Sunday, March 24, 2019

Blind Item #3

I suppose that permanent A- list singer solo and in a group is going to have to expose the sexuality of her ex if the rumors of annulment are true. It would be the only way it could be accomplished.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Is there anything left to expose? Is it any kind of secret, open or otherwise that Gavin Rossdale has sex with men? I thought everyone on the planet just knew that at this point.

  3. Good guess, MD, but it's hard to believe that it's still going on!

  4. How do you have 3 kids and want an annulment. Hopefully a bs blind

  5. Wait I thought eberyeve knew Gwen's ex was fluid? Didn't he admit that before?

  6. My mother-in-law who is in her 70's, has three kids, youngest being mid 40's, oldest mid 50's, tried to get an annulment in the last few years!! I don't know how that works, but her ex husband said no way. They've both been divorced and remarried for the last 25ish years, but because she is catholic and divorced, she cannot be buried in the cemetery that she wants, unless she got her marriage annulled.

  7. Jennifer's comment is one of the reasons I've loved this place for so many years.
    Besides the (good) blinds, our readers have some of the most interesting and informative things to post. Love it

  8. I totally get that Jennifer but I’m legally separated right now and detest my soon to be ex. I still wouldn’t annul because of my son and trust me I thought about it. Thanks for giving another perspective.

  9. If she wants to get married in a catholic church again, she would need an annulment

  10. Technically GS could get an annulment based on being gay or Bi. She could claim she did not know and has to have 2 witnesses to attest to that. She is making a big mistake if she marries Blake. I helped my BF with her 6 month nightmare. I warned her and dropped out of wedding duties. Guy was a meth head freak.

  11. It's such a laugh that will all the abberant behavior in the entertainment world that anyone cares about actually annulling a marriage so a new one is recognized in the Catholic Church, where apparently anything goes (at the priest and above level, that is)

    1. People are enamored with the setting, statues and ceremonies. The NYC churches snd European churches are old school grandiose.

  12. So Gwen is Catholic? How did she not know about Marilyn?

  13. Damn, leave the band part out of the blind and this is JLo.

  14. Freckles-- That's probably part of the problem...annulment is based on not having known, and even I (not a fan of his music) had heard rumors and Marilyn before Gavin made public acknowledgements, so it's really hard to believe Gwen had no idea. However, my friend's Contractor uncle, who had cheated on his wife on 28 years/mother of his four children repeatedly, got the divorce claimed an annulment by the Church when he decided he wanted to remarry. Curiously, the church got a new roof that same year.😒

  15. Am pretty sure that the point is that a divorced Nf remarried person is not allowed to take communion by the Catholics. This ritual is surprisingly important to a lot of people. It is the very reason for church service after all. So with an annulment she won’t be barred. Also annulments don’t mean the marriage never happened and that the kids become bastards, it means the marriaged wasn’t entered into for the right reasons. Preventing the Eucharist is ridiculously punitive.

  16. It's funny but in the Anglican Church is more inclusive. My Priest has been divorced twice. The Priest who fills in when he is away is a divorced female.

  17. Post Cards - that's the whole reason the Anglican Church exists. Henry VIII.

  18. Somehow he forced himself to have sex with her at least 3 times. Totally macho compared to MJ

  19. @Jennifer: I know several people who have had their marriages annulled. If the reason for the requested annulment falls under the guidelines of the Catholic Church, both parties do not have to agree. It’s sounds as if perhaps your MIL doesn’t have a valid reason as recognized by the church. For example, if they got divorced because of irreconcilable differences, that is not grounds for a marriage to be annulled. I think I listed all of the acceptable reasons recently in another blind, because this is feeling like deja vu.

  20. Saudi Arabia imports all sorts of accommodations in human form from less fortunate countries in Middle East and Asia. I’ve been to Dubai, tons of foreign born workers there including prostitutes.
    And no matter how much Putin wants to keep Russia homophobic, there are still so many gays living there that he would not hesitate using to entertain his guests.

    1. Just to clarify, I’m not saying Saudi Arabia is like Dubai. Emirates is very different that Saudi, they get a lot of tourists while saudis mainly get Muslims who visit for pilgrimage. However, the saudis may keep things hidden from public or visitors, it does not mean they don’t have the resource.

  21. you can get an annulment without grounds like that. it costs $$$$$. that's all. it's not that hard to do.

  22. @Nancer: The people I know who did it had very specific, acceptable reasons and still had to fill out a million forms and jump through hoops to get it done.

    So I’m wondering how much $ you’re talking about? Is this sort of like paying to get your kids into a good college?

  23. Pretty sure she is seeking an annulment of her Catholic marriage and not her civil marriage. I think she already has a Judgment of Dissolution from the LA County Superior Court. Given her regular attendance at a Catholic Church, she is likely seeking the right to re-marry in the church. To do this, she must get an annulment within the Church. She will get it. They are actually relatively common.

  24. I’ve posted this before but my Former Husband had our marriage annulled for his Catholic Mistress/2nd Wife. (She was previously married with 2 kids).

    We were married in the Presbyterian Church after dating 9 years (HS & College). We have 2 sons and were married for 14 years.

    I contested the Annulment (as did his parents, I found out later). The Archbishop granted it anyway. Yes, lots of paperwork & I suspect lots of $$$$.

    I still plan to collect from his Social Security Benefits (he makes 3X what I do) when I retire.

    1. Good 4 u OKC Teacher! RFK Jr annulled his long marriage and the poor lady killed herself. Lots if corruption within the church but i still enjoy the Latin mass.

  25. Cradle Episcopalian here. If one loves ritual, poetic liturgy (written in the 16th c.), incense, mystery of faith - without the 'twist' of celibacy, ex-communication, burial in unconsecrated ground, etc.... or would like to find god in such an atmosphere, consider the episcopal/anglican church.

  26. @ SD Auntie Thank you! I had forgotten about RFK Jr & his former wife! It was horrific, I feel for her children.



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