Thursday, March 14, 2019

Blind Item #3

The cable channel that used to play music videos and now airs reality 24/7 should be ashamed for making one of the stars of a show be forced to confront the man who was 28 when she was 14 and raped by him. They thought it would be good for ratings.


  1. Replies
    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I guess MtV does as well..?

  2. Has to be one of those love and hip hop shows

  3. Yeah I think it’s someone called Mariah Lynn and Rich Dollaz?

  4. VH1 - Black Ink Crew - I know this because I couldn't sleep last night and while I was watching Logo, the promo for this came up.
    Wow. I think this is the first time I'm correct on a blind item...and it was all by accident. Does it still count? lol!

  5. that is f*ed up.

    what is so wrong with our society that it's become mainstream now to re-victimize victims of rape / sexual assault? why is no one appalled anymore?

    i was a victim at 12 by a school bus driver. he used to come to my house to pick me up and my mother LET me go with him??? he was like 35 at the time. W.T.M.F?? i saw him again once in my town when i was in my late 20s in a Showtime video store (remember those?). i was with my son who was 6. i felt the hair on the back of my neck stand up and turned and looked behind me and he was standing there staring at me. i froze. i went up to the counter to check out and was paying by check. the kid at the counter was saying (loudly) "i need your phone number on this check." dude, f.y. i am NOT saying my phone number out loud. i quickly left the store.

    it's trauma to this day. to MAKE someone confront their abuser .. if they are not ready to do so messed up.

    if i saw him today, i would throat punch him and take him out, although he's probably dead by now. i hope so anyway. his name was John.

    1. Sorry that happened to you, Raven.

      If it makes you feel any better, I was touched by a man in public transport (it was empty just me and that one perv) when I was about 13-ish and when I got home and told my mother, my mother blamed me for wearing shorts.

      But generally I think people sympathise less because people who try to make themselves “the face” of movements (like Rose and that Feldman guy) turn out to be sketchy people. It’s not your fault.

  6. Raven, I am so sorry.

  7. Anonymous7:53 AM

    :((( that hurt me to read

  8. It's interesting how many of the supposedly high brow cable channels turned to sh!t. Just wait until a la carte tv when they get flushed.

  9. @raven, That is awful sorry to hear that :(

  10. I'm so sorry Raven :( How awful.

  11. thanks. *sigh*

    it's just so frustrating to see so many people, stations, elites seemingly using such a horrific event in someone's life for "ratings." or those who refuse to believe this shit happens, a la Michael Jackson.

    i guess that's why the MJ documentary hit me so hard. to this day, i will NEVER understand why a mother would let her 12 year old daughter go off with a 35 year old man?? i never got the answer to that question. and why would a mother let their 7 year old son sleep with a 35 year old man.

    it's just messed up.

  12. Raven-- so sorry!
    My reaction while reading this is that these tv shows are sooo out of bounds. Unless this is part of a psych-based show led by experienced therapists, they've got no business stirring those waters.

  13. @raven I'm so sorry. I'd also slap your stupid mom but that won't change anything. As a mom I was vigilant about the situations my children were involved in and cautioned them at a young age about all kinds of potential danger. Even now when my college age daughter drives long distances between school and home I remind her to be watchful and careful every trip. Every time.
    I get annoyed with stupid parents lol.

  14. Omg Raven, I am so sorry. I hope you have managed to heal as much as possible. I will also never understand mothers like that. My mother was the opposite. She was crazy in many ways but she was absolutely indefatigable when it came to my safety. I wish every child had that, they all deserve it. It always surprises me at how prevalent it is. Hopefully somehow it will be stopped. Hugs and best wishes for all the happiness in the world ❤️💜

  15. So sorry to hear that, Raven.

    Unfortunately, today's society seems to be more about blaming the victims and heralding the abusers, as we saw with the absolute circus that was Brett Kavanaugh's testimony, plus people even on this site mocking those coming forward with their own stories of sexual abuse.

  16. Sending ❤️ your way @ Raven

  17. Raven, you are now on my good list.

  18. I must have been a sexier six year old than the rest of you.

  19. Geez, Scandi-- I'm sorry that happened to you, too 😩, and your shorts didn't have a thing to do with it. I think parents get so overwhelmed with emotion that random crap flies out of their mouths with no clue or intention that it will be what sticks in your heart along with the trauma. Love to all of you survivors!💜

    1. THank you, Vita. 💛

      It’s always nice to know you’re not alone, but also still shitty to learn HOW COMMON it is!

  20. @Hunter: OMG? 6? I can’t even imagine. So sorry 😐

  21. Ugh, Hunter, I didn't even understand that is what you were implying! Horrible! I am so sorry.😩

  22. Sky from black ink and vh1?
