty's reveal on Saturday.

    1. Ughh, I really do feel for you guys! I can't log into much these days without seeing an EU censorship warning... I JUST had a HUGE one pop up when I went to update my Blogger (only used to comment on blogs, lol, & old as the internet itself, I swear!) because they are ditching Google Plus (finally!)&I was afraid I wouldn't be able to comment here or something weird happening come April 2nd when they do that...anyway, I had a HUGE page large highlighted "note" saying the EU has certain censorship in place now and it is my responsibility to make sure the warning post about cookies, etc are posted & showing and working properly on all my blogs, etc... I don't even have a damn blog and I'm being warned here in the US about it. So, I was like damn, are they suing people in the freakn US for Not warning people about possibly reading something, or WORSE.... COMMENTING!!!!!! on something that goes against EU internet wrong thin... I mean law that gets them arrested or some shit?!! Lol, you can read bad words over there still, right?! ;). I joke but really it's not even funny, it's scary actually.

  24. Anonymous10:22 AM

    Nutty a nifty little trick for desperate times is to go outside Google for searching. Duck duck and switch out UK region with US region. Many of the other search engines aren't as closely tied to big money/prestige power groups (like BP) as Google. It's in the US cache I have it open right now.

  25. William tupping a neighbour does not surprise me. The aristos see it as something apart from marriage. What does is that he could possibly speak to his brother about the suitability of his wife. People in glass houses.

  26. Anonymous10:34 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Just googled her. William certainly has a type, doesn't he?

  27. Daryl. Remember Diana, got thinner and more beautiful the unhappier she became. While the whole world thought her irresistible her husband did not. So sad.

  28. Not everyone found the vapid clotheshorse who thought the most important thing in America was dancing with alleged boybuttthumber John Travolta so irresistible.

  29. The moral of this story is to marry someone who loves you more than you love them, that way they may keep it in their pants.

  30. @Nutty you can also use Hola unblocker extension, if a page doesn't load, you change the country, and voila , there it is. ever since that gdpr passed, i have used it to view a lot of US sites blocked in the EU

  31. I too don't believe the affair story. What an amazingly convenient timing! Nobody fucking likes Sparkles, shit coming out from her past, can't be printed fast enough, yet all of a sudden Kate is fighting with her bestie because Wills stumped her? No word on the husband? And Wills could not have found anyone else, but his wive's best friend, to have this affair with?

    This smells like Sparkle's dirty PR. She knows that none of the four people involved in this smear, would ever comment publicly, it's just not done, so she plays this to her advantage.

    Another theory is: Kate and William purposely let some false information slip in front of certain people , to see how fast it would find itself into the papers. It's the oldest and most effective trick to test whom you can trust.

  32. The EU censors the internet - for why is the UK taking forever to leave it?

  33. @ Nutty - thank you for the cut/ paste Forbes article the other day!!

  34. @Depeche, the woman doesn't appear to have been Kate's "best friend" - they were apparently casual acquaintances. William liked the woman's husband, who is much older (late 50s) and in service to the Queen. Apparently he walks backward in front of her as she enters Parliament, and this is a big deal.

    He or she could sue, but that risks the Streisand effect, keeping it in the papers for much longer than it otherwise would be.

    What's really interesting about Enty's item is it that first one I have seen that suggests that Kate may have also been unfaithful.

    If you were Sparkles and you were about to give birth to/be surrogate for a baby of questionable DNA, wouldn't it be fun to suggest some other baby in the family also had questionable DNA? For example, Charlotte or Louis?

    Latham is a PR pro, and Enty is not above being used, with or without his knowledge.

  35. So Wills has a secret baby with Jecca Craig?

  36. I wonder if Harry and MM will be sent away on a long term assignment like Governor General of a Commonwealth Nation. After Australia and Fiji, it's a toss up.

    1. Anonymous12:36 PM

      I was at market this morning. the Natl Enquirer headline is: "Harry & Meghan Banished to Malta!Queen says 'Enough!'"

  37. Anonymous12:33 PM

    We all have a shadow side...We all manipulate . We all get what we can get sometimes....

  38. Half of you people commenting are as sick as the British Media. You really are.

    1. Thank you ..and yet here you are basking in our degenerate behavior..bless your heart 💩

  39. My guess is Belize. Its current Governor General is 87 years old. Near Los Angeles. Lots of cocaine. It’s perfect.

  40. Anonymous12:48 PM

    I'm going with Africa. Botswana is Harry's favorite country. The British Virgin Islands would be lovely too and it's close to America and MeGain's mother. If MM's PR team continues to leak these types of stories about William/Kate their time in England will be cut short. The crown can't afford more sagging approval ratings.

    1. Love how you guys are talking about these two getting banished to a Commonwealth country.

      The Queen should banish them to Malaysia HAHAHHAHAHHAHHAHHAHAHAHHAHAH

  41. @ unknown that is Blind Gossip doing their yearly APRIL FOOLs blind a day or two early with the reveal tomorrow. Come on.

  42. Belize is in Central America and is no where near Los Angeles!!!

  43. Well they didnt shut Harry's nazi or naked pics so I guess they just deal ..

  44. 4.5 hour flight time, Belize City to Los Angeles.

    The only major Commonwealth city that’s closer is Vancouver, which is a 3 hour flight time.

  45. +1 @Depeche, but wanted to add that William did comment publicly, in the DM, about a day after the original article appeared.

  46. A 4.5 hour flight is NOT near someplace. Lol it’s very far away.

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. Canada's Governor General has an official residence in Ottawa. It would not be relocated to Vancouver for these two.

    Canada hasn't done anything to deserve to be the dumping ground.

  49. I'm Canadian, and I've written before on Harry possibly becoming our GG. Canadian's freak out if our politicians drink $8 glasses of orange juice on expense accounts, and our last government was voted out, partially by an expense account scandal. The office wouldn't survive Sparkle's spending on clothes. The BRF has rules about being given clothes, but I doubt Canada's GG does, who would want to give them anything, it's mostly ceremonial. And if an important issue comes up, like in BC recently where the Lt. Gov chose a new government, with a hung parliament, that could really blow things up.
    On the provincial side, the Queen's rep. Lt. Governor (Toronto On, Victoria BC), they always nominate rich philanthropist's because they lose money, mostly on wardrobe. The Lt. Gov in BC has four more years, the one in Ont/Toronto ends this spring. And the residence is nicer than Frogmore Cottage, they pretty much all are.
    Last summer when this discussed, our "prima donna" PM Trudeau was up in the polls, now he might lose his own seat. He had a photo op with the GG like they're buddy's, she might decide his fate post-election in October.

    1. LOL you put quotation marks around “prima donna” PM Trudeau 😂😂🤣😂👏🏼

  50. Nutty: Thank you for the heads up! The Forbes article turns up a 404 error page in the US, even though it appears in Google Search. Searching the title revealed that another site picked it up before it disappeared, though:

  51. @Tatty: You must not travel very much. A 4.5 hour flight is very close. Certainly much closer than London to LA.

  52. So now MM is saying she’s concerned that she might have to have a C-section. This certainly came out of the blue! Probably just a distraction from the surrogate.

  53. @Aquagirl, William denied it the next day, as did Rose. Anything said on Celebitchy is Markle PR speaking, where truth rarely makes an appearance.

    1. Yeah I don’t believe anything Celebitchy says. 🥤

  54. Megan might want to remember that Charles is not likely to be a monarch for very long given that he's already 70 and still Prince of Wales, and William's monarchy is almost guaranteed to last quite a bit longer. Pretty short sighted to piss off the man who's going to hold the purse springs etc. in the future.

  55. Well Charles's father is 97 or something and only recently retired from service so some people live a long ass time.

  56. the Palace = william kate harry etc

    royal affair = william kate harry etc

    naked photos years ago = kate middleton

    never lost his hair = william bald on top

  57. @Scandi I had originally posted "pre madonna" way back when. Roasted, rightfully.

  58. Dallas to Vancouver is a 4.5 hours flight. That is 2,300 miles. *not close* idiots

  59. Yes, what's that Google Plus warning for just avg user? And censoring seems to be racheting up like crazy! Creepy.

    Aquagirl-- C-section claims would rule out expectations and pressures of appearing like Kate on the hospital steps. It's only going to get crazier

  60. @tatty, 'close' is always relative I have often driven a 5hr return trip in one day just to see an exhibition,(Sydney/Canberra) and regularly a three hour drive for a weekend with my granma, absolutely nothing in Australia. A 5 hour flight would just be be a brief stroll to most Australians. We are talking about closest 'Commonwealth Country' to L.A.

  61. Every day it is some PR fuckery from the Markle/Sussex camp and it’s making me nauseous.
    Today’s was Meghan’s favorite charities are blowing up in donations in lieu of baby gifts.

  62. I read the Forbes article and was quite amazed how quickly it became unavailable. In addition to outlining her extravagant spending, it said that her spending on PR have only led to missteps that have made her unpopular and now the British public is expected to spend more on PR to try to make her popular again.

  63. poor Canada, with Justin as leader, who needs wimpy metrosexual fairies?


  64. And the delusions continue ... Harry to be GG of Australia, the realm most on the brink of becoming a republic, LOLOL ... every leader of every major party has made in plain that only an Australian will ever be the GG and a new one has just been appointed. If the government changes at the next federal election in May, a plebiscite will be held on the monarchy ... tick, tock ...

    William was interested too. But neither one can move to another Commonwealth country and continue to enjoy royal perks. UK taxpayers deamdn something in return for their hard-earned money. This site really gives me a chuckle every time I read it. It's worse than the DM.

  65. *demand something in return ...

  66. So sad. But not surprising- his father is Charles after all. :/

  67. 2300 miles is 30 hours worth of driving. Break that up into 8 hour days and that is nearly 4 days of driving.


  68. @nutty flavor Belize is a territory of the United States

  69. Anonymous8:55 AM

    No Belize is an independent country not a US territory.



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