Sunday, March 17, 2019

Blind Item #2

I guess the celebrity offspring/host found out about her A/A- list husband's plan to be featured on his ex's new music project.


  1. Bieber and Hailey??

  2. Anonymous8:18 AM

    Hailey Baldwin/Justin Bieber/Selena Gomez

  3. Isn't Bieber usually A, A+ with Enty? Or former A+?

  4. I don’t know what he did this past weekend to get the former removed that’s why I put the question marks.

  5. Sure does seem to sound like bieber, hailey and selena. Guilt or unrequited love on the QT is one thing, but to work with her on her first project since his marriage would just be flatout disrespectful of Hailey at this point. If he made a mistake marrying her, humiliating her with the obvious rumors and speculation to come is not the way to go.

  6. I agree, it does sound like them, don't know much about the reality show aspect.
    Ha MD, does Enty switch it around when he doesn't like something Bieber has done?
    Like what for example?

  7. Can't deny it would get TREMENDOUS press, kindof a shitty move though but he's never treated Hailey with respect so why start now, poor girl.

    Justin seems like he should go live at a nature camp in Tennessee though, kid needs to take a break.

  8. Justin needs to free himself of all the people telling him how to live, and figure it out for himself.
    I feel for both of them, but they need some healthy boundaries!

  9. They do not have to be n the same studio he could record elsewhere. What did HB expect?

  10. His rating as a husband doesn't equal his rating as a star talent.

  11. They had a public airing of something yesterday. Staged or not I wonder (every to e

  12. Highly doubt this one………but bring it on, I love drama lol

  13. Doesn’t sound believable if the blind is true that TayTay is paying for Selena’s security to keep JB away from her.



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