Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Blind Item #3

Apparently one of the offspring is not even bothered about being expelled and wants to do what she wants to do. 


  1. Anonymous7:00 AM

    olivia jade

  2. Anonymous7:01 AM

    she doesnt even want to be at school but this blind is BS. Dont start making blinds about youtubers now enty lol

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Loris daughter the IGer

  5. Lori Loughlin's daughter....she said it on youtube that school in not her "thing"...Again, not a blind

  6. Anonymous7:03 AM

    plus this is really old news.

  7. Aunt Becky paid $500k for her kid to get into USC. I bet there's lots more like her. Hollywood is a goldmine full of rich entitled parents with dumb and or lazy children.

  8. Anonymous7:09 AM

    this happens outside of hollywood though. parents just donate buildings and shit. Why is it such a big deal if celebrities do it?

  9. USC = "University of Spoiled Children" according to today's Enty podcast.

  10. What will really be interesting is to see if any of these white collar criminals end up in jail.

    They caught a hedge fund guy as well as a partner at one of the biggest US legal firms.

    And the Feds seem to have recorded phone calls, texts, and emails to back everything up. Ouch.

  11. that Olivia Jade is a mess. Her parents should be embarrassed by her even without bribing a college.

  12. Anonymous7:31 AM

    Come Enty. Blinds should come before a story break...not after. Anyone who saw her youtube video and her comments would gather that. lol

  13. How much did Louis-Dreyfus cough up to buy her a son a seat on the baketball's team bench?

  14. There is no way in hell that people at the schools didn't know what was going on. I've worked in a college registrar's office. I hope the schools are held accountable, too, especially the publicly-funded ones.

  15. Not being funny or anything but there's no way a child of a Hollywood star even needs an education to get by in life. Is this whole thing just about prestige and bragging rights for the parents?

  16. oh, there were school officials arrested yesterday, too.

    50 people.

    classy folks. buying their kids' way into college because they are not smart enough to get in themselves, taking a spot away from a kid who probably worked their ass off but wasn't accepted because they were "full."

    i REALLY want to see them get some jail time. yesterday i read that it's a minimum 5 years. the entire family knew.

    Olivia Jade said in an interview that her father lied about going to college; he faked his way. and then said, "i'm not sure i'm supposed to be saying that."

    parents of the year. way to teach your kids to work hard and be honest. no. we are going to teach them that because we are RICH, we can buy our way into anything.


    i never liked her anyway.

  17. This would have been a passing embarrassment for the parents involved... a "they're parents,of course they'll do anything to help their kids" thing, really no different than a quid pro quo donation for acceptance into a school or using your connections to ask for a favor from someone with the ability to get your kid in. However, this is a RICO case- they donated to a fake charity, which probably would have gotten them a slap on the wrist, except they claimed that donation on their taxes. Stupid. No matter what don't eff the IRS. They will find you, and tax evasion/fraud sends you to prison. They better hope the judge and/or prosecutor doesn't have a hard on to make an example of them or they're going to do time- unfortunately for them this is FBI/Federal Court case- harder to use their influence then if it was local LE..

  18. This whole debacle makes me angry - many of these parents broke the law (bribes, falsification of documents for sports). They should get jail time or better yet, community service at a community college tutoring individuals, working the cafeteria line, janitorial service, so they can see how the rest of us live and get our kids through college.

    The ones who do have the bucks to endow/ donate to a school as in a quid pro quo arrangement - if the kid is smart enough to meet the standards of the school, why not? The legacy system has been alive and well for hundreds of years.

  19. @Raven... I think it's a very good possibility they will do time because of the tax evasion part of it- I wonder if Singer set up the charity scam strictly to give the "donors" the benefit of the charitable deduction or if that was just the way he could set the deal up to be able to take the $$ in and the "donors" figured out the tax deduction on their own. Really, really stupid. I know someone who did 3 yrs in state prison for tax evasion for declaring his FL home as his homestead when he really lived in MN ( MN has state income tax, FL doesn't).

  20. Unknown - i hope so. one of Huffman's friend says today that she is absolutely NOT GUILTY however, they have witnesses (undercover) who were at their HOUSE discussing the payments, etc.

    i'm so tired of seeing people with money getting slapped on the hand (can you say Manafort?) for crimes that others would spend multiple years for.

  21. Some people aren't cut out for college. Couching makes more sense here.

  22. Never mind their spoiled brats. I can think of a few actors and actresses who didn't seem too bright but suddenly ended-up at one of the big name universities or private colleges working on a BA or even a master's. Wonder how that happened...hmmm....

  23. Why wasn't William H. Macy arrested? He was recorded talking about the money, I think it was. I wonder if their careers are over? Aunt Becky's little shit of a daughter makes me ill. Ugh.

  24. Teenagers are immature by nature, it's tough to hold anything they say against them. Sounds like the parents were trying to get rid of her, maybe get a MRS Degree so they didn't have to buy/bully someone into marrying her.
    Someone on an article brought up a good point. What is interesting is that some of the parents were actually saving money by paying off the coaches instead of donating to the school. The school didn't get its cut.

  25. Don’t think for a minute this is just about the uber wealthy. A former colleague opening bragged at work how his kid didn’t get into a college until he offered a 50k “donation.” Presto chango the kid was in.

  26. It's even more ridiculous when you consider that a college 'education' these days does not guarantee a job with your degree, in fact far from it.

  27. Hmm. I see there is no mention here that the coach to the obummer kids is caught in this too.

  28. Olivia Jade is a spoiled, unresourceful, dependent moron who would be in a state of panic if she was cut off, which she won't be, unfortunately. That said, These are pretty young girls and I hope the public backlash isn't too much for them. It should really be aimed at the parents who engaged in this.

  29. Exactly @unknown. This type of bribery happens at all schools, at all levels. The only thing that makes this case unique is the fake charity and claiming it on their taxes. Tax evasion and fraud. Not smart. I just can't understand why they took risks like this.

  30. "but there's no way a child of a Hollywood star even needs an education to get by in life"

    This is just not true. There are a lot of celebrities who refuse to let their kids become trust fund babies. Sting is famously one of them. Will Smith and Jada Pinkett are not. I do think there are a lot of Hollywood kids who prefer to establish themselves in their own right, for their own selfworth it is pretty important. David Bowie's son was kind of aimless until he settled on filmmaking and he's doing pretty well. I think the kids that are dependent on mommy and daddy's money become the biggest trainwrecks.

  31. I went to work shilling for a university so that my children could get free tuition. Now it costs more than 50k a year to go to this particular school. My daughter did four years, but my son ran away to Europe for a year, absconding with scholarship money that was put into his bank account. He had to pay it back, ultimately, but I think he made the right decision. lol If you want to understand how corrupt the system is, go to work for a university in "DEVELOPMENT" - none of this is surprising and it's just HOW IT WORKS

  32. USC = "University of Spoiled Children" i remember reading that in the bret easton ellis novel 'less than zero' back in the 80's.

  33. I'm really curious where all the money goes anyway. Tuition, fees, the bookstore, donations, etc. How much does it actually cost to house and feed the students, and pay for professors who teach how many students per semester?

    Hard to believe there was a time in this country where students could pay for their own education without scholarships or giant loans.

  34. Agreed, the parents are to blame. Being shamed, even kicked out of school, would crush many of these kids. 18 is an adult, but it is also an age where mental issues can pop up. Especially if you've lived a sheltered life, and you can never measure up to your rich and famous parents. They are pretty kids, and probably have had people-guys, being nice to them as far back as they can remember. They probably think it's normal to have assistants do things for you (uh hi, I know it's not really in your job description- but can you......). This Olivia girl didn't look happy, she was at USC because it was what her mother wanted There's lots of kids at school just like her in attitude. She probably didn't want to be there, and knew she was a fraud, and stole that spot from a deserving student. What drives me nuts is that they used spaces dedicated to sports teams. That hurt the teams, the players, and helped the coach, and various administrators. The officials will be made an example of. If her parents had just donated to the school, there wouldn't be a scandal.

  35. Wait until she learns that her parents money supply is going to be seriously depleted. Then we'll hear crying.

  36. I don't get why people are talking shit about her. Her mother did this, and she didn't know. There are a lot of 18/19 year olds who care more about other things than school. She's a kid. She's allowed to say the occasional stupid thing and make the occasional mistake. Her mom is a middle aged woman who fucked up royally and probably took the spot of a kid who truly deserved it. Not impressed by blinds like this about teenagers. Not gossip worthy.

    1. How do we know she didn't know?
      She really doesn't appear very bright. Maybe she's too thick to realize she didn't have a chance at a school like this without bribes.
      But I think she knew

  37. It must already be difficult to be a "thought leader" when you don't have any thoughts. Now imagine it when you don't have any $.
    Do you want fries with that?

  38. Not all kids are meant to go to college or ready to go right after high school. If they are resistant, don't force them to go or it will backfire in one way or another. Either let them have a year off between high school and college or have them do a stint in the Air Force to get their head straight first.

  39. Does the world need these entitled brats to go to university?

    Okay, it will keep them off the streets and away from normal people for a year or two while they learn to lick their own genitals or what ever it is they teach there - hey, it's more useful than 'gender studies' though, ammirite?

    Surely the more humane thing to do, instead of releasing them in an annual gush of whiny resentment and daddy issues, would be to drip drip drip feed them into the wider public so we can have the exquisite pleasure of destroying their ideals, dreams and idiocy as they get used to cold calling old people to sell air conditioning, misspelling names on cardboard coffee cups, sweat beside BO ridden junkies at plastic injection molding machines, beside the rest of us worthless peons.

    Or we could just shoot them. I'm easy.

  40. Raised by a cell phone.

  41. @Brayson87 +1. I would love to see transparency in tax-payer funded (even in part) schools, from pre-k through post-secondary. Maybe I'm a cynic, but there seems to be a lot of state and fed. funding going to many of these schools and yet they are broke . Although maybe my cynicism is warranted... back in the day when I was in college they kept jacking the tuition up, shortly after I graduated it was discovered that there was a hidden slush fund containing millions of dollars that the university president only 1 other person (can't remember who) had exclusive access to..

  42. For those willing to cut the delicate flower some slack because she didn't know - she knew. She posted on rowing equipment to falsify her application and was coached on what to say. No sympathy for the condemnation being heaped on this spoiled, vapid, entitled brat who made a mint off Amazon, Sephora, et al pimping her "college" experience.

  43. Do Tell, I totally disagree with you. This piece of work 'Isabelle Henriquez' - the daughter of the hedge fund manager - bragged about cheating on the SAT and faking that she was a tennis player to get into Georgetown. Look up her Insta page -- 'issa_lindh' -- I've verified it's hers. There is a 20-year-old Isabelle Lindholm Henriquez with an address in Menlo park related to those parents. In her Insta profile, she's flipping off the camera. That girl needs to be charged also. Sounds like Huffman's daughter may not have known someone changed her SAT scores, but I read through the actual complaint and many of the kids were in on it, supplying handwriting samples and fake sports photos. Training to be sociopaths...

  44. Also, the reason this is so serious is because it's considered (interstate) mail fraud, mailing doctored tests back and forth. The IRS stuff is bad but that could probably be worked out with big fines. The criminal stuff is the mail fraud. Here is a link to the Department of Justice page with all of the documents, charges and names.

  45. Can so done remind me again of the name of that long running TV show that William H Macy stars in?

  46. What gets me is the FBI can solve this matter and arrest all involved, but these HW actors/producers/directors, etc. can rape and molest young children and they are still walking around free......

  47. Someone, not....etc.

  48. @Kfitz, Enty doesn't always get it right, but he's right about this one. Oliva Jade was documented in the extensive court filings as saying she didn't want to go to college, but her parents made her because they regreted not going themselves... something that happens to plenty of kids who aren't wealthy. College isn't for everyone.

  49. @Flashy V -- Shameless! I do love that show. Also, loved him in Fargo.

  50. Christine, I am pretty sure the obnoxious daughter is not the one who actually paid for and arranged the SAT cheater. Her parents facilitated it for her. As much of an asshole as the daughter is, she is probably not the one that committed the crime.

  51. Keep in mind that these are 19 year old girls and younger. Whatever you may think of their atrocious behavior, it can be a pretty fragile age and they don't deserve to be cyber-hammered until they are suicidal. Focus on the parents and the school execs who facilitated this.

  52. But she actively took answers from the cheater during the test and actively lied about being a tennis player when she wasn't, so she was complicit? Technically complicit. But you may be right in that she didn't actually *wire* the payment -- that was her parents. Okay, you've talked me into it. I think the reason Macy wasn't charged is because he didn't arrange the logistics or send the money -- Huffman did that. I bet deep down he's thinking, boy did I dodge a bullet!

  53. Anonymous11:22 AM

    This is one hundred percent on USC and Lori Laughlin.
    Paid thousands for a "test proctor" to fly in, and "coach" the kid thru her SAT(translate: CHEAT).
    They stole that freshman seat, from a qualified candidate.
    Dysfunctional family full of narcissists.

  54. Yeah, 19 is old enough to face adult responsibilities unless you're pretty.

  55. Anonymous12:03 PM

    We have the first casualty. The hedge fund manager father (Manuel Henriquez CEO and chairman of Hercules Capital) has resigned when his company's stock value plummeted after his arrest.

  56. Unknown and others-- thanks for clearly explaining how the RICO and mail fraud factors make this much different from the typical "generous donation" applicants.

    I do feel bad for the students who had no clue or were overridden by the parents, but I think they're the minority. As others have mentioned earlier, this Olivia girl comes off as the perfect poster girl for the entitled, smug, indulged and ungrateful pieces of work that, unfortunately, are the types that tend to reap the benefits of these maneuverings. How many of the students that gained entry via these methods are making the most of the opportunity, academically, athletically, or even in some sort of socially constructive way (Olivia's personal profits from telling other students where to shop excluded)? My guess is not the majority, yet, most will always land on their feet on the nice, comfy pillow of privilege.

  57. And, just to be clear...I'm not wishing these kids ill; I certainly think harassing them on SM holds no value, and I don't even know if the parents deserve more than the humiliation of the arrest and publicity and very steep fines (unless there's the tax fraud issue). For them, this was an irrational outcropping of their parenting and dysfunctionally controlling and competitive personalities. It's the administrators, coaches, tutors, etc. Who orchestrated created these opportunities and altered the selection pools who are most to blame, imho. Removing them from positions and whatever other consequences that happen are the best ways to send the message this ends now.

  58. Enty didn’t make up the nickname. Anyone who lives in SoCal or went to college there calls USC “University of Spoiled Children.”

    @lightgirl, you’re missing the point. The unemployment rate for individuals with degrees from accredited universities is less than 1%. Around here it’s non-existent. Even people with useless degrees like communications can get jobs. However, you have to go to a real university, not U of Phoenix or this ITT Tech crap. Our HR department automatically passes on those.

  59. I don't think anyone was shocked that this goes on all the time, but I was certainly shocked that a federal sting operation took place that resulted in arrests. I was assuming these folks would probably get little more than a slap on the wrist, but the element of mail fraud & tax evasion adds an interesting dimension that I was unaware of. I'm curious to know why Huffman was charged, and Macy wasn't since it appears he knew all about it. I'm a cynic, so I still think it's unlikely that anyone will do serious time. They have money for fancy lawyers, and will no doubt try to claim they had NO idea of the lengths Singer would go to get their little darlings into their chosen schools.

    Loughlin's daughter is a vapid vacant twit. The blame lies squarely on the parents, but both of their kids definitely knew there was fakery involved in their applications - they posed for phony athletic photos for rowing, when neither of them have so much as picked up an oar. She's probably delighted that a) she doesn't have to to school, and b) she'll be able to 'monetize' her exposure and shill more crap online to an even bigger audience who never knew she existed before.

    Personally I think part of the punishment for all of the parents involved would be to pay for a 4-year full-ride to a deserving applicant who worked hard to obtain a grade point average and got turned away so that one of their precious muppets could get accepted instead. Jesus, the lengths people will go to in order to burnish their image with "prestige".

  60. Lori Laughlin had to pay $500,000 for two kids, and Felicity Huffman got a deal at $15,000 for one kid. Do you all think Lori Laughlin and her husband are steaming about getting ripped off?

  61. @rabbit, lol, I was wondering about that too when I read the wildly varying amounts people paid for their offspring! Are those who ponied up half a million per kid super-pissed right now? Ah, delicious schadenfreude!

  62. These are the type of coeds looking for Haven Monahan. Too bad Tom Wolfe is dead. This is perfect sequel to I Am Charlotte Simmons.

  63. I don't get why people are talking shit about her. Her mother did this, and she didn't know.

    @ hayden warmington - The Loughlin girls were accepted to USC as athletic recruits. They had to have known, and been told what to say [i.e. LIES] when asked about being on the rowing team.

    I'm shocked that Loughlin and her husband wanted the girls to attend uni. They way she had them posing in front of cameras at every opportunity I assumed they were being groomed to be social media influencers.

  64. This is a good read, it details the evidence they have against each defendant. You can see that there were a few parents who really wanted to keep their kids in the dark, including one boy who was an athletic recruit.

  65. @Bayarea, it's not the same here in Canada. Here once you graduate, there are few jobs except minimum wage part-time, in general.
    We are not enjoying the renaissance you in the U.S. are enjoying re employment.
    Our country has been trashed since the early 90's, we've been sold out to foreign interests.

  66. @kfitz do you understand the difference between a school receiving huge donations and a ratfuck cheating enabler being paid 6 figures to lie their way into a school?
