Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Blind Item #2

This A list YouTube celebrity recently announced his engagement. He did so to cover for the awful story he recently shared about what he did to an animal years ago.


  1. Anonymous6:56 AM


  2. Anonymous6:57 AM

    and this is the most made up bullshit enty has ever posted. the comments were not recently shared. way to pull a blind from a buzzfeed article. he proposed on their 3 year first date anniversary.

  3. Are YouTubers Enty's new reality "stars", who were his new "rappers"?

    If we're gonna get flooded with worthless shit about these cretins now, colour me more than a bit pissed off. Just another category of scum that I have and want no knowledge of and could not give a steaming brown arse trout about. Like the other ones I mentioned.

  4. I see Shane Dawson on my twitter feed. I don’t know who he is but he looks like a douche

  5. Replies
    1. Can we add this to your list of "THA COLERDS" and "THEM GAYYYS" ?

      *spit tabacca*

    2. Awww here’s Rosie! Stay triggered, rapist bitch. You are the epitome of pathetic. So upset at words on a screen that you’re going to follow me around and make these weak and sad attempts at insults? Bless your heart. All of this effort and absolutely nothing will change. Still here, still will be. You don’t control a damn thing😆

    3. I've trolled far better people than you girl, pfft. It's fun. Especially when you point out how RIGHTEOUS!you are, yet mock assault and rape survivors.
      Real women call the authorities-

      So take Yo uncle-daddy dick out your mouth, put down the marlboro reds/Coors light and find the nearest center in Wyoming there and call them up...
      You remember where I'm located, right?

    4. Gets offended over alleged racism and stereotypes.

      Proceeds to spew out a bunch of racist stereotypes.

      Lectures others on how they “should” comment.

      Lol 🙄

      You aren’t “trolling” anyone. And glad you’re enjoying yourself. Hopefully it’s keeping you from getting girls drunk and assaulting them.

      Where are you located? Probably at a Spring Break hot spot, creeping around with a bottle saying “Hello fellow kids, want to party?”

      Bless your heart. Seek help, you seem to be suffering from ADS, “Astra Derangement Syndrome”. Hopefully it’s terminal 😆

  6. this is bs, it wasn’t a ”recent” comment he made, it was an old joke someone pulled up from a sketch he did years ago. so mayve do your background research before posting ~ info

  7. Anonymous7:59 AM

    +10000000 sannmatinee

  8. I prefer Youtube stars to reality stars or rappers, tbh. I actually know who is being talked about

    There is so much weird video of shane and animals though, like french kissing a dog and being into the furry community.

    On one hand, I like edgy humor and I do think he was joking around on a shock podcast, but on the other hand, the other stuff is kind of crossing boundaries.

  9. A list and YouTube celebrity should never go together.

  10. @Sannmatinee Background research? Nah... too much work. there have been a bunch of blinds recently that were easily refutable after some googling.

  11. Anonymous10:10 AM

    Yeah obviously, Enty. Anyone with a working cognitive system could understand that.

  12. Grade schools need to start teaching the fine art of having a thought and not sharing it.

  13. I'd rather see blinds about Youtube stars than reality stars or rappers. Like how many f*cking Housewives do we have to hear about? How many one hit wonder rappers who will fade away, get arrested or murdered in a year's time?
    At least with Youtube blinds you can wow younger folks with dirt about their heroes.

  14. Logan Paul as I believe he had mistreated an animal.

  15. Worse was his excusing pedos, the host kept trying to shut him up. You all may not know him,but the cat story was the number one trend on Twitter. He may lose his popular YouTube station. As usual,it it's someone you like,it was only a joke,if someone you hate,it was real.

  16. Revolting. You CDAN cliquers chase lots of decent commenters away with your nasty.
    Boring and unintelligent.

  17. I read the headline about this guy on DM. Didn't want to read further. Shouldn't he have been investigated at the initial claim of abuse. What a POS.

  18. I'm with you, @Vic.

  19. @lightgirl
    Decent commenters are also supposed to be decent readers. No need to read the comments. They just need to get a look at the blind items to understand it's time to leave...

  20. It's not really a blind cause pewdiepie was under the fire for assaulting his cat and wikiledia says he's engaged (when it happened i've no clue).

  21. Sorry lightgirl. When a PC crybaby power tripping perpetual victim (on a gossip site ffs 🙄) meets a non PC outspoken bitch that doesn’t give a damn about the fee fees of crybabies and doesn’t kiss their ass, it gets pretty ugly pretty quick. I shouldn’t engage but her mean girl BS while crying victim, is just too much, especially when she follows me around looking to start shit. Don’t let it run you off, it’s not that serious. It’s always been like that around here. She’s the female Derek and goes after a lot of people here (Count, J, etc). Ridiculous but 🤷🏼‍♀️ Just try to ignore it I guess.

    1. This sort of deluded insanity is what has run the veterans of this site away.

      The veterans are the ones - along with Enty - that put this site on the map.

      Rosie is one of those vets & has been holding it down & trying to undo some of the damage that has been done by the PR trolls & shills looking to take the heat off their clients.

      These PR a-holes hire these racist & polarizing trolls whose jobs it is to race bait, appall & disgust in order to derail the thread & divide posters. Taking us completely off narrative.

      Bread & Circus.

      Now the site is officially debunked, commenters labelled crazies & nothing is to be believed.

      All because most on here now have allowed Kelly Ann Conway to continue to spread her brand of hate without censure.

      In fact, an alarming amount agree with her & cosign her verbal fuckery.

      Reminds me of the ending scene in American History X. Those reformed skinheads did not throw away their racist paraphernalia, they just put it in the closet.

      When "Schneider is Next" left (one of the nicest & most informative proactive commenters that use to post), & Himmmm took a keto shit on everyone, something had gone very very wrong.

      The vets barely, if ever mentioned race & stayed on narrative. A lot of reveals & truths use to come out consistently.

      It was also quite fun &, the Draco Reptilians are the majority & they have no problem speaking freely of their hatred for black & brown people. No class, sophistication or restraint. Just straight up lunch counter firehose behavior.

      WTF for??? We are all here to have fun & rib about celebs & learn some hard truths about this industry.

      Now, we turn on each other instead of keeping the focus on the criminals & predators that are fucking up Hollywood.

      What a waste of the female energy (it is obvious it hates itself & projects that on to other races). It has single-handedly ruined what was once a fun site.

      Anyone who gets off on consistently spreading hate against any culture / nation is just the worst of the worst & should be permanently shunned.

      Keep up the fight Rosie. You are very brave & respected.

    2. There's my girl.
      Much love, my dear Rosebud xo

  22. He’s referring to Shane Dawson, but it’s bullshit. It was a poor taste bit from ages ago.

  23. These comments are so fucking stupid lol
    I remember why I've stopped reading here daily now

  24. @unknown, PewDiePie does NOT own a cat. He has two Pugs. Don't know if it was you, but I saw someone else mention the same thing in another thread and that answer has no base in fact. No cat, not PewDiePie.



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